Friends with Benefits (Part 2)

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A/N: I listened to The Way I Love You by Michal Leah and used a lyric from the song towards the end. I highly recommend listening to the song while reading, it just makes the whole thing.



2 weeks.

It has been 2 weeks since I last heard or saw Y/n.

And it's been absolute fucking hell.

After the bathroom incident, I went back to the table outside, gathered my belongings, told everyone I was tired, and bolted out of there. I had never felt so empty in my whole life. Emotions and thoughts invading my mind as it raced to figure out what was going on in that bathroom with Bash and Y/n. She had been crying and he had too which only confused me more. Were they together?? Had they been together and I just happened to walk in on their break up?? Was she cheating on him with me???


She wouldn't do that. And suddenly I'm hit with an overwhelming feeling of guilt because how could I even think that? She's not a cheater? But-


This shit's just a fucking mess.


Walking to Bash's trailer seems to be incredibly daunting and as I get closer, the more I want to turn around and walk away.

I knock on the door, silently praying he's not there. But he is. And when he sees me his eyes meet mine, I can tell he's surprised.

"Hi" I say as I look up at him silently pleading with him to let me in

"Hi" Is all he says.

"Can I come in?" I ask

He sighs and I can tell he doesn't want to have this conversation but I do. Because I love her and I need to find out what the hell is going on with them.

"Yeah" And before I know it, I'm standing in the middle of Bash's trailer, toying with my hands because I'm nervous out of my fucking mind.

"Are you two together?" I get straight to the point and he inhales sharply.

"No, Kit. Why the fuck would you think that?" He says it as if I'm stupid and, if I'm being honest, I feel like it. Something's not fitting. At all. There are so many questions, so many 'whys' and 'whats' that I'm afraid won't ever be answered if I don't just ask.

"Because you two were in the bathroom together. Alone. You guys have been getting closer over these past few months and... I don't fucking know. God, all I know is that you were in there and having, what looked to be, a serious conversation about God knows what."

"About you." Is all he says and the statement causes an uproar of confusion within me as I struggle to understand what that means.

"I'm confused. What do you mean?"

"The conversation was about you."

I'm taken aback for a second and my response comes out quieter then intended.

"What about me"

He's silent for a second. Seeming to sort out his thoughts and figure out what he is going to say.

"I told her about the conversation we had a few months back. Remember?"

I know exactly what he's talking about and the fact that he told her makes me want to go puke in the nearest bathroom.

"You told her?" I'm so angry. "Bash that was personal. Fucking personal. I didn't want her to know that and the fact that you told her just fucking proves that I can't fucking trust you. I mean why the fuck would you say that to her."

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora