Chapter XIII - The message.

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Hinata woke up, not sure if the events of last night were her dreams or happened in real life. She remembered Sasuke, strong and tensed, slowly relaxing under her, his hands traveling on her body, the kisses they shared like the world was about to end. His lips, rough but soft at the same time, were like sealed on hers, the intoxicating smell of him stayed on her silky robe.

It was real, there was nothing to doubt about.

Kunoichi sat on the mattress and not sure why, she activated her Byakugan. It was unusual to her, Hinata always respected other's privacy and what was her asset in the fight, in normal life It didn't felt right. But, she had to make sure or the fear would consume her from inside. To her huge relief, Sasuke was there. However, his behavior was unusual even for him - Uchiha was laying in his bed calmly, almost like a statue unmoved. Was he asleep? Surely not, he was a morning person and Hyuga saw how the clock changes its numbers from 8:59 to 9:00. This made her worry.

Hyuga stood up finally and after changing, she came to the bathroom. She tried to convince herself that it was nothing, maybe he didn't want to leave the bed yet. In usual circumstances the woman could believe that, but It wasn't a usual situation. She sighed deeply and few moments later, Hinata found herself standing by his bedroom door.

— Are you alright, Sasuke-kun?

She asked slightly embarrassed, but all she met was silence.

— L-Let's eat some breakfast and go to the town for supplies. I should buy myself some new clothes too.

Silence again was the reply she received. Slowly, It was getting on her nerves. Yet, Hyuga sighed.

— Not talking never solves anything, Sasuke. We promised to communicate and trust each other. If- If you won't leave, I...

The door opened before she could finish and Sasuke stood in the doorframe. Leaning over it, she tilted her head to look at him.

She was sure he didn't have much sleep. The shadows under his eyes weren't gone, the raven black hair were in mess and a silky robe was still on his shoulders. He looked at her intensively, debating what words would be right in that situation.

Seeing her in the doorframe was something he could expect. Hinata never gave up on people, no matter how much they sinned. They became friends, the feelings got in and desire started burning between them... But did she truly wanted that? What if the last night was just an incident that she regretted now? And now, consumed by guilt she stood to apologize him for her behavior? Uchiha knew he had to expect the worst.

— Hinata.

Woman's lips started shaking at the sound of her name. Before he could say anything else, she laid the hand on his wide, almost bare chest. Sasuke didn't shake it off and something in his eyes said that It gave him relief.

— I want you to know... — she started and her voice was quiter than usually. — That I don't regret anything, Sasuke. I didn't know  that I.... I could ever feel that way. — She looked him in the eyes, not trying to hide the blush that rose after saying these words.

All Sasuke could do was nodd, almost sure that she could feel how fast his heart was beating. Soon, her hand left the chest and he immediately felt the absence of its warmth.

After the breakfast, Sasuke and Hinata went back to the town, just like she suggested. The man didn't talk much, but it was still in his norm. After the long travel they didn't have to discuss much, agreeing on almost everything.

Then, Sasuke had to face one of the biggest challenges known for men - shopping with a woman. But, Hinata was never the type, who with passion in eyes and unhidden enthusiasm walked through the clothing shops. When she was choosing the clothes for missions, Hyuga focused on more practical aspects and fastly, Sasuke turned out almost picky in her choosing.

— It will be uncomfortable for hours of walking, Hinata. — He replied as she showed him the pair of dark pants. — The material is too thick.

— Maybe you're right. — she sighed and put them back on the rack, just like few other pairs Sasuke convinced her to leave.

When Hinata wss about to ask something, she noticed him staring somewhere behind them. She was opening her mouth, when he said quietly:

— We are followed. Act naturally, we have to catch him somewhere out of sight.

She nodded and pretending to watch the clothes on racks, she analyzed the area with Byakugan.

— When we'll turn right from the main street we'll find a dead end. — she said quietly.

— It should work. — Sasuke replied.

When they finished, Hinata led them to the place she suggested. Also, she had an eye on a man Uchiha told her about. It wasn't hard to find him as his chakra burned more intensively than others.

As they turned right the path before them became long, dark and empty.

When shinobi faced the wall ending the alley, Hinata didn't know what Uchiha planned. She suggested to take the spy by surprise, hide until he'd approach the wall and place him in no-win situation. But, Uchiha had something different on his mind.

Suddenly, Sasuke turned back and after extending the hand, the man flew to them in one moment. Hinata looked at her companion with surprise, but then noticed how intensively his Rinnegan shined in the shadows. This immediately reminded the woman of her fight with Pain, when he also, without making any physical contact, was able to throw her around the battlefield like a rag doll. Same memory of that made her flinch.

But, differently to Pain, Sasuke immediately threw the man on a wall with a grip on his throat. With a harsh voice, Uchiha asked:

— Who send you? How long are you following us? Talk before I loose patience.

Hinata watched how man's face expression turns from frighthened to... Amused. They could hear his dry laugh, Sasuke's grip got stronger.

— You still don't understand who are you trying to fight with. My master wasn't pleased when he found his loyal man in such state. I'm here to deliver you the massage, Hinata-sama.

Hyuga pierced the man with gaze, hiding any sight of her surprise.

You can't hide from your destiny. Even fallen from grace, my master is still strong and won't stop until you two will turn this dirty world into the dust. He wants to give you the second chance and can't wait to be reunited with you again, Byakugan Princess.

Sasuke couldn't stand it any longer. Without thinking twice, his Mangekyou Sharingan activated and send on the man the suffer of Tsukyomi. Uchiha let the man fall on the wall stunned, not looking at Hinata, who stared at him with lips opened almost as widely as her eyes. She was about to ask what he did, when the spy came back to his senses. His face was pale like a corpse, lips twisted in the grimance of terror. He tried to run back, but found the cold wall and unmerciful gaze of Sasuke.

— Tell your master. — Uchiha started with a low, threatening voice. — That this is the destiny of everyone, who would try to even get close to her. I won't show the mercy.

After these words, Sasuke placed a hand on Hinata's back and took them far from the dark alley.

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