Chapter XIV - A good explanation.

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Sasuke didn't know how far they went. The only thing that won over all the thoughts in his mind was making sure that Hinata was safe. He held her wrist, coming through the crowd in silence, checking from time to time. The woman didn't complain, as she followed him obediently and her gaze wasn't present. Saying that something was wrong was a huge understatement. In his mind mixed many feelings, but the worry surpassed them all, when her naturally pale face with rosy blush became almost as white as paper.

After some time he led them to the quieter corner and stopped.

In usual situation, Sasuke wouldn't be able to even look at her, too busy of taking control over his own feelings, but now he couldn't take the gaze off Hinata. Explanation, a good one - that's what he deserved and was waiting for. Hyuga knew that, but no matter how hard she tried nothing sensible came to her mind. Not handling the silence between them well, Sasuke said:

— There are many things you have to tell me. You know, who was he talking about, don't you?

Hyuga nodded in response, opening her mouth. Then, her thoughts spilled from head to mouth:

— How... How this could happen? He was defeated, blind and helpless. — her brows furrowed and at this point, all she could do was keeping talking — I have no idea how he managed to gather strengths, especially in such a short time...

— Who? Who are you talking about?

— Toneri. — she finally said. — Otsutsuki Toneri.

After these words, they both turned silent. Sasuke remembered him, Naruto wrote to him about the events on the moon two years ago. From his chaotic handwriting he understood that this man was the last of his clan, blinded by the sick ideology and almost started the apocalypse. "Fuck..." ~ Uchiha cursed quietly, turning around and supporting his head on neck. He would never expect this situation to turn into bigger mess than It already had been. It was madness! The man, whom they chased for all this time was nothing but an another pawn in this real life shogi game. But why now? Why did Toneri decide to show up now?

Hinata also asked herself the same question. But there was still another - what did he want from her after this whole time? How could she "help" him anymore? Tenseigan was gone, his empire fell.

She felt Sasuke taxing her with gaze and his face wasn't pleased.

— You need to eat something, Hinata.

That was a surprise to hear, but she nodded. Shortly after that, Sasuke and Hinata were sitting together in a sushi bar. It was a quiet place, especially in the corner, where they sat. The woman was sipping her tea and he could notice that her face was slowly turning into its normal shades, but her hands were still shaking.

— Hinata. — He started after long silence. — You have to tell me everything. In details.

She looked at him from a cup and after a few moments of thinking, she told him everything. About their first meeting, Hanabi, trip to the moon, Tenseigan, how she almost married Toneri and about the fight between him and Naruto. Everytime she mentioned Uzumaki in her story, he couldn't help the jealousy and disappointment rising in him. Sasuke listened to her in silence and as she finished, he turned his gaze, thinking. After some time, Uchiha said:

— After we'll leave, I'll write Kakashi about everything. At least, we know what are we dealing with. Also, I'd have to contact Naruto to recieve even more details about the strength Toneri possessed in his peak of form.

— I doubt he'll tell you more that "I used a huge Rasengan on him, dattebayo".

She said and Sasuke couldn't help the tiny smile as she copied him with all his maner and personal tint of bitterness.

— Hn, seems like the cheesy talk and a good Rasengan solve everything in his life.

After that, Hinata also couldn't help the smirk. He was glad that the woman stopped explaining Uzumaki like she always used to in the past. It was a sign for him that Hyuga finally got over him.

In the meantime, Hinata finished eating, but still the half was on the plate. That was far different than her usual appetite.

— Eat everything, you need the strength, Hinata. — he said, judging the untouched food with gaze.

— I... — she started.

— Come on, you are not a baby anymore.

With his own chopsticks, Uchiha placed a few pieces on her plate. She seemed surprised and he looked at her with asking gaze.

— I... I used to be mothering everyone. — Hinata explained.

— Stop that... — he didn't finish, turning his face from her. — Eat now.

Hinata smiled lightly without a hint of bitterness and feeling the appetite coming back, she did as he ordered. But suddenly, a blush rose on her cheeks and it wasn't hard to notice.

— Hina? — He asked confused.

It took her a moment to answer.

— Now, as we stopped talking about the mission... Is it... a date? — the blush on her face almost passed to her neck.

Sasuke couldn't help the smirk, also feeling a light heat on cheeks. Then, he leaned to her ear through the table and whispered:

— When I'll take you on a date, you'll have no doubts.

Then, he placed a light kiss below her ear and she could hear the the blood pumping in veins. She lightly nodded and after paying the bill they left the sushi bar.

In the afternoon they finally reached the motel, where both of them started packing their things. It wasn't much, as they didn't stay there long enough to make themselves fully comfortable in new space, but the vision of an early morning packing wasn't their kind of thing. Hinata sat on her mattress after summoning back the luggage. Tenten helped her improve these skills, of course she wasn't that good to sail the sea water with its locators, but it was enough for the journeys. With a thought of the kunoichi, before Hyuga's eyes passed faces of her friends and she felt a light stab in chest. She missed them a lot, but it was safer not to contact during this mission. But who knew... Maybe she'd need their help soon.

A light knock took Hinata from her thoughts and she quickly answered for that. Sasuke entered her bedroom and after a moment, he said:

— How do you... feel, Hinata?

Kunoichi blinked twice and noticed, how uncomfortable Uchiha was. He wasn't used to talk about feelings, always hid his own and it had given him some trouble to even start. But, he was checking on her, cared about that. She smiled lightly, responding;

— There is... Much to handle, but It's getting better. Thank you, Sasuke-kun.

He was about to leave, quite satisfied of such an answer, but suddenly, she stopped him:

— Could you... stay with me tonight?

Her words were full of hestitation, but his approval nod took the worries away. After few minutes he came back with a mattress and soon, as his arm covered her betted than any shield, Hinata managed to fall asleep.

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