Part 10~Useful

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To say this day wasn't going well is a tremendous understatement. They almost died multiple times, and as Ichi charged to block Izuku with her body, she was sure that was the end of her days.

In her panic, sorrow and acceptance, she smiled, glad to have been helpful at least once. And then she was starving. Something clicked in her mind. The blast knocked everyone off their feet, throwing them around.

Banoduth landed in a heap, losing form before it stood up again. The "nice" lady trying to kill them tutted in annoyance. "This isn't your fight, sweetie. Out of my way. Μαρτύριο!"

Ichi screamed in pain, collapsing on herself as Izuku snapped out of his shock. Growling, he jumped past Ichi, baring his teeth and biting the lady's arm. She screamed as Ichi gasped in relief. Akuma rushed to her, picking her up and dragging her away.

"Ichi! Hey! You okay?!" Akuma gulped fearfully as Ichi coughed, forcing a smile onto her face.

"Never better. Who is that?"

"I-I don't know."

"Kuma... her eyes-"

"I know, but we'll think about that later."

Izuku cried as the lady threw him to the side, flicking her hair back as she turned to Banoduth. "Get up and destroy them!" Banoduth didn't do anything, rocking back and forth in its self-producing mist, muttering under its breath. "What's the matter with you! Get up!" The lady kicked Banoduth's head- or at least one of them.

Banoduth slowly stopped rocking, pulling itself to its feet and glaring at Ichi. It let out demonic screeching before charging. Its hand formed a long blade that pierced the ground where Ichi would have been if Akuma didn't push her out of the way.

"Tsu! Get Ichi out of here." Akuma deposited the girl in Tsu's arms, running back into the fight. "Ξίφος!" Akuma held out his hand as a sword formed in his palm, meeting the bulky blade of Banoduth.

"Σκοτώνω!" The lady held her hand as Izuku spun Akuma out of the way.

"Kuchan, you take that spell-y lady. I'll deal with the big boy." Izuku snarled, leaving no room for argument as he tripled in size, catching Banoduth's blade and slinging it to the side along with the rest of the smoke known as Banoduth.

Akuma gulped, turning to the white-haired lady, the sword shaking in his hand.

"Awe, how cute. You think you can kill me, little boy? I am older, and I have more spells. I have learnt from the gods themselves the way of magic! This society has corrupted everything! Destroyed everything! We will rewrite the fates and remake destiny in the gods' image!" The lady laughed, her pupils small and spinning in his eyes.


All Might walked out the entrance, looking more than pissed. "Do not fear... I am here!"

Snarling, the lady glared at All Might. "Do you mind! I was talking, you overgrown cartoon sketch!" The lady took in a breath, turning back to Akuma. "Anywho, as I was saying, this world shall be destroyed, your friends shall all die, and everything you love will be gone. But you can live. Join me, little boy, gain more magic than you could ever imagine."



"I said no. That is not enticing in the slightest."

"Oh well, can't say I didn't try. Now die, reject!" The lady charged across the ground, muttering a spell under her breath as her fingernails grew into claws and clashed with Akuma's sword.

In the background, Banoduth matched Izuku's height, and the two were caught in a wrestling match that was not going well. All Might had gotten Aizawa away but was caught by the Nomu.

The battles raged on as Tsu dragged Ichi to the exit.

"I can't go... I need to help." Ichi struggled to focus on the battles, and Tsu wasn't answering her. "They need help. They need help. Everyone needs to just chill out." Ichi paused by the door, seeing the others hovering around Thirteen's style.

"Ichi! Are you okay?" Uraraka rushed forward, taking Ichi from Tsu.

"They need to chill out... Need a lullaby..."

Uraraka looked to Tsu for an explanation, but Tsu had no idea what Ichi was talking about. Below, the fights were getting worse. Despite cutting off three of the lady's fingers, they kept growing back, the claws growing sharper and longer each time. Cuts littered along Akuma's skin, and he struggled to stay up, his mind becoming muffled and his tank on empty.

Despite Todoroki and Bakugo's assistance, All Might was no closer to beating the Nomu. In fact, he seemed further away from the realisation Nomu could regenerate. Izuku wasn't faring much better. Banoduth stood on his neck, squeezing on the windpipes and crushing Izuku's airflow.

Ichi pulled at Uraraka's sleeve, pointing to the wall again and again until Uraraka finally took her to it. Ichi pulled open the panel, tearing at wires and sticking them back together.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Ichi blinked, shaking her head as she pulled out her microphone. "They need to chill out." Before Uraraka could question, Ichi opened her mouth, singing into her mic.

The speaker system flared to life, and the notes spun around the USJ. Blasts of golden light erupted from Ichi's stomach, coating the area with a bright glow.

None of the villains did anything for a moment, and then they started falling over, collapsing and snoring. Akuma grinned, using the moment to push the lady away from him, touching the ground as he summoned plants to wrap around her, holding her in place. Izuku threw Banoduth off him, tackling him to the ground with a smirk of triumph, and All Might hit the Nomu through the ceiling. A little overkill, but they weren't going to complain.

Ichi smiled as her eyes drooped, tiredness and hunger consuming her. Her lullaby ended. "Told you... I'm useful..."

As the heroes burst through the door, Ichi finally collapsed.


Stretching her hands behind her, Ichi grinned, bouncing down the road. "You know, that wasn't too bad for our first real villain fight." She glanced at the boys, trailing slightly behind, stopping outside the house. The car was in front of it, looking out of place in the student's home. "I can come with you if you want."

Akuma shook his head, picking Izuku up. "No, I'm okay. I need to do this alone." He paused, looking at Izuku. "With my emotional support grim."

"Yeah!" Izuku pumped a fist in the air, making Ichi chuckle.

"Okay, just hollar if you need me. Apparently, I can be quite useful in a tight spot."

Akuma rolled his eyes slightly. "You're not going to let that go, are you?"

"Never!" Ichi turned, running down the road.

Akuma took a deep breath, walking in and smiling softly. "Hey, dad. We need to talk."








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