The Interview

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"Hey, you're on in five" the crew member said to Kit, Joe, and I as we sat in my dressing room backstage of the Jimmy Fallon Show. I glanced at Kit when the crew member left and, as if he could read my mind, he spoke up,

"I'm sure we'll be fine y/n. You've seen the fans on social media, I've seen them, Joe's seen them, hell, everyone in the entire world has probably seen the comments fans post about how much they 'ship us'?"

Joe looked to Kit, dumbfounded, and then to me,

"Kit, Jesus Christ," he said while chuckling, "your girlfriend over here looks like she's seen a ghost and you're still on the other side of the room."

It took Kit a few seconds to catch on to what Joe was hinting at before his eyes lit up and he ran over to sit next to me on the couch,

"Y/n, we've got this. If he asks about our relationship we're gonna be honest, just like we said. Don't worry about what the public will say. We know us, you know us. That's all we need." He stated while looking into my eyes before gently kissing me on the lips. When we pulled away, I went to say something but Joe reminded us that we had to go on stage soon.


"Welcome guys! Thanks so much for being here!" Jimmy said with a big smile on his face,

"Thank you for having us!", "So excited to be here!","Thank you for inviting us!", We all said simultaneously while each looking at Jimmy with matching smiles.

Jimmy talked for a while about Heartstopper and it's success. He commended us on our performances and the awareness we have brought to the queer teen community. He asked me a few questions about my character, Bella, and how I wanted to see her grow next season,

"Well I think the beautiful thing about Bella is her love for Nick. From the first episode, the audience is able to understand that her and Nick's friendship is not just a friendship. We can see that she's deeply in love with him and that he's shared those same feelings for a while. But, then, in comes Charlie. I think what I would love to see for her next season is a moment where she realizes she has to move on from Nick and that she deserves better. Cause, if we're being honest, Nick strings her along a little bit and then kind of abandons her for Charlie. So yea, I think I would like to see her realize her worth." As I finished my answers I turned to look at the audience but, instead, found Kit staring at me with adoration. I returned his gaze and it wasn't until Joe awkwardly coughed that I had realized, I got lost in it. Jimmy eyed us both before turning to the audience,

"And now, we are going to move on from the interview part of this interview," He said with a cheeky grin as the audience laughed, "and play the game, Never Have I Ever!"


The game was going great. The questions were easy and I felt comfortable answering every single one truthfully. Although, that started to change,

"Alright next question," Jimmy exclaimed before starting to read the card in his hand, "I have a feeling you two" he said looking directly at Kit and I, "are going to hate me for this. But Never have I ever been romantically involved with someone from the cast of Heartstopper"

My heart stopped and my face burned. I quickly glanced at Kit to find him already looking at me. His expression held one thing and one thing only, love. I finally understood what he meant in the dressing room before we came on stage. 'We know us, you know us. That's all we need'. It truly was all we needed. Kit and I were so secure in our love for each other that we were strong enough to take on the public. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, I love Kit and I know he loves me. And that is why the next thing Kit and I do is flip our paddles to the side of 'I have'.

The crowd goes silent...

And then erupts into screams.

Through the screams, Jimmy's smirk grows. He looks to us and says,

"You two??!! For real??" He exclaims while laughing as Kit and I nod our heads yes, "OH MY GOD! That's amazing you guys! Congrats! I'm so happy I was right!"

Kit and I look at each other in confusion before Kit asks the same question I had in mind,

"What do you mean, 'I'm so happy I was right'?"

Jimmy looks at us like we're stupid,

"Oh come on, don't think the whole world doesn't see how you look at her, Kit. Trust me, I wore the same expression when I met my wife."

The audience awed as Kit looked down at me and kissed my cheek. The audience erupted into screams once again and we laughed as we looked at each other.

We're happy it's out and happy people support the undying love we share for each other.

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now