Chapter 25

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"Oh my god my fucking head," Louis groans when he wakes up the next day. Not only does he have a headache from hell, he still feels almost as drunk as last night and the sun shining through the curtains is already enough to make him want to close his eyes again. But what's worse - the side of the bed next to him is empty. Groaning, Louis slowly sits up and looks at the alarm clock on his bedside table.

"Shit," he murmurs, rubbing his eyes. It's already noon and Harry's Release Day. He knows that there will be a party with his team this afternoon, to which he is also invited to celebrate the expected success of the album, so he has four more hours to get a clear head. Louis screwed up. Worst boyfriend ever and all that. Instead of being by Harry's side in the morning and supporting him, he sleeps off his drunkenness until midday. At least he wants to look decent when he goes looking for Harry, so he hurries to the bathroom and tries not to throw up in the shower. Definitely no more alcohol for him in the near future - that's for sure.

After changing into fresh clothes and looking halfway decent, he's about to go downstairs when he catches sight of Harry's nail polish collection and gets an idea. He grabs the black one, puts it in his pocket, and then slowly walks down the stairs, trying not to trip. Harry is nowhere to be found in the house and so Louis steps into the garden where he finally finds him, dressed only in shorts, on the sun lounger. With a big grin on his face he waves at him and then points to his cell phone which he holds pressed to his ear.

Louis makes space between his legs and lies down on top of him, burying his head on his bare chest and content to finally feel the other body underneath him again.

"That's great, yes. Keep me updated, yeah? Okay bye," Harry speaks into his phone and then ends the call.

"Hey sleepy head, sober again?" he then asks and gives Louis a kiss on his hair.

"No, but whatever. Today is your day darling. I'm so proud of you," he says softly, craning his head up so their mouths can find each other in a kiss.

"Thanks babe," Harry whispers and starts scratching his head, which is a blessing as it's still pounding.

"Sorry I just woke up now," Louis says apologetic, circling Harry's nipple and the fine hairs around it with his index finger.

"It's okay. I was partly to blame for your condition, wasn't I?" Harry chuckles softly. "And now that you're sober - Once again, I'm very sorry for how I acted yesterday. I know that you wanted to cheer me up, but the nervousness made it difficult for me to think straight. When you were gone it felt like there was a hole inside me," he says, more seriously.

"H, you know, it won't be the last time we fight. You're welcome to take a break before we talk about it afterwards, but don't kick me out anymore. That was the only thing that really hurt me," Louis murmurs, looking back at Harry, who then locks his arms tightly around him.

He nods with a guilty look. "Yeah, that was stupid of me. Will not happen again."

The reconciliation is followed by a long, tender kiss in which Louis sighs softly, while Harry runs his hand through his hair again and again. It's peaceful, healing, and everything he needs right now.

"Who did you just talk to on the phone?" Louis wants to know.

"With Jenn from my team. She gave me the first numbers. My fans are the best, the album is climbing the charts by the hour and the streams are insane." Harry's face is beaming with joy and his eyes have a gleam that draws Louis in.

"I'm so happy for you. You deserve nothing else. And your worries were unfounded."

"They were. I'll keep that in mind for the next album release," Harry grins. "Let's sunbathe and doze off so we look fresh when we have to go to the party."

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