Chapter 21

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Harry storms into the garage just as Louis applies the handbrake and he doesn't even get a chance to open the door himself. Instead, Harry rips it open and helps Louis out by the hand.

"Babe, where have you been? Oh-"

Harry is visibly excited but falters the moment Jay climbs out of the passenger side and smiles at him. Louis leans in for a quick kiss.

"Sorry love, my mum surprised me with her visit," Louis explains, grinning broadly and in high spirits. Harry's face switches back and forth between the two and he just starts to beam. With his arm around Louis' waist, he walks around the car and shakes hands with his mother.

"Hi Harry, I'm Jay. I hope it's okay that I came here?" Jay asks immediately and smiles apologetically.

Harry's head starts nodding wildly and Louis watches two of his dearest people with a warm feeling in his stomach. "Of course family and friends of Lou are always welcome here and I'm so excited to meet you."

"Thanks. Louis is right, you really are the sweetest," Jay says, gently patting Harry's cheek.

"See Mum, I told you Harry wouldn't mind," Louis says to his mother and opens the trunk to get her suitcase out but Harry pushes him aside with his body and doesn't give Louis a chance. His arm muscles flex visibly in his shirt as he takes out the suitcase and Louis has to look away to avoid developing a boner. Only Harry has such an effect on him.

"First she wanted to spend the night in my apartment, but she's not here often so I decided to take her here with me." Louis says, also to steer his thoughts back to an innocent path.

"You did everything right, sun, I'm going to cook something for all of us to celebrate the day," he says with a loving smile, brushing Louis' fringe off his forehead and taking his hand with his free one. Louis loves how gently Harry treats him, how little touches keep showing him how much he loves him. Grateful for this man, he runs his thumb over the soft skin of his hand and briefly sinks into his lover's green eyes.

Jay clears her throat quietly and they tear their eyes apart. It often happens that they get lost in their gaze and shut themselves off from the outside world, but when they see Jay's amused look, both of their cheeks blush. "As much as I love to watch you boys flaunt your love, I'd like to freshen up."

"Of course mum, sorry," Louis murmurs, letting go of Harry's hand and instead taking her in a sideways hug, leading her through the garage and into the house. Harry follows them with the suitcase, giving mother and son a chance to catch up on the latest gossip along the way.

Once inside, Louis shows her where the bathroom is while Harry puts the suitcase in one of the guest rooms. As the bathroom door closes, Louis immediately rushes off, surprising Harry, who was about to leave the room, only to push him back in and lock the door from the inside.

"We're going to hold back on my mum, but until she gets out of the bathroom, you're my Styles. Come on, kiss me like there's no tomorrow," he demands softly and puts his arms around his neck.

"So needy Tomlinson," Harry just laughs but immediately obliges. His tongue slips inside Louis' mouth, gentle but demanding and he enjoys it more than usual after what he saw earlier. Louis tightens the pressure on his lips, wanting to erase whatever memory Harry must have of kissing Ella and replace it with his. Louis quickly runs his hands up Harry's torso so that he suddenly grabs his hands, pinning him against the wall and holding them over his head.

"What's up baby? I can feel that you are restless. Where were you earlier? Or did you just pick up your mother?" Harry asks quietly and blows many hot kisses on his neck while he waits for Louis to answer.

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