Chapter XV - Small steps.

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Hinata hardly resisted the urge to yawn and stretched a little more. They had been on the road since the early morning, the night was still dark. The destination - Konoha. These were the orders from Hokage, who after hearing the news decided to bring them back for a few days to make a new plan. No matter how their views on that were different, none of them could change Kakashi's decision.

Hinata was used to jump fastly from one tree branch to another in order to keep the pace with Sasuke. Also, the rush and the cold breeze helped her fully wake up. Before them still were miles to cross, but they predicted to reach Konoha before the noon.

For most of the time Uchiha was silent, thinking about his short return to the village. He wondered if other kages knew about Kakashi's decision, but probably not. His sentence was to help each of them solve the problems as the way to redeem his sins as rouge shinobi and he didn't know how long it would take to finally recieve their forgiveness. More the time he spent on his banishment, more he understood the value of having the one, safe place to return. And maybe one day, he also could have one. As he looked at Hinata... Such thought didn't sound that naive. Because, he felt with all his guts that such place has the meaning only, when she is present there. She turned out to be the only thing he cared about, even more than he should.

Around eight they decided to take a break. Even if Hyuga's wound was already healed, it still weakened her. Also, they also hadn't eaten for four hours and she could hear a rumbling in his stomach.

They were sitting next to each other, resting a moment after finishing the last onigiri. He saw that something was bothering her, but didn't want to push.
Yet his attention turned fastly to something else - Hinata stated to slowly massaging her legs, what made him nothing but stare. She didn't complain, deeply in own thoughts, trying to relieve the pain in muscles and couldn't help the light sighs as she pressed the right place. Wishing to do something about her bad mood, he suddenly said:

— I know how to do it better. Let me, Hinata.

This was a surprise for her, as she was taught how to do it since the first trainings as a child, but the light curiosity won in her.

— H-Hai.

Sasuke approached her and even the mare touch of his fingers made Hinata's blood rush. He knew what he was doing - each movement had the perfet strength and all the tension in muscles was slowly leaving. But, as his hands were now massaging the inner tight, she felt bizzare excitation, unlike anything experienced before. She did her best not to show that.

But Sasuke noticed how her face turned crimison and an embarrassment hid in pearly eyes. Willing not to frighten her, he focused on another leg and did exact same things than before. But, it wasn't easy for him either - like an biological reaction for partner's excitement, he felt tightly in own pants and tried everything to convince himself about its only pain relieving role.

But then, Uchiha felt her hand landing on his cheek. She looked at him with hesitation, but also the adoration, just like that night. Yet now, the eyes were watered. Why?

— Have I done something wrong, Hinata?

The kunoichi swallowed hardly and lowered her gaze. It took her a moment to answer.

— I'm just... Scared, Sasuke-kun. Of returning. Of what we can bring to Konoha. About my family, our friends, about... You.

Sasuke felt how his mouth become dry. She was worried about him. She cared about him. Did she?
He placed his hand on her neck, their foreheads leaned against each other. It took a moment for both of them to calm down. His warmth helped her push away the fears, his closeness made Hinata feel safe. He made her feel safe.

— Hime... Nothing will happen to either of us. We survived so many times, even worse situations than this one. As long as I live I will not let anything bad happen to you. And I'm not planning to die any soon. Not until I make you...

She looked into his eyes deeply, taking each word straight to her heart. Sasuke knew there was no way to turn back from saying:

— Untill I make you happy.

She looked at him and knew that he would do anything to keep that promise. And even if the whole world couldn't trust him, Hinata did - even for her own life.
And she was ready to protect his at all costs.
The Byakugan princess leaned to Sasuke's ear and whispered:

— You are making me happy, Sasuke-kun.


Sasuke and Hinata managed to sneek into Hokage's office unnoticed. She was surprised how easily they did that, as if Uchiha had done that many times before. Then, she remembered - he found the way to watch her and didn't doubt that even the Hyuga residence filled with Byakugan users was a piece of cake to him. Everytime she thought about it Hinata felt like weird, but also... He was there, watching over her, ready to take off anyone, who would dare to disturb her quite peaceful life. Like her own dark, guardian angel.

They were sitting in Hokage's office, waiting for Kakashi to come back. Both of them were tired after the long journey, supporting each other's heads. The warmth of Sasuke's body almost made her fall asleep, when they heart the familiar voices in the corridor - Hatake and... Uzumaki. Uchiha sighed, but didn't even move an inch. After all these years he was tired of hiding his interest in Hinata, who on the other hand, felt no need to explain herself or act like a caught teenager. That made Sasuke proud of her.

As Kakashi and Naruto their reactions were far different.
Firstly, the blonde smiled widely as he noticed his old friend, but it faded after seeing the way he held Hinata and the gaze - of the activated Sharingan. It didn't take long, with a one hold of her hand the color turned into its normal, dark shade. Hinata looked at him too, but it was sure that the love she had been giving him for so many years was gone. Just like his smile.

— Good to see you two. I'm glad you arrived in one piece.

Kakashi stopped the silence between young shinobi, Hinata was grateful he did. She stood up and bowed before him.

— It's good to see you too, Hokage-sama. We came as soon as we could.

— Yare yare, when will you stop being so official to me, Hinata?

Hinata blushed lightly and nodded, sitting back next to Sasuke. They could feel the weight of Uzumaki's gaze switching from one to another.

Then, Kakashi turned to Naruto:

— Naruto, I have to...

— I get it, Kakashi-sensei. See ya later, Sasuke... Hinata.

It didn't take him long to leave. Hatake sighed deeply, feeling the troubles coming. Yet, no one could expect him to say:

— I see you wasted no time, Sasuke. After all these years.

Sasuke and Hinata looked at him surprised, not sure if they understood their old sensei well.

— How did you find out? — Sasuke decided to ask.

— It wasn't as hard as you think. Your first appearances in Konoha brought suspicions, but I convinced Tsunade not to interfere as I had an eye on you. Later, I did my best to hide the signs of your presence.

Hinata was almost as surprised as Uchiha did, even though he hid it better. After a moment of silence, she couldn't resist the urge to ask:

— Why? Why didn't you expose him, Kakashi-sensei?

Both of shinobi almost pierced Hatake with their gazes, looking forward to hear the answer. The man sighed, leaning over the hokage chair he was sitting in.

— Because — He said slowly. — I believed that only you, Hinata, will be the one, who will help you, Sasuke, go back on the right path. And also... — Kakashi needed the moment to decide if sharing that was a good decision. — There is nothing stronger than Uchiha's love. Standing in opposite to that would have no chance to end well.

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