Chapter III - "I won't hesitate"

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That night turned into an another sleepless one. This time it wasn't because of Naruto - she couldn't stop thinking about the mission Kakashi told her about. Especially one part of their conversation stayed in her head.

"(...) He has the special taste for Hyuga women. "

This mission wasn't only about protecting the innocents. It was also about protecting her clan.

The clan, which alienated her and made Hinata fight own sister. The clan, that allows to hurt its members.
But also, the clan that her father, Hanabi and Neji belonged to. The clan that gave her home, when she needed it now.

The clan, that still was her family.

"I couldn't become the leader... But still I can protect it." ~ Hinata thought.

If he already killed Hyuga women, they must had been someone from the far, clan's branch. So if he was still interested in them, it meant that...

He wanted Byakugan from the main tree.

She couldn't let any poor girl die. If she had a real chance to fight that man and survive... But what if she failed? What if her eyes would get into his hands?

Also, even if Hinata would somehow manage to convince the elders (what wasn't an easy task), there was also another problem.

Uchiha Sasuke.

The criminal, the avenger.

She remembered him, but they had never been close. Once, maybe twice, they changed a few words. The only connection they had (beside possesing the kekkai genkai) was Naruto. The last thing she wanted to think or talk about. Especially, when he was Uchiha's best friend. She already imagined these awkward silences between them, uncomfortable like a rock in sandal.

But, she would handle that. For her clan. For that girl. Also, for herself.

Even dealing with same Uchiha Sasuke was better than staying aside.

Also, better than staying in Konoha. Hinata wanted to leave, to distract herself, to forget about Naruto. For once in her life.


„It's the last time I say - I won't let you go on that mission."

Hiashi looked at his daughter seriously and his voice sounded harsh.

Then you will let that girl die, father?"

Hinata asked almost coldly.

„I won't let you, my daughter, go for death!"

"She is also someone's daughter. You surely know whose. How could he forgive you that?"

That argument was one of the many Hinata prepared for that conversation. It wasn't an easy one, Hiashi was a stubborn man and as the Hyuga leader, this decision depended on him.

The man sighed and leaned over the desk, supporting his head with hand. After a moment, he confessed:

"Yes, I've already talked with him." — Hinata could read from his expression that it also didn't go smoothly. — "But she agreed on that."

"What choice did she have?" — after that question, the man became silent.

Hinata approached Hyuga Hiashi and kneeled by his side. For the first time she noticed... Tears crossing the male cheeks.

"I lost my brother, I lost my beloved wife. I don't want to loose my oldest daughter too."

He said and these words didn't sound like usually. These were words of a man, who had lost a lot in his life and wanted to save what was left. Hiashi couldn't help the helplessness he felt that moment.

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