Chapter 3

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"I want things to go back to the way they used to be. You know? Before the breakup" I say into my cell phone talking to Alison like I did every night before I went to bed. The topics usually included homework assignment, those horrendous pants that Mr. Smith, our math teacher, always wears, and of course, Mason.

"Anna it's been 2 months. You need to move on. It's a sign from the universe that you and Mason just aren't meant to be together. I know that's hard for you to understand but it's the truth. Now, don't even open the box of stuff he gave you today. Just take it out back and burn it." Alison said into the phone with extra emphasis on the word burn.

"Okay fine I'm just going to skim through it and take out that hoody that he always wore of mine..." I start saying. Thinking about the first time he gave me that hoody.

It was actually the first time we met, 10th grade. There was a mix up in the school order forms and instead of him getting a large hoody he got a small. It was probably the most ridiculous he has ever looked. It was so tight, not that tight clothes on him are necessarily a bad thing. It just so happens that I also got the wrong size and had a large. To him, it just seemed logical to trade hoodies. After arguing for more than 20 minutes, I let him take mine, and I took his. What we both didn't realise at the time is that both our hoodies had our last names on them. Ever since then, we wore each other's hoodies and we have been best friends. Our parents called us inseparable and even before we started dating both our parents just assumed we would get married. I secretly think that still might happen. At least I hope it happens.

"No Anna, don't do it! That sweater smells like him and it will make you sad!"

But it was too late. I already had the sweater in my arms and she was right, it did smell like him and it was making me miss him even more. The way things ended on such a bad note, I just can't handle him hating me.

"Aly, it's too late" I say almost bursting into tears on the phone, "I should call him"

"Anna, no! Be strong Hun, stay on the line with me and I'll be right over." Alison says. I can tell she's running down her creaky stairs searching for her keys and I can hear the front door slam shut.

"Aly, I have to call him" I say and hang up the phone without a good bye.

I dialed Mason's number, and then I cleared it. I did that and over again but then decided I couldn't do it. I disappear into a puddle of tears on my bedroom floor and wait for Aly to come in and comfort me. I hear her running up the stairs, burst through my bedroom door. She sits down on the floor and holds me while I cry. I have no idea how long we sat there but the next morning I woke up on the floor, covered by a blanket. Aly was nowhere to be seen and the box of stuff, including my sweater, was gone.

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