Chapter 6

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I woke early in the morning and turned my head to see if Mason was still with me. When he wasn't there I tried to remember if last night actually happened or if it was just one big dream. I hope it happened, I think.

                I'm not sure what to feel because I'm still so confused. When I said I wanted things to go back to the way they were before I meant before we started dating, when we were friends. But I liked what happened last night, a lot, maybe were not supposed to be just friends. That's not the purpose that the mixed up clothing order had on us, this was fate. We were supposed to find each other and spend the rest of our lives together as a couple.

                The funny thing is, Mason and I used to call each other our 'backup plan'. That meaning if we were both still single by the time we were 30 we would marry each other, get rich, and have 2 children who we would spoil rotten.

                I got out of bed and only wearing my underwear I started to search for the clothes I was wearing last night. I didn't want my mom to come home and see that there was a pile of clothes leading upstairs to my room. But Mason had already had them folded up in a nice little pile on my desk chair with a note that read: Wouldn't want to get you in trouble now. Ill text you later, Mason. There was a heart by his name. How cute.

                Okay so now I know that last night actually happened and it wasn't just my imagination. I put on the shirt that I was wearing last night and found a pair of pants to wear to the bathroom. I have to take a shower; I do my best thinking in the shower. I get into the bathroom still half asleep and start undressing in front of the mirror.

                "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me" I say out loud standing naked in front of the mirror. What else would there be but a hickey on my neck. Great, how the hell am I going to explain this one? I'm going to be so dead if mom or dad find out I had a boy over when they weren't home. Especially because I faked sick getting out of spending the night with my younger siblings and my dad. I can hear the conversation in my head now:

                How was your night sweetie? Feeling better?

                Oh I feel great because while you weren't home I had a boy spend the night and we had sex.

                Not the best conversation in the world.

                I start the shower and stand in the warm water still thinking about last night and how I need to call Alison. After my shower I go back to my room and I notice that I have 5 new texts and it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet.

                The first 4 were from Aly pretty much all saying the same thing. Asking about how my night was. Why I wasn't answering her, if I was still mad at her about the nail polish. Of course the fifth one was from Mason. We spent the whole night together and I already miss him. That's how you know you're in love. Its little things like that.

                I get dressed and put a scarf around my neck so my parents don't see the souvenir I have from last night and call Aly.

                She answers after the first ring and asks "So, how did it go? Are you guys back together?"

                I had no idea how to answer? We had sex but that doesn't mean were actually a couple "Aly I have absolutely no idea what to tell you. I'm still trying to process what happened last night."

                "Well what did he say? Anything?" She asks eagerly.

                "Well we didn't do much talking and we spent a lot of time in my bedroom. He actually spent the night, I think." I say

                "What do you mean you think he spent the night?" The tone in her voice told me that she was excited.

                "Well I'm really not sure what time he left because we both ended up falling asleep." I say.

                "Oh my god, you slept with him! Anna, you little slut. That is awesome!"  She screamed into the phone. "I knew you and Mason were meant to be together"

                "Aly that's not the point. I have no idea what it means. I don't know what to do." I say.

                "Don't panic, did you use protection?" She asks.

                "What? Yeah but I don't see..." I say confused.

                "Then there isn't a problem. Oh I got to go, I have a massage in 15."

                We hung up the phone and I lay on my bed deep in thought for a long time. It's been months since me and Mason had even talked and one night things got a hundred times more complicated.

                My phone rang and I looked at the time. It was already late afternoon and I haven't accomplished anything today.

                "Hello?" I answer almost in a daze.

                "Hey Anna, its Mason," I can hear he's still kind of unsure how to talk to me.

                "I guess we need to have the talk don't we?" I say

                "Yeah, I guess so," He responds. There's a long pause before he speaks again,

                "So now what?"

                I smile like an idiot. Mason just has that effect on me; every time we talk I can't help but put a huge smile on my face,

                 "now what? I don't know." I answer in response.

                Another long pause goes by and I decide to start things off again, Mason isn't really one to start conversation.

                 "It's obvious that we aren't meant to be just friends"

                "The truth is Anna I didn't want to be just friends anyways. From the first day I met you I knew that you were the one. It just took a while for me to understand it. Now I do and I don't know what happened last time for you to want to break up. Knowing my personality it was probably something that I did but I don't want that to happen again. I can't go through another break up like that again. My heart can't take it."

                I have no idea what to say. I respond simply with

                 "Mason Shick, are you asking me out?" I didn't know what else to say. I had to lighten the mood.

                "Yes Anna, I'm asking you out. No matter how awkward it may be." He says to me. I can tell he's smilling and then he starts to laugh.

                "Well, I suppose I could try and clear my schedule" I say and hang up the phone with a quick good bye.

                I replay the conversation over and over in my head and decided to do some writing.

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