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TW- sexual assault

I was never the type to willingly go to parties. I had bad social anxiety and was always afraid I would get taken advantage of. So when Kit asked me if I wanted to go to this "get together" he was invited to, I was hesitant.

"Come on, babe! It'll be fun! And I'll be by your side all night. You won't have to socialize with anyone you don't want to and I'll protect you, I've got your back!" He said with his cute smile that he knew always made me give in.

"Fineee. But I'm serious Kit if something or someone makes me uncomforta-"

"We will both leave the party if anything makes you uncomfortable. You have my word."

And so, just like that, I was going to a party on Saturday night.


When we walked into the house this so called 'get together' was being held at, I was immediately overwhelmed with the amount of people there.

I should have just turned around and left, I wish I did.

I looked up at Kit only to find his eyes scanning the crowd before finding his friends and running over to them, I just followed behind him. I was already starting to see the neglect taking place but, I didn't say anything. When we got to his friends, they were all playing beer pong. Everyone had some kind of alcoholic drink in their hand and Kit's friend suggested I "go fetch Kit one". The way he said it was condescending and rude and when I turned to see Kit's reaction, I was shocked. He was looking at me like he was expecting me to go get him his drink. I went to open my mouth to say something but he interrupted,

"Please? Just come right back. I'm sure you'll be fine."

Never trust someone when their just 'sure'.

Stupidly, I didn't want to cause a scene or start a fight with him or seem like a clingy, scared girlfriend so, I went and got him his drink. Although, when I walked into the kitchen there was a certain man who's eyes landed on me. We made eye contact and all I did was smile.

I'm guessing he took that as consent.

While I was pouring Kit and I's drink, I felt a hand go to my shoulder. I turned around to see the same man that I had made eye contact with from earlier. He was looking down at me, smirking

"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?"

"Oh, uh- I have a boyfriend. I'm just grabbing him a drink"

I was already uncomfortable. I should have took that as a sign.

"Really? What kind of boyfriend is he if he's making you get his own drinks?"

I took a sip of my drink and tried desperately to think of ways to get out of this situation

"Oh! He's great, really. But I have to get back to him. Ya know, his drink." I held up Kit's drink in my hand a little bit before trying to walk past him. Although, when I went to leave, I became extremely dizzy and, accidentally, dropped Kit's drink all over the floor.

"Woah! You ok there? Maybe I should take you upstairs so you can lie down."

I knew I shouldn't. My mind knew but my body didn't.

I would have resisted but I was so dizzy. I couldn't think straight and lying down did sound nice. I could feel the man's hands go around my waist and before I knew it, he was dragging me up the stairs.

Maybe if I would have accidentally tripped and fallen, people would have noticed. People would have helped.

It was only when we got to the bedroom that I had realized, at some point, the man had taken my drink. He laid me down on the bed and I watched, hazily, as he went to go lock the door only to find, there was no lock on the door.

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now