Part 5~Uravity

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Yawning, Ichi stumbled out of her bed. She walked out of her room. "What's the point in unpacking the beds if you're still going to sleep on the couch?" She crossed her arms over her chest as Akuma groaned. 

"Blame Izuku. This is his fault." Akuma rolled over, shutting his eyes tightly. 

"Isn't he your familiar? Shouldn't he listen to you?"

"Since when has he ever listened to me?" Akuma sighed, pushing himself up. He scowled at Bakugo, the blond boy curled at the edge of the sofa. Izuku was asleep on his lap, his tail twitching softly with his dream. 

"Wow, still jealous? Why did you let him stay over if you were just gonna glare at him the whole time?" Ichi leaned over the edge of the sofa, her eyes fixed on Bakugo. 

"Izuku asked. I can't say no to Izuku."

"You know that's why Izuku doesn't listen to you. You're a pushover." Ichi poked Akuma's cheek, pushing him. Akuma glared at her, grabbing her hand as he sighed. 

"I am not a pushover."

"Sure. Sure. Whatever you say." Ichi hopped up, walking back into the kitchen. "You know what, Kuma?"


"I still can't find the eggies."


Izuku pouted as he yawned. He was bored. These lessons weren't any different from normal lessons they could get in any school. Though they were being taught by heroes, the novelty of it all wore off quickly. Izuku's tail swayed back and forth in front of Akuma's eyes. 

Akuma was trying to focus on taking notes but it wasn't that easy when there was a tail tickling your nose every few seconds. Tapping his pen on the table, Akuma listened to the teacher finishing up the lesson. 

"Is it over yet?" Izuku slid down the side of Akuma's head, landing on his shoulder. 

"One more lesson Izu. UA not all that you thought it would be?" Akuma smirked slightly, tapping Izuku with the lid of his pen. 

"UA is amazing. English is not. I'm already bilingual, I don't need to be trilingual."

Akuma chuckled, petting Izuku. "Okay, why don't you sleep through lessons and I'll wake you up when something interesting happens."

Izuku hummed before shaking his head. He hopped onto Akuma's hand before landing on the desk and jumping onto the floor. He turned into his mid-size form and ruffled through Akuma's bag. He pulled out the familiar notebook, walking to the front of the class and curled up in the corner. 

Izuku spread out his notes, scribbling everything he could down. 

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" 

Izuku jolted up, his eyes widening. "All Might!" Izuku hopped up, rushing toward All Might, asking thousands of questions. All Might gently crouched down and picked Izuku up. He walked down the aisle, placing Izuku on Akuma's desk.

"I'll answer your questions later, little one but for now, I must teach!" All Might patted the top of Izuku's head as he walked back to the front. 

Izuku's eyes sparkled as he touched the top of his head, almost as if he had been blessed by God themself. 


All Might smiled as the students walked out of the tunnel. They were all wearing their hero outfits for the first time and walking proudly. 

Akuma pushed his braid back over his shoulder. He had on a full-body, dark-red, sleeveless one-piece with a darker red leather jacket on top. He wore the same colour heel boots and a headpiece that had started off as a red dragon but now looked more like an evil vine twist thing. 

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