Chapter 10

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    It was late evening in the month of May. Even though it was almost summer, the air was still cold against my bear arms. I forgot how cold it could get at night in the prairies. My parents met me at the airport. Even though it was very late, it was tradition. Every time someone in my family took a plane anywhere, my parents would always make it to the airport on time to greet with big smiles and open arms. Andrew met Aly and I gave her a big hug goodbye, and we left our separate ways. Andrew and Aly had just bought a house in one of the bigger cities in Saskatchewan so I won't get to see them as much as I used to. It's going to be weird not waking up to Aly cooking pancakes on Saturdays and jamming out in her underwear to some new boy band that she swears she's obsessed with every weekend. My parents greeted me with a big hug and kiss just like always. My dad went to collect my luggage, while my mom and I went to the car.

"Are you going to go see Mason?" my mom asks staring straight ahead. She knows that Mason was a touchy subject for me.

"I'm not sure." I say simply. She hasn't seen me for months and that's seriously the first thing she asks me?

I can hear my mom still talking to me but I'm not listening. I know she loves Mason and she wants us to be together but if she thinks that going to happen she's quite naive and possibly insane.

My dad returned to the car and threw my suitcase in the back. Then we drove all the way home in the middle of the night making painful small talk about stuff that doesn't even matter.

When we finally get home its 5 am and seems very pointless to go to bed. So I took the car and drove to our small coffee shop on the corner of main street grabbed a large coffee. I'm not sure what unreal force was apron me. Maybe it was sleep deprivation, but something prompted me to go see Masons.

               I heard that he got a new apartment close by his architect firm as a graduation present. What a lucky kid. I drove to the tall building, got in the elevator, and went up to the 6th floor where all the nicer complexes were. I found the number that read 612 and was about to knock on the door, when I women opened it. Her face looked frantic, she must be late for work. She was putting on her heels as she stepped out the door and barely noticed me standing six inches away.

"Oh hello there, can I help you?" She asks with a smile. She was very beautiful, the woman was about four inches taller than me with her shoes off, with long black hair, and bright blue eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry I must have the wrong apartment. I'm looking for Mason Schick. I'm Anna Waters." I say.

Then she speaks. I am not prepared for what she tells me next. I feel weak at the knees, and I think I'm about to throw up.

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?" I manage to squeak out.

"Chantel Schick, Mason's wife"

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