The Dream Hoodie (GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)

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"We're not streaming or filming anything right now, what are you doing?".

George and Dream stopped in their tracks at Sapnap's voice. They were making their way to the living room to join him, but now he was blocking the path; leaning in the doorway with his eyes narrowed at George.
"What?", Dream asked. Sapnap only gestured past him. While Dream had no clue what he meant, George had his suspicions. He looked behind himself dramatically.
"Huh?", he asked, a playful dumb-tone teasing at his voice.

"He's still in your hoodie, like he just wears it all the time! For himself!", Sapnap huffed.
"Well it's not mine mine, he bought it himself.", Dream said a little defensively. The iconic Dream hoodie, of course. The 4XL black smile Dream hoodie George had bought while in England so he could tease Dream about having 'his hoodie'.
"Why do you even care?", George forced out a laugh and looked away. His embarrassment wasn't hidden well, but the other two were used to the easily-flustered brit.
"You look ridiculous! It goes past your shorts! Or are you just pants-less right now?", Sapnap threw up his hands. Dream wheezed.

Ever since George had moved in these instances of 'arguments for arguments sake' happen almost daily. George and Sapnap were like two cats that loved each other, but had these wired-in instincts to attack each other at any flick of a tail. It was always so out-of-the-blue to Dream, and endlessly entertaining.

"It does look like you're not wearing pants George.", Dream somehow managed between his wheezing laughter. He found nothing funnier in the world than his two best friends.
"I'M WEARING PANTS!!!", George hollered at the two. His little fists were clenched at his sides and his cheeks were a heated pink. The teasing and laughter getting to him, apparently. The other two laughed more.

George pushed by Dream in a rush and bear-hugged Sapnap, forcing him to stumble further into the room.
"Hey! HEY!", Sapnap squealed and twisted as George dug into his sides. George didn't have the strength to pull him down and Sapnap didn't have enough to throw him. Instead the two did an awkward giggly spin together that nearly brought Dream to his knees with how hard he was already laughing.

Dream followed the two into the living room and found the wall behind him. He settled against it and slid to the floor; cross-legged and comfortable as he watched his favorite show.

"George fuck off!!!", Sapnap cried out. Laughter was slipping from his lips against his will as George nearly climbed up his back, tickling roughly at his back and sides. "No!", he twisted and squealed again as the monkey on his back latched onto his hips and tickled mercilessly; no thoughts given to the safety of either of them. They crashed to the floor with matching shrieks of terror.

"George you idiot!!", Dream called out. Sapnap had gotten the upperhand in the commotion and now had George pinned. They were both winded and filled with gasp-y giggles.
"Shut up!", George whined towards the spectator.

Sapnap was straddling George's waist and had a grip on both of his wrists, holding them between them. In the fall George's Dream hoodie has risen up a little and now the other two could see he was wearing shorts after all. Pretty short shorts, but shorts nonetheless. Sapnap shook his head with amusement at the observation and released one of George's hands. He latched onto his pale bare thigh and squeezed. George screamed.

"NOOO!!", George wailed, quickly breaking down into hysterical laughter as he shoved at Sapnap's chest. He wasn't sure if he had ever been tickled on his legs like that without a fabric barrier and he immediately needed Sapnap to stop. "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna dieee!", George shrieked. His laughter climbed up all the octaves as he panicked at the touch. Survival instincts kicking in fast. He managed to smack Sapnap's hand away from his hypersensitive thigh.
"That's not nice!", Sapnap scolded him playfully.

George threw everything he had into Sapnap to get on top again; tickling his ribs roughly and grabbing him and twisting his way on top. Sapnap barely knew what happened before he was squealing and kicking at the floor on his back.
"George!", he yelled, snapping his arms to his side and throwing his head back into laughter. George was now straddling his waist and digging into his hips with both hands. "Stahhp!!".
"Get him Gogy!", Dream called.
"Shut your...boyfriend up!!!", Sapnap risked a tease and paid for it dearly as George 'tsked' and beckoned for Dream's help. In an instant, Dream had collected Sapnap's hands and pulled them up above his head. "I'm sorry!!!", he squirmed desperately.
"Oh, Pandas.", Dream coo'ed softly. He only busted out the nostalgic nickname at peak times to fluster the youngest. Sapnap flushed.

George wormed his hands all the way up Sapnap's shirt and attacked his bare ribcage with clawed hands. Sapnap arched his back with a harsh screech, then collapsed into frantic cackling and wiggling. His feet pitter-pattered against the ground.
"Please!", he peeped. It was the last word he muttered before giving himself over to the torture. Like this, he was useless. Pinned under his two best friends who knew exactly what to say and where to tickle to make him lose his mind. His thoughts muddled and he couldn't even remember what stupid argument had started all of this. He shrunk under the two's smirks and evil giggles. The laughter tore out of him uncontrollably. He jolted as George sent tickly shockwaves directly into his ribcage. He wailed as he felt the skinny fingers dig between each rib, searching for more sweet spots. One particular spot yanked an embarrassing squawk out of him and the other two laughed.

"Alright Georgie, maybe we shouldn't kill him?", Dream smiled softly down at his squirmy red-faced best friend. The younger didn't even seem to register the words. Just squealing and laughing away. He looked back to George and was met with a frightening gaze.
"But, he's so cute like this.", George smirked. While the sentiment was technically sweet, his tone of voice and evil smirk revealed how targeted and purposeful the words were. Sapnap whined.
"Please!", Sapnap gasped out. His voice shaky through the laughter. Wheezes were starting to lace through each new burst and Dream worried for his sanity. And lungs.

Dream suddenly released Sapnap's hands and sat back into his cross-legged position. As soon as Sapnap felt the release he grabbed two handfuls of George's ridiculously large hoodie and yanked him down. George could only squeak and be pulled along. Soon the two were locked in a more traditional wrestling match.
"Your boyfriend betrayed you!!", Sapnap teased breathlessly. George let out a yell of protest and the two rolled across the living room floor, filled with giggles. Dream laughed fondly as he watched his two best friends tussle on the ground in front of him. With Sapnap's energy sapped from the tickle torture they were much more evenly matched.

Dream made a mental note to grab Sapnap the exact same 4XL Dream hoodie so he could match George. He would openly protest, but he knew he would wear it.

The two flopped on their backs next to each other in front of Dream and played dead. Tongues out and everything. He reached down and attacked both their tummies with tickles, earning matching shrieks.

The art for this was made by
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