First Fight (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)

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It had just been so much fun tickling Dream. The hilarious wheezes were still ringing in George's mind as he laid in bed scrolling on Twitter. He was supposed to get up early in the morning so he was the first one to leave their little hang out on the living room. But now, sleep evaded him.

Just a few hours ago Dream had been pinned under Sapnap and George and tickled silly. Sapnap had shown him most of Dream's spots and how to tickle them. And now, George couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the adrenaline running through him. He imagined his friends were still hanging out in the living room and suddenly missed them. Strange, considering he had spent years without their physical presence. But right now a few hours felt like too much. A quick peek on Discord showed him Sapnap was active and Dream was not. Okay...that didn't give him anything. He pushed out of bed and headed back to the living room. He could be tired tomorrow, but right now he wanted to hang out with his best friends.

George found Dream alone in the living room. It looks like he hadn't left the floor from earlier, but was sat with his back against the couch watching TV.

His fingers twitched as Dream's laugh from earlier echoed in his mind. Yeah...he wanted to hear it again. He leaned over the back of the couch and stared at Dream's unsuspecting head of curls. Silently, he thanked Sapnap for giving him all the information he needed to wreck Dream. George jumped over the back of the couch and landed on the cushions on his knees with a loud 'oof'. Dream startled at the movement, and then crumbled into surprised squeaks and giggles as he felt hands grab onto his shoulders and squeeze where the muscles met at his neck.
"What?!", he squawked as he tumbled to the side and George climbed on top of him, forcing him onto his back. "George!", he cried out and burst out laughing as the skinny fingers dug roughly into his sides and ribs. George leaned over him, snickering meanly as Dream squirmed under him.

     Sapnap should have been more clear with George about how much of a rare event getting Dream pinned today was. Also, George should have been able to look at Dream's size compared to his own and realize how dangerous his playful surprise attack really was.

     It took Dream a few seconds for his brain to catch onto what happened. Once he got his bearings he scooped George's small wrists together and flipped their positions. The movement was so fast and effortless it left George red-faced and sputtering. Dream sat there for a second over George, pinning him in place with one hand like nothing, as he let the last of giggles out.
"You little shit.", he shook his head and chuckled in amusement. George's eyes went wide as he tugged helplessly at the firm hold on his wrists. His arms were stuck above his head.
"Dream...", he trailed off nervously.
"Alright alright. So you want me to find your spots now right? Is that what this is about?", Dream teased, leaning in close to George's face with a dangerous smirk. George flushed darker and squirmed.
"Dream!", he squeaked and could only shake his head 'no' over and over again. His flustered state apparently leaving him with only the ability to utter Dream's name like an idiot and nothing else.

     A piercing shriek cut through the air as Dream squeezed George's side.
"Whoa!", Dream giggled as George broke down into frantic laughter, trying and failing to squirm away from the offending hand as Dream tickled up and down his side. "God, you're fucking ticklish.", Dream murmured. George wailed, the embarrassment gutting him.
"DREAM!,", he shrieked and bucked his hips uselessly.
"Okay okay let's see...", Dream made a claw with his hand and vibrated it against the side of George's ribcage. George's body convulsed like he was being electrocuted, and then he threw his head back and cackled wildly. Tears prickled in his eyes.

     "Jesus...", Sapnap whispered to himself, watching from the doorway. George was loud. He had been drawn back out of his room with all the noise and was now secretly watching the scene play out. He had been trapped under Dream's merciless fingers enough times that the fear alone kept him from making his presence known. But, George's hilarious cackling and flustered appearance was keeping him from leaving entirely. He watched as Dream seemingly focused in on George's upper ribs and high pitched shrieks were torn out of the older boy. Sympathy...yeah Sapnap was feeling a bit of sympathy at George's predicament. He knew how hard it was to get himself out of Dream's hold, and looking at George's thinner frame he figured it was actually impossible for him.

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