Chapter 4

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It has been almost a year since I have even looked at Mason. We were both doing fine on our own. I have a new boyfriend, Micheal, and I was the love of his life. But I definitely didn't feel the same way about him as I did with Mason. I haven't been able to connect with anyone emotionally like I connected with Mason.

Mason also had a new girl, Maria or Marie or something like that. He was making out with a new girl in the courtyard so often that it was hard to keep track. That is how mason deals with pain, he becomes a slut.

I know it sounds harsh to throw around a word like that but it's true, he's had 3 pregnancy scares in the past 5 months. There's only one person who can truly relate to what he's going through and only one person who can talk some sense into him. But that person is dead to him. He won't answer any of her calls, texts or emails.

I do have one idea to reach him; it's so crazy that it just might work.

I told mason that for his 18 birthday I was going to write him 18 letters and send them to him one by one over the course of so many years. Whenever he was missing me, when we were going to university on the opposite ends of the country it would be good if he could receive something from me. I had completely forgot about it until now but I think it's time I send the first one, so instead of sitting around sulking over lost love I could try fix what I broke.

"Dear mason,

I know we haven't talked in a while, and I know you hate me. Which is completely understandable, I hate me too. How could I be so heartless as to break up with you out of nowhere, but anyways I'm getting off topic. I promised you a leter on your 18th birthday so here it is. I am so sorry for all I have done and I hope you can at least find it in your heart to call me after you get this.

I hope we can be friends again,


"Wow, you're actually going send that?" Said Aly after I finished reading it to her, She was so focused on applying her nail polish perfectly that she didn't even look up at me. She was sitting on the floor and I was rocking back and forth in my desk chair.

"Why what's wrong with it?" I say panicked and begin reading it over a second and a third time, "I think its fine"

"I'm just saying it takes guts to send something like that to your ex, I mean, how are you going to make sure he even reads it?" Ally says blowing on her toes to dry them. She was the definition of a girly-girl.

"Trust me Aly, if he cares about me, he'll read it. And then maybe he will call" I say hopeful.

"What's Mike going to think?" She asks. I can tell she's still really skeptical about the whole thing.

"Oh... I uh... kind of dumped him today" I say half mumbling my every word.

"What?" Aly says and jumps to her feet knocking over the bottle of nail polish and spilling it all over the floor. Now I got her attention. She grabs the nail polish remover and starts desperately trying to clean it off my hardwood floor.

"You had better get that clean or my dad will flip" I say trying to avoid the conversation that I knew was coming.

"And how are you okay? After you broke up with Mason you were a wreck for months!" Aly says. Her attention still focused on the bright pink nail polish on the floor.

"He just wasn't the one. He was in love and I wasn't." I say simple as that.

There's a long moment of silence and then I say, "I'm going to take this letter to the post office to be mailed. Hopefully Mason will read it and forgive me. Do you want to come?"

"What? Are you kidding me? Anna my nails are wet. It's called priorities." She says a little annoyed by the question.

I roll my eyes at her,

"You're a crappy friend, and you had better clean that off my floor"

"Love you too." She says making a kissing sound with her mouth.

I step out the front door and into my car alone. I was freezing from the harsh autumn that comes with living in the prairies of Canada. I start driving towards the post office but then I make a sudden turn. I soon realise that I'm going towards Mason's house. I park in the driveway, run up the sidewalk, put my letter in the mailbox and go. This way I'll be certain that he gets it.

Later that night I got a text and I could not believe what I read.

I got your letter. I'm happy to know you're still thinking of me. We should talk.

It wasn't the phone call I wanted but it seems greedy to be picky. Sometimes all it takes is one small sentence to change your whole life.

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