Chapter XVI - Honesty.

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The talk they took was longer than any of present in the office could expect. The sky was dark now, yet neither of shinobi had the thought of complaining in their minds. All of them knew how far Toneri was ready to go, especially as Hinata was his main aim.

Soon, Hyuga Hiashi joined them in the Hokage's office. The father and his daughter exchanged nodds as their greeting, as it wasn't the time nor place for falling into each other's arms. Hiashi greeted Sasuke the same way, but surprisingly, no coldness was seen in his eyes. Surely, he knew that Uchiha saved and protected Hinata during their journey. Even if he didn't convince him to trust the young man yet, he decided not to show that.

During the meeting, Hiashi showed the support. Hyuga clan had never forgotten the crimes Toneri committed - the deaths of innocent branch members (Jiro was his responsibility after all), abduction of future Hyuga leader and stealing her eyes were unforgivable in to them.

There also was much longer list of potential allies from Hokage's side. Konoha was full of skilled shinobi and one order from their leader could bring them in if the situation would turn urgent.

This was reassuring. Since their mission started, Hinata was almost sure they would have to deal with that on their own. Now she could see that they didn't have to face Toneri alone and no matter what he still kept in his sleeve, the advantage was mainly on their side. Everything was under control and she hoped to keep things this way.
Also, the fact that Sasuke didn't left her hand for all that time gave Hyuga princess the comfort she needed. He was strong, stronger than anyone could think. The cold, rough fingers belonged to the warrior, someone, who wasn't afraid to fight. And she wanted to stand by his side.

Around the midnight, they all left Hokage's office. Even if everything went well during the discussion, Sasuke still looked under the weather. His mind was focused now on one, annoying and fearful at the same time thought - the inevitable return to Uchiha compound. He hadn't visited that place for years and no matter, how hard it was to move on after that horrifying night, he could still see the streets soaked in blood. Sasuke surely wasn't prepared to face that tonight. But as the door got locked, Hiashi turned to him and said:

— For that time you are our guest, Uchiha. I've already ordered to prepare a room for you.

This was a surprise for Sasuke. Of course, his honor made him hesitate before answering, but the thought of "if something would happen to Hinata" and she would be out of reach was almost as terrifying as returning to the compound now.

— Thank you, Hiashi. — he answered and in the corner of his eye Sasuke saw a light smile forming on Hinata's face.

It was a bizzare feeling to Sasuke to walk through Hyuga compound. Officially, it was his first time there, but both him and Hinata knew it wasn't. He remembered every weak spot of that place and knew that Hiashi has to keep the guards focused on them. Once their presence made Sasuke sneek inside sometimes few times in a row, but now - it brought only danger. From time to time Uchiha stopped and after careful observation advised the clan leader to place there someone to watch over. This was a surprise for both of Hyuga's, but Hiashi was not against.

After they entered the house of main family, Hinata heard:

— Go to your room, daughter. I have to have a word with Uchiha.

She nodded, unwillingly letting go of Sasuke's hand and after giving him a last, reassuring glance she disappeared in the long corridor.

Sasuke felt like something heavy lands on his soul. Hiashi wasn't a fool - Uchiha showed him all the places that weren't easy to notice, even to Hinata, who spent most of her life there. Taking a deep breath, he followed Hyuga leader.

Soon, they entered the man's office. The light of few lamps reflected warmly on the interior. It was a simple room with a wooden desk, almost sagging under the weight of papers that were placed sorted on sides. As Uchiha approached, he noticed the bookshelves filled with scrolls and books, everything in the perfect order.

Hiashi sat behind his desk and gave Uchiha the signal to take a sit on its other side. He followed, thinking how should he start the explanation. As nothing right came to his mind, Sasuke sighed deeply and waited for Hyuga to start. They looked at each other for a moment in silence, almost battling. Now he understood why everyone looked up to him, his eyes, despite the wrinkles under them, belonged to the person with strong character, who was worthy of received respect. How to confess something so shameful to him in the most proper way? Sasuke wondered.
Then, Hiashi said:

— Firstly, I want to thank you. I've heard what you did for my daughter and I'm glad you decided to continue this mission despite such... circumstances. But I assume... — Sasuke felt suddenly as if the collar got too tight around his neck. — That such actions aren't just the act of your selflessness, Uchiha.

Sasuke handled the strenght of the gaze he recieved. He couldn't show the weakness in any possible way, so he hid the hands under the desk.

— No, Hiashi. — He replied. — I rarely do something without a reason.

— Then, what is that? — Hiashi asked, leaning forward. — Why do you want to protect my daughter so much, Uchiha?

Sasuke took the moment to think about the reply, even if it was as as clear as day. Attempting to lie would be catched by the older man in one moment, his piercing, Byakugan gaze could (literally in some meaning) see through Uchiha. But, he had no reason to hide the answer from him.

— Because — he started, looking Hiashi into his eyes. — Hinata was never indifferent to me. I care about her more than about anything else, that's why I will do anything to protect her. And I court her, even If I don't have much to give in return. There is nothing you can say to stop me from that, Hiashi.

After this words, both of men turned silent. Sasuke saw many possibilities of how the situation might end, but no threats could take him from Hinata. Only her decision.

The old man looked at Uchiha closely, surely thinking what to say next. But then, the silence was stopped by him.

— Very well, Uchiha. — he said. — I have my worries about you, your past has much to say in that, but your commitment is undoubted. I can see how Hinata looks at you and... She feels stronger by your side. But mind my words, Uchiha - one her tear shed...

I'm not Naruto. — Sasuke stopped him with even more serious tone. — And I can ensure you that my feelings are stronger than temptation, than fear, than time. Uchiha's love lasts 'till the end and longer.

After these words, Hiashi nodded and a deep sigh left his lips. He didn't see any signs of lie in Uchiha's confessions. "Oh, Hinata... You truly can melt even the coldest of hearts" ~ he thought. Then, the man stood up from his desk and gave Sasuke the sign to do the same. Both of them left the office in silence, going probably to the guest room, which Uchiha would occupy. When they reached the right door, Hiashi finally said:

— Be good to her. She had enough of pain in her life and deserves more than anyone can offer her. Make her happy, Sasuke. I hope I can trust you with that.

Then, a little smile formed on man's lips.

— I will, Hiashi.

Sasuke replied and closed the door, sure that this night It won't be easy for him to fall asleep.

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