Just Let Me Love You

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Y/n and Kit had always had a confusing relationship. They were friends but there was always a little voice shared between them that whispered the truth. The truth being that they were incredibly, unapologetically, beautifully in love with each other. Now, you might think that that could be enough for them to allow their love story to bloom, however, that wasn't the case. Kit had always pushed for it. Trying to make moves and, even, telling her of his feelings but it always back fired. They were extremely flirty and would "get drunk" and somehow end up making out in the back corner of the room but they never labeled their love. When Kit got fed up with how confusing it was, he said something to her. He sat her down in his trailer and simply explained his perspective of the situation. From their stolen glances across the room to his undying love for her. Everything came out in that conversation except the most important thing, Y/n's feelings for him. She was an incredibly scarred person. Not physically, but emotionally. Growing up in a verbally abusive home and straight into a toxic relationship can take its toll on someone. By the age of 12, she was fully convinced she would never experience or feel the love she saw in the movies. It was part of the reason why she became an actress, to escape to a world where love like that was attainable and the good guys always won. Anyways, she had sworn off all men as a way to shield and protect herself from the pain she had experienced before. Although, when she made that promise, she didn't know Kit. It was no secret to the cast or the fanbase that Y/n was in love with Kit and vice versa. That's why it was so mind boggling every time they would wake up and find that their two favorites hadn't announced their love. Although, they never pushed. Kit and Y/n seemed happy. Well, as far as they could see. After the conversation in Kit's trailer, each individual left it feeling suffocatingly heartbroken. Kit said things he didn't mean and she did too. Their argument had resulted in Y/n yelling at Kit and telling him to "NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN". They had gone about one month before they went out to a party, actually got drunk, and found themselves waking up naked in Kit's apartment.

I cursed myself as I woke up to the blinding sun peeking through my blinds. I went to stretch and get up when I realized there was someone sleeping next to me, actually on top of me. This past month I had slept with God knows how many women but never did they sleep over and never was I cuddling with them. Although, as I looked down I understood why those boundaries had been crossed.

It was her.

The girl I was painfully in love with and the girl who had broken my whole being exactly one month ago. I wasn't myself without Y/n. I knew that, Joe knew that, the cast and crew knew that, the fans knew that, everyone knew that. I was angry all the time, angry at the world for introducing me to someone so perfect but not allowing me to love her, angry about being angry, and angry because I could never truly understand why I was so angry. She was it for me. I was never going to meet someone like her and there sure as hell wouldn't be someone better. How could I love again? How could I look at another person and truthfully say how I had never loved anyone more then them? She was the one and if my only chance to get a glimpse at what we could have been, I sure as hell would take it.

I stayed incredibly motionless to make sure she didn't wake up. She was wrapped up in my arms, breathing into my neck. Her hands were in my hair, her arms draped around my chest. Everything about this was perfect. I wanted to be frozen in this moment forever. But because life absolutely loves to kick people in the ass, she wakes up. A bit confused at first but slowly puts the pieces together as she sees our clothes on the floor and my presence next to her. Her face loses its color as our eyes meet and she scrambles to jump out of my arms. I try to reach, I try to hold on, to get her back, but once she's left my arms, she's left. As she throws on her clothes, I throw on my boxers and race to the door. I get there in time and successfully block the door. She looks up at me with her 'don't try me bitch' look that I used to laugh at and call cute except this time I realize that we aren't the same and, for a split second, I'm terrified it will stay that way and it makes me fight for her harder.

"Move Kit." She says with a firmness I never thought I would be on the receiving end of

"No, Y/n. I'm not moving until we talk about us."

"There is no 'us'. 'Us' ended a month ago."

"No Y/n! Don't you get it? There never was an us. We never got to publicly fall in love with each other. I kept my mouth shut about how much I cared for you and I know you did too. You can't deny what we were and what we could be. Just give it a chance. Please, Y/n. I can't lose you." My voice gets quieter during the last few sentences and the bile in my throat gets harder to keep down.

She looks at me with a look that shows only two emotions, anxiety and sadness. It almost looks like she's ready to give in. To agree with me and give us a shot but she only doubles down.

"Kit, I don't understand why you're making this harder then it already is. You know where I stand and I know where you stand. We're never going to agree, move on."

"No. If you truly and wholeheartedly disagreed with me then you would not have slept with me last night and you would not be standing here right now."

"You're standing in front of the doorway! I can't leave!"

"Y/n. You and I both know that if you truly wanted to leave, you would be gone. For fucks sake, you would have started hitting me to get out, you've done it before. Stop lying. Why won't you let me love you?"

She takes a minute, gathering herself, before speaking, "I'm scared, ok? I had a horrible childhood and never chose the right guy. I don't know what love is, Kit and I don't understand why you would want that with me. No one has ever wanted that with me. I don't want to go through what I went through again. I can't be hurt again."

Her words strike a cord in my chest and tears start to flow down my cheeks. "Y/n, I would never hurt you. I'm sorry about your childhood and I'm sorry that there were assholes who treated you like shit. I really am sorry. But don't put me in that category without knowing everything you need to know. Because if you would just listen to me then you would hear that I have never been in love with someone as much as I am with you. You are the first person I think about when I wake up and go to bed. My day starts and ends with you. This past month as been absolute hell because I haven't been able to call you when I want to. I'm nothing without you. You know how they say soulmates complete you, how they're your other half? That's you for me. You are the half that I had to search the world to find and you are the half that makes me who I am. I don't want to know life without you and I sure as hell don't want to ever have to say goodbye to you. So please, I'm begging you. Let me love you."

At this point, we're both crying and I only start to cry more when she responds with a quiet and weepy, "I want to love you too". My eyes fly to hers but she's already looking at me with a look that makes my heart melt and my smile reach the heavens.

"What?" I ask through my tears and smile

"I said, 'I want to love you too'" Her beautiful smile appears on her face as her hands find my cheeks and she pulls me down for a kiss.

The kiss is, ironically, heart-stopping. My hands go to her hips as we hold on to each other for dear life, trying to make up for the time lost. I'm so elated I can't think. Well, I can think it's just only about her. Her hands, her smile, her laugh, her loving and comforting demeanor, her humor, her genuine and unstoppable kindness for others, and most importantly her love for me.

We break away from the kiss, out of breath, but still holding each other. I ask the one question that has been circling my brain since I first laid eyes on her,

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She laughs, a laugh that I had taken for granted before and never will again, "Dummy, I love you. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She lets go of me and walks over to my bed before plopping down and getting under the covers. I continue to stare at her wondering how I got so lucky, one prominent thought in my mind.

Y/n Y/l/n is in love with me and I am so so so in love with her.

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now