Part 25~Hell's Coming

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Todoroki was surrounded by fire. The Earth cracked and spilt more flames that surrounded Todoroki.

Hisashi dropped Izuku as he approached the roaring inferno. "Yes! It's happening! It's finally happening!"

Todoroki cried as his form changed. Horns burst out from his forehead, curling around itself as his eyes became red orbs with black irises. A tail grew out, and black ash travelled up his hand, looming closer and closer.

Izuku pushed himself up, tackling Todoroki away from the portal. The blackness stopped as Todoroki slowly came back.

"Sho-chan?" Izuku tilted his head as Todoroki rubbed his forehead.

"That hurt." Todoroki froze as he felt the horn. Screaming in shock, Todoroki held out his hands, touching the horns and his tail switch. "This is not normal!"

Izuku didn't give Todoroki time to process, dragging him out of the war zone. All Might and AFO continued to clash above head. Hisashi laughed as the portal spread out, growing wider and wider as demons climbed out.

Seto stumbled up as she joined Hisashi's side.

"Well, I believe we failed everything we set out to do." Ichi lowered her hands, glowing as she slowly brought Katsuki back.

Katsuki coughed, struggling as he sat up with the help of Yaoyorozu and Jiro. "What... What happened?"

"You can see?" Ichi beamed. "Great. I didn't think you would."

Katsuki gave her a confused look, but no one dared to tell him he didn't really have eyes anymore, just black balls.

"So, any ideas how we close the portal?"

The group turned to stare at Izuku and Todoroki as Todoroki shrugged. "I can't feel the connection to the portal. I don't think I can close it."

Izuku shook his head. "With the way the universe is now, we can't stop it."

"So what do we do because I have no intention of living in the next incarnation of hell." Ichi waved her hand towards the storm of spirits raging in the background.

Akuma tapped his chin. "If I can reverse my mum's spell and reset the universe, could you close the portal?"

Todoroki looked at Izuku for guidance as he refused to meet anyone's eyes.

"Izuku?" Ichi placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder as he sighed.

"You can't. A change like this, it can't be reversed. Trying to reverse the spell could destroy all the worlds with no way back."

"So what do we do."

Izuku let out a sigh. "Use your quirk to close the portal. We can't close it. It's not the first time a non-demon spawn has closed a demon-created portal."

Akuma paused. "I feel a but coming on."

"You can't do it without a price. A sacrifice. Someone has to willingly die for the portal to close. And after, no portals can be opened ever again."

"No. There has to be another way. I am not killing someone." Akuma stuck out his hand as the group winced.

"Let me be the sacrifice," Katsuki spoke up before anyone else could, leaning against Ichi.

"No." Izuku was the first to protest. "Your life force is weak. Your death will not be enough. Same for Ichi."

Ichi her lip, glancing at those left. Todoroki sighed, his eyes stealing. "I'll do it. I opened the portal. If a life needs to be taken, it should be mine."

"That won't work either." Izuku sighed, hanging his head. "We need to make sure every demon is back on the other side before the portal closes, including everyone running for the hill. As heirs to hell, we can track them, and I can't do that alone."

"Who does that leave?" Ichi turned her gaze to the last three. Jiro clung to Yaoyorozu, but before Yaoyorozu could offer up herself, Iida stood in the way.

"I'll do it."

"No!" Akuma shot up, stomping down his foot. "Not you."

Iida shared a look with Izuku, who nodded. "Akuma, I should have died a while ago now." He could see the confusion in Akuma's eyes as he gently took Akuma's hand. "When Stein attacked me, I didn't survive. I died. Izuku brought me. I've been living on borrowed time that shouldn't have."

"But... Why? What?" Akuma's eyes filled with tears as Izuku slowly stood.

"He's not lying."

"But why would you do that? Why didn't you tell me?" Akuma stared at Izuku as he sighed.

"Because of this." Izuku waved to the scene around them. "I knew what my dad wanted of me, and I knew when you died, he would do this. I was scared that if you lost Iida, you wouldn't fight to survive, and I would be sent back to him." Izuku hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I knew as long as he worked with Seto, it was too risky."

"You could have told me." Akuma's voice wavered. "Why did you hide it?"

Izuku didn't answer.

"Not to rush this, but every second we wait, more demons escape." Jiro pointed to the sky as Akuma shook his head.

"I'm not killing you."

Iida squeezed Akuma's hands, a soft smile on his face as tears streaked down his cheeks. "You're not killing me. You're just letting me go."


Izuku tapped Todoroki's side. "We'll round up the demons. Don't close it until you hear my signal." Izuku took a walkie-talkie from Yaoyozoru before they took off. Izuku tripled in size, forcing back the ones from the sky as Todoroki grabbed those on the ground.


Iida smiled, brushing away Akuma's cheek.

"Let's as many people outside the blast zone as possible." Ichi motioned for the girls to follow her, picking Katsuki up and fireman lifting him out of there.

"I'm not ready," Akuma croaked as Iida leaned his forehead against Akuma's.

"No one is."

All Might caught sight of what was happening. He took his chance, punching AFO threw the crack and into hell. Izuku punched the last flying demon out of the sky, popping into a smaller size as he turned to Todoroki. "Take this. You have to stop him after." Izuku shared a look with Todoroki as Todoroki hugged him tightly.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, cus." Izuku pulled away, hearing the snarling from behind him.

Hisashi flexed out his wings, glaring at Izuku. "You're ruining everything!"

Izuku giggled. "Yep." He charged, tackling Hisashi as he pulled out the walkie-talkie. "Now Akuma! Do it now!"

Akuma shook his head as Iida held him. "Do it."

"Νήμα του ο κόσμος. Ενώνω μαζί και βελονιά ούτος πληγή." Akuma's voice shaked as water fell from his cheeks. "Πάρτε το αίμα και ξήλωμα έξω η καρδιά και φτιάχνω τον κόσμο στο την ειρήνη για μια ακόμη φορά."

Iida let out a breath, sealing the spell with a kiss, holding Akuma one last time. The fire swirled down, being dragged below the surface as the crack healed.

Iida dropped dead. Akuma held his body, screaming as his heart shattered. He wouldn't let go of the body when the heroes came. Or when they tried to tell him, it was over. He wouldn't let go.

Iida wouldn't either. Breathing, his eyes opened again.


Νήμα του ο κόσμος. Ενώνω μαζί και βελονιά ούτος πληγή. Πάρτε το αίμα και ξήλωμα έξω η καρδιά και φτιάχνω τον κόσμο στο την ειρήνη για μια ακόμη φορά.

Thread of the world. Join together and stitch this wound. Take the blood and rip out the heart and make the world at peace once more.

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