The End

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When Kit told me he would have to go to Paris for 3 months to film for Heartstopper season 2, I didn't truly think about what that would mean. He had told me, no promised me, that we would call and text every day and that we would make time for each other. Although, here I am, a month later and I haven't heard from him in 2 weeks. The first day we didn't call or text, I didn't think anything of it. When he left, I knew there would be days when we wouldn't speak because that was just inevitable, he would be extremely busy. However, when the second day rolled around, and then the third, and then the fourth, and then, in the blink of an eye, the only way I would "hear" from him was through Joe's instagram or tiktok. I couldn't just blame it on his schedule now. It was getting out of hand. I would call him everyday and I would text too but as the days went by and he never responded, I just stopped.

But one day, it all changed and we had to talk.

I was lying in bed when my phone started blowing up. Persistent texts and dms from people telling me to go to instagram, twitter, tiktok. I was about to open instagram when Joe called me.

"Y/N! Thank god you answered. Have you been on your socials today?" Joe said frantically

"Umm I was about to. Why?" I curiously asked

"DON'T!" Joe screamed into the phone

"OW! Joeee" I yelped, I thought I was going to go deaf after his high pitched scream

"I'm sorry but y/n, you have to listen to me. DO NOT go on your socials."

"Why not?"

"Please y/n"

"Joe, if you aren't going to tell me, I'm just going to go find out why on my own."


"So? Are you going to tell me why?"

Again, silence.

"Fine, I'm going on my socials."

I stayed on the line with him as I opened my socials and my mouth dropped open.


"Y/n, I'm so sorry! Kit knows it was a drunken mista-"

"No." I said quietly as I scrolled through all the pictures of my boyfriend making out with a random girl in the back of a club


"No!" I exclaimed, "Joe, don't even try to defend him. First, he doesn't speak to me for 2 weeks and now he's cheated on me. You can fucking tell him we're over seeing as he won't talk to me." I stated before hanging up the phone.

As soon as I hung up the phone, more photos and videos of his betrayal popped up on my screen. It was only then, I started to cry.


It was a few hours later when I woke up. I must have fell asleep while crying. I checked my phone to see 87 missed texts from Kit and 23 missed calls. Not to mention, his dms, his fans, the casts, the cast group chat I was in, and the texts from my siblings asking what had happened. To put it simply, I had hundreds, maybe even thousands, of missed calls and texts from people. I opened my sibling group chat first,

Big Sis 🥰🥰-
Y/n! Wtf is going on? Is this shit real?

Big Brotha 🤌-
Yea I thought the same thing! If it is, are you ok? We've got your back ❤️❤️
P.S.- I'm gonna kick this bitch's fucking ass if it's true

My brother's messages made me laugh,

Unfortunately, yea it's true. Thanks for the support you guys ❤️

I, then, went to the cast group chat

Corinna 😍-
Ummm, I'm not sure how to address this since BOTH of you are in this gc but y/n, are you ok?

Yeah, we're here for you 😘

Sebastian 💅🏻-
Kit I love you man, but wtf?

Sebastian, shhh right now. We need to check in with y/n. We'll talk to Kit later.

Yasmin 🥰-
I love you y/n!! ❤️

Will 🕺🏼-
I'm so confused rn

Loml ❤️-
Have any of you heard from her? She's not answering any of my calls or texts

Huh, I wonder why 🤨

I decided I would respond to them, even if Kit was in the chat

Hey guys, thanks for all the love! ❤️❤️

It wasn't long till Kit responded,

Y/N!! Please, for the love of god, answer me. We really need to talk

I already know I'm not responding to him in this group chat. If we talk, it's privately.

So with that, I went to check his messages

Y/n, please call me! It's really not what you think.

Well- it is what you think.

I'm so fucking sorry. I was drunk. It meant nothing. PLEASE call me!

What the fuck happened? Kit I don't understand

The second I sent that message, my phone started ringing. It was him.

"Hi" Kit said in a small voice

"There's a fuck ton of shit you need to explain to me right now." I said angrily. Nothing he could say was going to change the fact that I was going to break up with him. Even though it hurt like hell, I wanted an explanation, I wanted closure.

"I know, I know. But before I say anything, I love you. So fucking much. I don't ever want to lose you." He said. The sad part is that he thinks he still has a chance at salvaging this mess.

"You already have."


"Kit, the minute you stopped caring about me. You lost me. This cheating shit was just the last straw." I said as my brain tried to comprehend the fact that sentence actually just came out of my mouth.

Kit and I had dated for 3 years before this. I was with him before Heartstopper, throughout our years in high school, I grew up with him. We've known each other since we were 6, I always thought I would end up marrying him. Clearly, the world has different plans.

"Woah- y/n. Please you gotta understand I was drunk. I thought it was you! Truly she didn't mean anythin-"

"Kit! Were you fucking drunk when you completely ghosted me? We've known each other for a lifetime. I thought you respected me a little more." I snapped at him as tears streamed down my face

"What? What are you talking about?" He said as his tone became more and more confused

"You haven't talked to me in 2 fucking weeks kit! I've called, I've texted, I've dmed, I've snapchatted you! I've tried everything to keep this relationship afloat yet here you are cheating on me in the back of fucking night clubs." I seethed as I prepared myself to end this relationship,

"Y/n, baby, ple-" he tried to interrupt,

"Do not fucking call me 'baby'. There are no excuses. Absolutley zero. There's nothing you can say to make me stay in this with you. I'm done. This is over. When you get back from Paris, you can expect for your things to be moved out of our apartment."

And just like that, I hung up the phone and we were over.

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now