Part 1~Akuma

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Akuma was in shock. That worked? That worked! Floating above his desk, the person looked around owlishly. He was tiny- he couldn't be older than four- with messy green hair on the top of his head. Two long horns stuck out of his hair, curling upward as his long fluffy black tail swayed behind him. 

Slowly, the boy-demon-thing lifted his hand, brushing back his hair in amazement. "I have hair again!" The boy hopped up before drifting back to the ground. He waited a second before placing his feet on the ground. He seemed surprised when the ground didn't give out below him, smiling wildly. "I can stand!" The boy took in a deep breath, spinning happily. "I'm better! Mummy! I'm better!" The boy suddenly stopped, looking around fearfully. "Mummy? Where are you? Where am I? This isn't home..."

Takahara-Sensei snapped out of his shock to glare at Akuma. "What did you do?!" The whole class turned to him in similar states of disapproval. 

Akuma took a deep breath, pushing his long pink hair out of his eyes. The pink flash in his eyes calmed down, returning to the 'normal' pink iris in the grey sea. Truthfully, this wasn't Akuma's normal eye colour but the more he used his Quirk, the more normal it became. "I don't know."

"Of course, he doesn't. He has no control over his Quirk whatsoever!" Hirose-san snapped, placing her hand on her hip. Hirose-san hated Akuma- well most people did but she hated him more. Ever since Akuma had gotten his Quirk four years ago, he had been a target. 'Black Magic' they called it. Dark and evil. Akuma didn't see it that way but he couldn't exactly fight back without confirming their beliefs. "We should just kill the apparition and continue with the lesson. Some of us actually want to pass our exams and get out of this dump of a school!"

"No. He's not an apparition." Akuma held out his hand but Hirose-san scoffed. 

"Yes, he is. Children don't just appear out of nowhere. If you won't destroy it, I will!" Hirose-san stepped closer to the boy, a small gas seeping out of her palm. "Don't be afraid, little boy. This won't hurt a bit."

The boy looked up at her, stepping back in fear. "No!" Fire surrounded him again as he rushed away. He rushed past the desk, pushing past the different people. His nails grew, becoming claws on the end of his hand. "Leave me alone!" 


The boy disappeared, leaving Hirose-san stumbling to a halt. Akuma jolted, feeling something land on his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a tiny- almost doll-size- version of the boy hiding behind his hair. 

"Where did it go?!" 

Glancing at Hirose-san, Akuma pushed his hair back and grabbed the boy. He snuck the boy in his back, pressing a finger against his lip to tell the boy to be quiet. "Maybe he left."

Hirose glared at Akuma, storming toward him. "You better hope he has." Slumping on her desk, the class reset and continued with their lesson. Akuma ripped out the summoning circle, stashing it in his pocket. 

Who the hell did he summon?!


Checking the spots around him, Akuma ducked behind the tree. He placed his bag on the floor, opening it carefully. The boy popped out his head, a confused look on his face. He pulled himself up, trying to climb out of the bag. Yelping, the boy tumbled over the edge, turning back into his full size as he crashed against the tree. 

Water built up in the corners of the boy's eyes as he held his head. Crying in pain, the boy shook, curling in on himself. 

"Hey, can you stop crying?" Akuma tilted his head with a disinterested expression on his face. The boy cried harder, leaving Akuma unsure of what to do. 

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