Chapter 3 - Friends?!

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Well you know how I ran to the library out of embarrassment? I've been hanging out there a lot more. I mean, who doesn't love to browse through cookery magazines?! Looking at all the silverware models in the magazines just makes me so insecure. They're so perfect!! I found quite a good read about Jamie Oliver. Practically everyone here worships him and my ultimate goal is to be in his cutlery collection.

So this book was quite interesting. Jamie Oliver's wife had given birth to a fork, and it turned out she had cheated on him with his best friend, Frank the fork. Quite ridiculous really.

As I read the book, I saw two girls across the table I was sitting at and they were giggling. 'What?!' I asked.

'Oh, uh, nothing, just the book you're reading. It's one of our favorites, it's just so weird!!'


'Let me introduce myself. I'm Forkkeh and this is Forkey.'

The girl next to her waved one of her prongs. 'Wanna join us for lunch? We'll be at Table 9.' She smiled.

Next period dragged on FOREVER and finally it was lunch. I'd learnt my lesson about cafeteria food; it was definitely a NO GO. Rock hard meatloaf? No thanks!!

I walked to Table 9 and only Forkey was sitting there, so I asked her about herself. Turns out her dad is the founder of Forktasia, the coolest theme park in Phorkadelphia!!!!! And here I am, just 'cause my dad is the principal's BACTERIA EXTERMINATOR. I'm literally here on a contract! No one needs to know...

Suddenly, Forkeh came to our table, her hoodie covered in some sort of liquid. 'ARGH, Macknifezie 'accidentally' spilt all her Diet Coke down my hoodie!! What a little SHARK!!' She shrieked. I sat there with my mouth open. 'I thought everyone loved Macknifezie?'

'Open your eyes girl, everyone hates her!! Everyone but the CCPs and they basically run the school.'


The rest of the day went by uneventfully, right until the end. I was making my was to my locker and saw a giant crowd of CCPs standing around my locker with, surprise, surprise, Macknifezie in the middle. Her BFF Jesspoonica was standing next to her and they were gossiping about every girl that walked past. 'Ew, that skirt is so ugly I wouldn't wear it if it was the last thing on Earth!!'

'WHAT is that stench?! It smells of CHEAP.'

'OMG, who even wears socks and sandals?! That's like, ILLEGAL!!'

'Mind your own business!!' I yelled. In my mind anyway...

OMG but you'll never guess what happened next!!! SPOONDON ASKED TO WALK HOME WITH ME!!!!!!! I could feel Macknifezie staring daggers at me. TAKE THAT SUCKERRR!!!!!

But the walk home was so awkward. We ended up talking about his photography and the school newspaper but I couldn't look him in the eye for fear of melting into a puddle of metal. Finally we got home and guess what? He lives right across the road!!!

So when I got home, all I wanted to do was go to my room and just go on the internet. Of course, my parents had other plans. 'Forkki honey, come down and help me with these cookies?' That didn't sound too bad. Until 'helping with the cookies' turned out to be looking after Forkanna. Oh my prongs, it was awful. She kept running around the living room screaming 'POTATOOOOOES POTATOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' and when I finally sat her down for some colouring, she drew on the wall!! Now I'm gonna have to paint that glittery pink splodge away. UGH. Why me, why did the cutlery Lord have to give me such an annoying sister!! She's like a crocodile. ON DRUGS!!


A/N OMG this has 52 views?! This was just supposed to be a something small for fun!! Shout out to becksgirlygirl, go read her Brandon POV in dork diaries, it's amazing! Keep reading, my co author might take over next chapter.

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