Tweets (Part 1)

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TRIGGER WARNING: talks of suicide, body image problems, fat shaming, self worth issues

Growing up, Y/n was always insecure when it came to how she looked. As the years progressed though, the insecurity dwindled till it became none existent, on most days. Of course, like everyone, she would have a day where she didn't feel she looked her best. But, on those days, Kit was always there to swoop in and bring her back to reality. Reality being that she was "quite gorgeous" as he liked to put it. It meant a lot when he said that to her, not because he was a guy or she was looking for another person's validation, but because she loved him. Fully and truly. They had been best friends for years and it was no secret that they loved each other, well, only to them. The rest of the world knew how they felt based solely off how they looked at each other. Although, his feelings for her didn't stop the fact that he dated other people. Kit was fully convinced that she would never reciprocate the love he had for her, so he went on to have random flings and relationships with all kinds of men and women. And, to put it lightly, it was not easy for Y/n. The girl would show up to Joe's house once a week with a bottle of wine and a pint of ice cream because she was head over heels in love with a man who "would never even think to look at her that way and goes through people like the internet went through white boys of the month", to quote her specifically. Kit's latest partner was a girl named Charlotte. Now, when he introduced all his significant others to Y/n, they were always suspicious but she never gave them a reason to be. They were more suspicious of what the friendship truly was due to all the tabloids and newspaper articles that would continually debate whether Kit and Y/n were just friends. It was never suspicion or negative feelings towards Y/n specifically. But, with Charlotte, she made it clear to Y/n, from day one, that those negative feelings began and ended with the girl Kit was so excited to introduce to his girlfriend.

As their relationship progressed, so did Charlotte's lethal attitude towards the girl. Whether it was excluding her during a conversation at an event or blatantly telling her to shut up, everyone knew how "well" the actor's girlfriend and best friend got on. It wasn't like Y/n was being rude back either. In fact, she had been so incredibly accommodating and friendly to Charlotte that when Charlotte began to talk crap on Y/n to others it became incredibly confusing for the cast. Countless nights spent trying to console Y/n after Charlotte had thrown an insult at her that brought her right back to that moment in her room when she would see herself in the mirror and decide to hide because of the pure disgust she felt once catching her reflection. Y/n remained tight-lipped about the comments, but the cast, they never shut up about how horribly Kit's girlfriend was acting to Kit, himself. He always said he would talk to Charlotte about it and he did, but she denied it and, because he had never seen a negative interaction between the two, he always thought it was a misunderstanding. When Kit was in the room, Charlotte was an angel, complimenting Y/n on her dress or her makeup, but when he wasn't, the words 'disgusting' and 'pig' were thrown about frequently. So when tweets from one of Charlotte's private accounts, one she only shared with her closest friends, that dragged Y/n heavily, it was neither shocking nor surprising to the cast. However, to Kit, it was.


The tears began to fall harder as she scrolled through screenshots of her best friend's girlfriend's account. So many words and phrases swirled through Y/n's head as texts flooded in from family and friends. It was the first thing she woke up to, her phone blowing up as an alarm. There she sat in her bed watching as the voices in her head became real. She wasn't answering texts or calls and she had gone completely radio silent, worrying the lives of many loved ones. She was prepared to stay in her room and ignore it all but the pounding on her door proved otherwise.

Her voice was gone, sobs ruining any chance at yelling for the person to go away, so she stayed quiet, pleading that they would think no one was there and go away. With her hand over her mouth to silence her quick breaths, Kit's voice ran through the tiny apartment.

"Y/n? I know you're in there. I need to know you're alright." His voice was soft, contrasting his aggressive raps against her door a moment earlier. She looked down, analyzing the horrifying posts one more time before getting up and answering the door.

He was in the midst of taking a shallow breath when the door opened a little. He breathed a sigh of relief as he took in her appearance, alive yet definitely not ok, but alive nonetheless. When he woke up this morning to a sleeping Charlotte by his side and screenshots that proved what the cast had been trying to tell him for months, he was devastated. He was so overcome with anger that he immediately woke her up and without a 'hello' or 'good morning', he broke up with her. When she blinked at him, clearly confused and asking why, he told her "Look at your phone. Seems like you weren't careful enough with that private twitter account of yours". He was halfway out the door when she came running over to him, spewing out useless apologies. He told her to get out of his apartment before he got back and, if she didn't, he would call the police. He was so infuriated at her but also at himself for not doing something. He knows that he never saw or heard anything but the pile of conversations he had had with his friends should have been the warning within itself. He was desperate to get to Y/n, wanting to make sure she didn't take the posts to heart and he would end up with a dead best friend, that he was still in his pajamas. A pair of plaid and ratty pants with a hoodie that had a hole the size of a golf ball in the back of it would work, right? It would have to. He was not spending another moment not being next to her. To the woman he was so hopelessly in love with.

So there he found himself.

On the doorstep of the girl he had waited too long to ask out.

On the doorstep of the girl he was sure was the one in another life.

"Can I come in?" Is what he first says to her once she finally looks at him.

"Sure" Is all she says back.

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now