Chapter XVII - The beloved one.

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From the same morning Hinata couldn't help the unpleasant twisting in stomach. She was nervous of how the "talk" between Sasuke and her father went. Both of men were stubborn and never let go things easily. The fact that the house later was peaceful and quiet made her wonder if they (somehow) found the agreement or, for god's sake, killed each other without anyone noticing.

The woman could feel the tension in the air and she hadn't even entered the room, but the reason turned out much different than she expected. When Sasuke and Hiashi spoke almost comfortably about the details of their journey, Hanabi didn't even look at Uchiha and she was quiter than usually. It was so unlike her. When somehow hers and Uchiha's gaze crossed, Hinata was glad that the one look can't kill a man.

Hinata wanted to stay in the doorframe, wishing not to get into another awkward situation, but once her eyes met with Hanabi's, there was no turning back. The girl shouted out her name, the men's attention turned to the kunoichi and before she could say something, the pair of skinny, but strong arms closed her body in an embrace.

— I'm so happy you are finally back! We missed you so much!

— I missed you too, Hanabi-chan.

Hinata lightly stroked her sister's hair, also smiling. After a moment the girl let her go and the woman took an empty place by the table, facing Sasuke. She gave him a light smile and the corners of his lips rose slightly too. "Finally, he had some proper sleep" ~ she thought.
She was about to say something, when Hanabi got in:

— So much happened since you'd left, I were...

— Hanabi, she hasn't even touched her breakfast yet.

Hiashi interrupted. Hanabi turned silent, almost ashamed, but Hinata just smiled. Then, Sasuke said:

— I want to take you somewhere today. And, I have a surprise for you later, Hinata.

Kunoichi's eyes widened and the blush covered her cheeks. Hanabi looked as if someone slapped her, but luckily, didn't say a word. Hinata knew that she had a short temper and all she "needed" was her sister fighting with her boyfriend by the table. Then, she felt her father's hand on hers. His gaze was reassuring, Hinata understood - he would take care of Hanabi.

As Sasuke and Hinata finished their meal, they left the room in silence. When they stepped out of the Hyuga compound, Hinata started:

— I'm sorry about Hanabi. She was with me after the breakup and she wants to protect me... She doesn't trust you yet, but...

— That's alright. — He interrupted her. — It's not new to me.

It took all her courage to stop and look at him. His expression seemed indifferent, but the heavy, uncomfortable feeling in her stomach couldn't leave after these words. Hinata took his hands and supported the head on Sasuke's chest.

— I'm sorry about that. — she said.

— These are the consequences of my actions, Hinata. — Sasuke replied with head on top of hers, playing with female fingers.

— Not all of them. — She said, looking at him with care.

"S-Sasuke-kun?" — they didn't even notice the presence of another person on the street. The familiar pink haired girl looked at them stunned. Then, she approached hesitantly and Sasuke locked Hinata's fingers with his.

— Sakura. — He said almost coldly.

But the only thing the woman looked at was their hands together. Hinata felt bad that she found it out this way. Sakura was always in love with Sasuke, who didn't share that feeling. Hyuga had thought before how to tell the girl that, but now no words could help the situation.

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