Chapter 11

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Louis listens to Niall snoring and has been awake for an hour since his short sleep. The touches and kisses still burning on his skin and the slight stinging with every move that Harry caused, are proof that it really all happened.

With a clear head, for the first time, the thought occurs to him why Harry was even outside? Had he followed him on purpose? Or had he only spotted Louis by accident outside? Which side entrance did he came out of? Wasn't he missed at the Met Gala? And hopefully not just one person noticed all of this. How could they be so reckless?

With a grunt, he turns to the side and can see the outlines of Niall in the other bed, who doesn't notice fast asleep the turmoil inside of him. But since he started pondering, Louis has become certain of one thing - he never wants to have sex with a woman again, no matter what happens with Harry. It's like his life is divided into two periods, one before Harry and one after. And in the life after, he can't imagine a woman ever making him feel that good again. His first time was being far from romantically or in a relationship with a partner he loves, but it was still perfect.

That's probably why he gets the tingling in his stomach whenever he thinks back to Harry. He probably misses him and the bed feels too empty in which he lies. Maybe just because it was his first experience and it doesn't mean anything. And maybe he should finally wash away the traces of last night and get on with his life without hoping for more.

Sighing, Louis rolls out of bed and pushes his thoughts away, sneaking into the bathroom so as not to wake Niall. When he stands naked in front of the mirror and sees his bare chest in it, he traces the contours of his collarbone with his fingertip where he sees a small purple mark that Harry left. He shudders at the memory of hot kisses on his body and has to fight with all his might to prevent his cock from standing upright again immediately. He quickly turns away from the mirror and gets in the shower where he stands sighing under the warm jet of water, which relaxes his muscles and mind.

As he steps out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, Niall is already grinning tiredly and looking at him expectantly.

"Tommo," he draws out his nickname teasingly, and Louis quickly turns away from him, rummaging in his trunk for clothes. He feels like there's neon writing on his forehead that he's lost his virginity again - only this time to a man. And none other than Harry Styles.

"I know you're not a morning person but still - where did you go last night? And who did you have sex with?"

Louis has turned his back on him and is rummaging around aimlessly in his suitcase only that he has something to do and hopes that the blush that is burning on his cheeks is not also on his neck and for Niall to see.

"What makes you think I had sex?" he murmurs back quietly.

"The red marks of fingernails on your back. Must have been wild, wasn't it?" Niall laughs softly and Louis freezes in his movements. Is he ready to tell his best friend about himself? He knows that Niall wouldn't judge him for it but he feels too vulnerable right now and not able to tell him everything at this moment. It's not the right time and so he just slowly turns to him and stares at him silently. He simply doesn't have the words for it because he doesn't want to lie to him either.

"Tommo, is everything okay? You're pale," Niall asks concerned, sitting up in his bed.

"Yes, yes...I- um, just didn't get enough sleep I guess. And yes, I had sex. But it was just a one night stand. Can we talk about something else?"

Niall looks at him critically as if he doesn't quite believe what Louis is saying. And Louis feels bad - of course Niall knows he's not telling the whole truth because they've known each other too long and the friendship is too close.

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