Tickle Class (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)

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(This concept came from @sleepy-anon on tumblr, go check them out!!!)

It was George's second day in the Dream House. All three of them were lazing around the couches and trying to get to know each other more. It was slow going considering they already knew everything about each other, but they seemed determined.

     George was laid completely on his back on the couch with Patches perched on his chest as he pet the top of her little head.
"Dream is like, impossible to wake up.", Sapnap offers.
"I know, I've never been able to wake him up by calling him like I can you...and also you've whined about it before.".
"Sapnap spends foreeeever doing his hair everyday just to stick a dumb hat on top of it.", Dream's smile is audible. Sapnap scoffs and the other two fall into giggles. Patches hops off George's chest to the ground and stretches.
"Silly Sapnap, let your pretty curls free.", George teases. It's a rare sweet-ish one that catches Sapnap off guard and tinges his cheeks pink. For some reason, he decides to punish Dream for it.
"Dream cries like a baby if you blow a raspberry on his tummy.". Sapnap's attempt at cruelness is smothered in all the cutesy words he used and it nearly flusters him more. But, George sits up and eyes down a, suddenly very quiet, Dream.
"That, I didn't know. Actually, I don't know any of his tickle spots Sap.".
"Pfft...well there's a lot.", Sapnap's composure is collected and he smirks as he sits up. Dream sputters.


     Dream against the two of them proved to be nearly impossible. Dream had always been able to overpower Sapnap in these fights, but the two of them manhandled him to the floor like nothing. His chest heaved in panic as the other two swiftly got him pinned in the most helpless position he's ever been in. One he will find himself in again and again for the rest of time, but this marks the first. His back against the carpeted floor and arms above his head. Sapnap was perched smugly on his arms and George was getting comfortable on his waist. He shook his head as his dusty pink cheeks only got pinker, completely flustered. He furrowed his brows at Sapnap to try and get across his displeasure, but the younger boy only flicked his nose playfully and caused a small huff out of him. Dream turned his face into his arm.
"You guys suck...", he mumbled.

Sapnap clapped his hands together and grabbed everyone's attention.
"Dream tickle class, lesson one! Anticipation. Dreamie can't handle it.". Dream's mouth could only drop open in protest and George nodded quickly. Sapnap wiggled his fingers directly over the open underarms and Dream couldn't help but sputter and burst into giggles.
"Fuck...you Nick...", he shook his head, not sounding very tough through his giggling. George cackled for a few seconds at the reaction and then grabbed onto Dream's sides and held them. The initial grab sent a ticklish shockwave through him and he yelped. Dream shook with harsh giggles. Sapnap eyed the hold a little, amused at how rough George was.
"He actually tickled me!!", Dream whined childishly. But, it was working. George's hands were unmoving and yet Dream's giggles only became more frantic. "Stop!", he cried. The other two laughed.
"Stop what?", Sapnap smirked down at him. Dream only let out a frustrated puff of air, desperately trying and failing to bite back his goofy grin.

"So you're actually pretty close to his worst spot. You should see what happens when you poke around his tummy.", Sapnap ruffled Dream's hair as he spoke. He was squirmy and giggly from all the anticipation. George rubbed his hands together and then rapid fire poked all around his stomach. Dream's back arched and then he flopped to the ground, a few loud squeals were drawn out of him. George stopped suddenly, giggling at his reaction. Sapnap felt the first flutters of butterflies in his stomach at how intense George's every move was, quietly thankful to not be in Dream's position.
"He's so crazy!!!", Dream kicked at the ground behind George, flushed and giggling loudly.
"Wow his tummy is so ticklish!", George coo's excitedly. "This is his worst spot?". Sapnap nodded. George made claws with his hands and vibrated both of them against Dream's stomach. He convulses silently for a few seconds before screaming and crumbling into wheezing laughter. His body flopped helplessly under the torture. George leaned in with a smirk and switched between shaking his clawed hands in and grabbing at the tummy. Dream lost his ability to speak right away so no protests could be heard. Sapnap watched as Dream squeezed his eyes shut, threw back his head, and just lost himself in a chaotic wheezing hysterical laughter that practically shook the room. He trailed his eyes up to watch George's evil hands in action. They jerked around and focused in on whatever was getting the hardest wheezes out of Dream.

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUWhere stories live. Discover now