Part 12~Sports Festival

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Charging forward, the students of UA found themselves stuck in the tunnel. They fought tooth and claw to take a step forward, trying to climb over one another when the air dropped. Todoroki charged forward, leaving a trail of ice behind him.

"Not good enough, Todoroki!" Izuku jumped over the ice, fire swirling around his hands and feet as he and Akuma rushed forward. They couldn't get far as a hoard of zero-pointers gathered around, smashing the ground.

Todoroki wasn't phased, freezing the monster and continuing forward. The zero-pointer collapsed, crushing the people underneath.

"I-chan! People!" Izuku rushed to the Zero pointer, jumping up in size and pulling it off Tetsutetsu and Kirishima, who seemed unphased by the giant robot crushing them. "Or not." Izuku dropped the robot, shrinking in size and catching up to Akuma. He was mainly just dodging the robot and rushing for the exit.

A deep void with only ropes to go across with. "Izuku. You mind giving me a life?" Akuma gulped, stepping away from the endless pits and holding up his hand. Izuku grabbed on, his wings doubling in size as he flew across the obstacle.

Ichi grumbled, almost flailing over as she came to the edge.

Izuku dropped Akuma as they ran towards the final obstacle. A series of mines. "Want another lift?" Izuku tilted his head as Akuma shook his.

"I got this. Αργός." The people around Akuma slowed, almost looking frozen. Akuma casually strolled forward, not caring as he stepped on the mines and activated them. He got to the other side before turning back to the hoard of students. Time resumed as the row he walked on exploded in a puff of pink smoke.

"Why didn't you do that from the start?" Izuku huffed as Akuma slapped the back of his head.

"I want to see you control an entire reality for twenty minutes." Akuma huffed as he crossed the line, hearing the angry screams from Bakugo and Todoroki as they tried to catch up.

They waited, watching every person cross the line before they shared a confused expression.

"I'm a little impressed. I expected you to be middle of the pack," Akuma said as he pulled Ichi to her feet.

"I made everyone depressed."


"I made everyone depressed. That way, they didn't want to move, and I could pass them."

Akuma dropped Ichi. "Sabotage? Disgusting."

"Shut up, goodie-two-shoes. Not everyone has a flying spawn of hell to carry them across the finish."

Izuku snickered as Ichi pried herself off the floor, stumbling slightly.

Midnight called the remaining students around. The second event was about to begin.

Ichi grinned as she sat atop the other's shoulders. Akuma, Katsuki and Hatsume gathered around, holding her up. Izuku perched on Ichi's shoulders, looking almost like a lousy parrot copy. Akuma had asked Iida if he wanted to join, but the boy seemed determined to win without Akuma's help and ran off. Akuma was only a little annoyed.


Instantly, the students charged at Ichi as Izuku jumped off, placing his palms against the floor and cracking the Earth around them, summoning all of hell's fire to protect them.

"You know, I forgot Izuku can do that," Ichi stared, gulping slightly as Katsuki and Hatsume turned to Akuma.

"What is that?!"

Akuma didn't answer, growling. "Don't leave that open, Izuku! If a demon crawls through, we have to drag it back!"

Izuku laughed, landing atop Ichi's shoulder again. "Calm down, Ku-chan. I only opened it near the pit of limbless bodies. They can't crawl through it."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."

The group didn't move throughout the event, staying in their ring of fire. Hatsume seemed disappointed with the result, crying that she wanted to use her 'babies'. They got first place and moved on to the final event, a battle royal.

Akuma walked up first, fighting against Shinso. He had no idea who this kid was or why he was there, but he did cause two students to drop out, so he wasn't liked.

Present Mic announced the beginning of the match as Shinso began taunting Akuma. He rolled his eyes, lifting his hand. "Πάγωμα." Shinso froze completely, unable to move as Midnight announced the end of the match.

Akuma let Shinso out of the spell, walking towards him. Shinso scowled, glaring at Akuma. "What do you want?"

"You know, there are better ways to use your Quirk."

"Easy for you to say. You have a heroic quirk."

"My quirk is called black magic, Izuku is grim from hell, and Ichi made everyone depressed to get into this. I don't think 'heroic' is something people associate with us. Just think about it. You might have better luck if you learn to fight first."

Akuma turned around, leaving as Izuku waved to Shinso.

"What weirdos." Shinso dragged himself off the arena, hearing his fellow members of the gen ed cheering him on.


Ichi was panicking. Of course, the first person she would go against was the strongest in the class.

"You'll be fine, I-chan." Izuku swung his legs under him.

"You think he'll take it easy on me?"

"Oh, no. He will take you on like he's fighting All Might."

"I'm dead. I'm so dead." Ichi collapsed into her chair, staring at the floor as if it would swallow her and give her an easier death.

The match before hers was just starting. A fight between Mina and Aoyama.

"Please tell me I don't have to do this!"

"Well, your other option is to give up and concede the match. But that would mean admitting that you can't do anything in a fight." Akuma glanced up as Ichi took a deep breath.

"For death or glory!" She jumped up, stiffly walking to the door.

"Good luck, I-chan! If you die, I'll guide your soul."

"Not helping, Izuku!"

Izuku giggled as Akuma smiled, letting him land on his shoulder and carry him to the viewing section.

Ichi shakingly walked out, Katsuki walking out from the other tunnel. Present Mic screamed from his station. "Ready? Go!"






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