Chapter 17 - Speaking of Ladlen...

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O. M. G!

You would not believe what happened today...

This morning I was in the toilets, just casually doing my thing in the cubicle, when Macknifezie and Jessponica came into the toilets to probably apply another layer of that heavy make-up on their faces (ugh... So vain...).

I've got to admit, I tried my best to eavesdrop on their conversation... I mean, who wouldn't want to know what CCPs gossip about these days?!

"OMG Macknifezie, you HAVE to try this new Berry Beauty Blue lipgloss! It'll look FABULOUS on you!" Jesspoonica said.

"Hun, I think Forxwell needs that way more than I do. My lips are fabtastic anyway! HERS look like someone got a cheap red shirt and washed it everyday for 5 years! Pale lips are NOT on trend!!"

WHAT?! I love my lipgloss! It's my favourite!

"Ew!" Jesspoonica responded.

"I know right! Speaking of Forkki, that plan of ours TOTALLY worked!"

"Duh! It's kinda obvious she would go for Ladlen as a substitute, especially when she has that fake boy drama of hers going on right now"

"She must be SUPER desperate for attention for her to pay Forkseph and Spoondon to gush over her!"

Fake? PAY!? What the heck Macknifezie!!! What made you think I'd pay them?! It's not my fault those two created unnecessary boy drama!!!

"Speaking of Ladlen, what are you going to do with him now?" Macknifezie questioned.

"Well, my original plan was to use him to ruin Forkki's life. But seeing as I've got him wrapped around my little finger, maybe I could use him to do all sorts of jobs for me!"

"Urgh, I could SO use him to do that assignment that was due in 3 months ago...! I NEED that A+ otherwise Daddy wouldn't let me inherit his mansion in Switzerland! The pool and saunas there are to DIE for!"

"OMG Macknifezie! That is GENIUS! Since he's such a nerd in Math, he can raise my final grade for me! You're a genius, girl!" The two of them giggled.

Ugh... Those two are just... AHHHHHHHH!!!!! If I could scream out loud right now, I so would!!!

I waited a few minutes for them to leave before I got out of the cubicle and rushed out to find Ladlen. I NEEDED to tell him that Jesspoonica and Macknifezie were using him! How could he be so naïve?!

For the whole morning I couldn't see him anywhere so I decided to wait until 4th period to talk to him in Biology.

Finally, it was time for Bio and he still wasn't there! It's not like him to miss a lesson... I think, anyway... I never really noticed him until a few days ago...

As usual, Spoondon barely looked at me for the whole hour! I wonder what happened to us... I'd do anything for him to even glance at me for a second. Urgh, the evil Macknifezie just HAD to ruin EVERYTHING!!!

As soon as the lunch bell rang I rushed out to find Ladlen. To my surprise, he was standing by Jesspoonica's locker, except she was looking shocked... Or is that disgusted? Such a drama queen...

Ladlen had a sheepish smile on his face and was trying to desperately avoid her piercing gaze and was muttering something over and over again before Jesspoonica, being the typical CCP that she is, stomped away.

"Ladlen! I've been looking ALL OVER for you! You weren't there in Bio either..." I rushed over to him.

"Ah!! Forkko! Forgive me! I just got back into school from my counselling session! What is up?"

Counselling session? Ladlen goes to counselling? What for, I wonder...?

"What happened with Jesspoonica just a second ago?"

"Well, my dear Forkilini, just a second ago, I was actually talking to you! And two seconds ago, I asked you what is up. So technically, it was 32 seconds ago that I talked to Je-"

"Oh you know what I mean!"

"Ah... Yes, I told Jesspoonica 'pee off', as you forks say!"

"What?! Why?!" Oh, Ladlen... Please don't talk like that again, I thought.

"You see, Jesspoonica may be very pretty and intelligent, but she is not the type of person I thought she was... So, instead I found myself another partner for the competition!"

Already?! Well, there goes my chance of getting a partner before the dance...

"Oh... Well, um, congrats! I wish you two the best in the competition then!"

"Thank you Forkko... Really...! But I need to ask her, but I don't know how!!! Forkko! You're more experienced than me, so tell me! How do I ask her?"

I have... Experience...? Is he referencing to the boy drama... Urgh!!! I'm so sick of it already...

"Well, if I were you, I'd approach her nicely, don't be too forward, don't be too keen. But seem like you want to dance with her as well! Just not TOO eager... Compliment her, make her feel happy..."

If only that happened to me... It's not like I'm talking from experience, but somehow Forkseph and Spoondon keep on popping up in my mind... Oh yeah, I wonder what happened to Forkseph...? I haven't seen him for 2 weeks now.

"I think I've got it..." Ladlen's puzzled look seemed somewhat adorable to me... What?! What is wrong with me?!?!

"Good! Then give it your best shot, and g-good luck!" I tried to get away as quickly as possible. Everyone seemed to be leaving or replacing me... I felt sick.

"Forkko!!!" I ignored his call.

"Please... Will you be my partner for the competition?"

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