George's Revenge (Dream Team)

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"Quit squirming! You deserve this!", Dream shouted back at Sapnap, who was embarrassingly slung over his shoulder like a flour sack. Sapnap knew he had agreed to this and wasn't actually trying to escape, it's just that his body was acting on its own instinct. It knew what was coming.

Yesterday George and Sapnap had agreed to a fight to see who was stronger. But, Sapnap had cheated a bit and instead pinned George down and tickled the life out of him. The house agreed it wasn't fair and George would get to have his revenge to even everything back out. Sapnap had been joking when talking about that 'hierarchy' stuff, but he had tickled some slightly embarrassing words and noises out of George and then teased him mercilessly about it the entire night until George was fuming. He had whined to Dream how something needed to be done and now Dream was carrying Sapnap to his tickly doom.

Sapnap was plopped onto the living room's carpeted floor with a little 'oomph' and he took in his surroundings before rolling his eyes.
"George you've been a real baby about this.", he informed his taller friend. George ignored him. He had dragged away the coffee table to make room for Sapnap.
"Shoes off.", George cheesed.

The words chilled Sapnap to his core. He looked over at Dream for help and only found him holding back a surprised laugh.
"Oh shit...", Dream muttered, way too pleased for Sapnap's liking. He must have told him.
"Oh come on...this isn't fair! What the hell! You didn't tell me he was going to ti-,", he shook his head, "! No way!", Sapnap prickled like a wild animal, glaring mean and sharp up at George.
"You did get his worst spot.", Dream nodded slowly, trying to rationalize it to the panicked boy. Though, he couldn't help the playful smirk that was playing at his lips.

While Dream was much stronger than Sapnap, he had still not really been able to hold him down and tickle him for too long. He had seen some pretty intense reactions, though. Sapnap was crazed when he was tickled and he played dirty when he fought...which is why George was demanding revenge now. He had never gotten to tickle Sapnap's feet before and he's had reactions that have led him to believe it's some sort of other-worldly death spot. He might have let that slip to George in their scheming last night. Dream gave a grateful look over to his newest roommate before flanking Sapnap quickly. He sat down behind him and wrapped his arms around his chest and arms in one movement.
"Grab his foot and stand back up!", Dream ordered, giggling at the sound of authoritative voice being used for such a silly order. Sapnap released his usual yell of fear as he squirmed desperately in Dream's grip.
"Dream!", he cried. George grabbed one of Sapnap's feet and yanked it back up with him, holding it a bit higher as Dream released him and just sat on his knees beside him. Smart apparently, seeing as Sapnap threw an elbow back as soon as he could.
"George!", he growled. Before he could lunge at the offender Dream shoved him back softly, giving him a dangerous smirk. It gave George the time to tear off Sapnap's sneaker and sock, tossing them away as Sapnap cried out. "What the fuck!", he yelled, trying to grab for George's legs, only to be pushed back by Dream again.

A shriek tore through the air as George scribbled his nails against Sapnap's bare sole, throwing the boy back into ticklish agony. He wrapped his arms around his stomach as he arched his back before twisting wildly back and forth, barks of laughter forcing it's way out of him. Dream tried his best to guide his friend's squirming, fearing he would hurt himself.

"His toes.", he threw the words back to George and grabbed hold of Sapnap's arms, sensing somehow the insanity that was about to break out.
"Ooh.", George trilled, annoyingly British. He suddenly forced his fingers between the desperately wiggly toes. Dream held on.

Sapnap twisted harshly and convulsed with his mouth wide open, heaving against the invisible laughter his vocal cords couldn't keep up with. Soon a helpless squeal burst out of him and he fell back into crazed cackling. He closed his eyes as it just took him over. No pleas or begging. His burning red face shook and his body followed, writhing hopelessly against the floor and Dream's gentle hold.

Dream was a bit stunned at the scene, peeking up to see George's shock matched his own 'Wow.', George mouthed silently at him.

George pulled his fingers out from between the sensitive toes and experimentally plucked at them, playfully grabbing them and wiggling them each one by one. Sapnap wailed dramatically and his free foot stomped at the ground. His frantic laughter shot up a few octaves as he jolted multiple times as the electricity of each touch hit him individually.
"George.", he squeaked.

George couldn't believe it. He had pulled Sapnap's deranged giggles out of him a hundred times now and he has never seen him like this.
"Dream, are my ears bleeding? He's so loud!", George teased, dancing his fingertips lightly down the squirmy foot in his grip. Dream laughed and started to turn to say something equally teasy, but they were both snapped to attention by Sapnap's snort. They both gasped.

Sapnap shrunk in embarrassment, shaking his head in horror at how his body had betrayed him.
"Don't do that!", he whimpered and slapped his hands over his burning face.
"I've actually never seen him like this.", Dream spoke, half-amused and half-confused. "What are you doing to him?", he looked up.
"I barely even tickled him that time!", George scoffed, tickling softly at Sapnap's heel again. It drew another muffled-snort from him and he twisted roughly to the side as desperate laughter poured out of him. Dream held on to ensure he wouldn't hurt himself, laughing.
"God, his feet are so ticklish!!! Like he has never ever let me touch them for more than two seconds! Now I know why!", Dream went on talking to George. Hiccups started to pierce their way through Sapnap's laughter and he was barely fighting back, weakened by all the teasing and newness of it.
"Mercy!", Sapnap peeped, trying it out. They hadn't agreed on any safe words, but Sapnap was confident his best friends weren't actually going to push him past any limits.

George slowed to a stop with the tortuously gentle tickles and laid down Sapnap's leg. Together they pulled Sapnap into an awkward hug pile and giggled as he melted into it with no hesitation. George usually took a few beats longer to be as physically affectionate as the others, but couldn't seem to help himself at the moment. He coo'ed softly as he played with Sapnap's hair. The younger boy clung softly to his friends, already nearly asleep at the wind down from excitement. A new feeling bloomed in his chest. He had never felt so helpless and out of control of his own body. He wondered if this is how his friends felt when he tickled them to the brink of death.

He couldn't think about it too hard, though. His exhaustion yanked him into dreamland before he could even acknowledge how tired he was.
"He's asleep?", George whispered to Dream, both looking back at each other with delighted confusion. Excited to see a new side of their best friend. Excited for the world of opportunities this opened up for their future tickle fights.

They both smiled down dumbly at their beloved best friend. Sapnap had a soft fistful of each of their shirts and his head was against Dream's chest as gentle snores escaped his little smiling lips.

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUWhere stories live. Discover now