Chapter 2

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What can be classified as love to a 16 year old girl who has never had the chance to experience it fully? What does love feel like? Or can you even feel it at all. Or maybe it's just an emotion. Or maybe it's in a completely different category because it can make you see, feel, think and act differently. What kind of category would that fall into? Illness?

"What are you writing about Miss Anna?"

I frantically wave my arms in desperation to close my laptop fast enough before my best friend Alison can read any words that I have on my page. I thought coming to the library and sitting in the way back corner I would have some sort of privacy. Who was I kidding? Privacy in high school? Please.

"Oh just some...some, homework stuff" I respond as casually as I possibly can.

"Way back in the darkest corner of the library?" She asks sipping her latte.

"Umm yes! So there... are... no distractions!" I answer

"Well speaking of distractions Mason has been looking for you." She answers nodding her head towards the doors of the library.

Mason was my boyfriend- I mean ex-boyfriend. I'm not even too sure what happened to make him my ex. It was really sudden that I just decided to break up with him so I could focus on my life first instead of our life. The truth is things between us were just getting too serious too fast. You're not supposed to be in love with someone as strongly as I was in love with Mason when you're only 16 years old.

Now I'm no expert on relationships, but if you want your ex to hate you, tell them that you just want to focus on yourself for a while. It's guaranteed that they will hate your guts for a very long time. If you think you haven't made them angry enough, then ask for your stuff back. That'll send them over the edge.

I walk over to Mason and see him holding a large box.

"Hello Mason," I say coldly "Nice to see you"

"Yeah whatever here's your shit," He says without so much as looking at me.

He shoves the box into my arms.

"Mason can we talk?" I start before being cut off,

"I honestly don't know why you want to talk Anna I have nothing to say," He says raising his voice slightly. The librarian came over and told us to take our argument outside.

I follow Mason into the hallway and grab his arm to turn him around.

"You don't have to do the talking you just have to listen" I say desperately. Mason was one of my best friends. We used to talk and text all day long. I was the one who wanted to start dating, Even though he said it would ruin our friendship. I told him that I would never let our relationship jeopardize our friendship. I even promised it, but I guess I was wrong. I'm no good at keeping promises.

"What more is there to discuss? You've done way too much talking already. Every time you open your mouth someone gets hurt and its usually me" He said. He stared at me for a moment as if he was waiting for me to answer but I couldn't. My body felt numb. Mason has never talked to me like this before and I didn't know how to react.

"Have a nice life" He said. He turned around and walked away.

And this time, for the first time since the break up, I didn't try and stop him.

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