Part 9~Choices

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Before the literal incarnation of death joined our heroes, Ichi struggled to leave the ruined city on the outskirts of the USJ. She, Bakugo and Kirishima rushed about, unknowing of the battles going on. She did not know about Akuma freezing the lake or Aizawa fighting the Nomu. She did not know about Izuku and Iida fighting at the entrance of the USJ.

Standing up, Iida glanced at the other students. "Shoji, is everyone here? Can you check?"

Shoji's limbs moved about, forming eyes and ears. "Everyone's scattered, but they're all in this building," he confirmed. The group let out a sigh of relief as Izuku shook his head.

"Just because they're here doesn't make them safe." Izuku glanced across the USJ, forcing his eyes away and back to the main problem. "But we can't think about them." Kurogiri was reforming in front of them.

"Hey, Izu-chan, don't suppose you can teleport?" Uraraka let out a soft laugh as Izuku hummed.

"Not unless you want a one-way trip to the afterlife." They did not want that. "My abilities are limited when I'm not with Kuchan, but I have a last resort if it comes to it. It's just not particularly a useful one." Izuku shifted his gaze, clearly hiding something as his tail swayed behind him.

"Iida," Thirteen called out, "I entrust this to you. Run to the school and tell them about what is happening here."

Iida's eyes widened as he glanced at Izuku. The boy was still hugging his side.

"The alarms are not sounding, and our phones don't have a signal. The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even though Eraser Head is erasing people's Quirks left and right, they are still not working. This means they must have someone with an interference Quirk who hid right when they arrived. It would be faster for you to run than for us to find that person."

"But it would be a disgrace to leave everyone behind," Iida started to protest when Izuku chuckled.

"It would be a bigger disgrace to not seek out help. You're the fastest person and the only one who could make it. Don't worry about us. Get help first." Izuku grinned as the others shouted their own agreements.

"But take Izuchan with you," Uraraka interrupted, making Izuku falter. "Sorry, Izu, but this isn't a place for you right now." Uraraka patted Izuku's head as Iida finally relented, picking Izuku up.

"Hey!" Izuku kicked out but was overpowered. "This is just rude."

"You said it yourself. Your power is limited with Akuma. It's better you're safe."

Izuku still didn't look pleased, his tail flicking in annoyance. Kurugiri launched forward as Thirteen activated her Quirk, sucking in and destroying his smoke. Iida got ready to charge, but before he could move, a portal opened.

Thirteen began to rip herself apart. Izuku cried out, struggling as he tried to help, but Iida wouldn't let him. Cursing internally, Iida began to run, storming past the fallen hero and the smoky villain.

Kurugiri turned to him, opening a portal in front of Iida. Iida tried to skid to a halt, but the momentum was too much. He was going to be warped away. Shoji jumped out of nowhere, wrapping around Kurugiri and forcing him away from Iida.

Izuku continued to struggle as they approached the door. Kurugiri was flying over them, surrounding them and making it hard to see.

"I don't know the theory behind it, but if he's wearin' somethin' like this, then it must mean he has a physical body," Uraraka announced as the smoke lifted under her Quirk. She threw Kurogiri as Iida reached the door, grabbing onto the divide and pulling it apart.

Just before he could leave, thousands of strings shot through the sky, hitting Izuku, as well as everyone in the class.

"W-What? What is this?" Mina tried to grab the string, but it wouldn't work. Her hand went right through it.


Iida had forced the door open. Sero snapped out of his confusion just in time to capture Kurogiri with the aid of Sato. As Iida reached through the door, Izuku became smaller, jumping away from his grip.

"Sorry, Iida, I have to find Kuchan and now, I know where he is."

Iida couldn't fight Izuku before he shot off faster than any had seen him go. Iida gritted his teeth, hating himself as he forced himself to keep running. He couldn't protect Izuku, but he could get help.

As Izuku landed in the courtyard, he smiled. "Guess I know who your soulmate is now, Kuchan." He narrowed his eyes, charging forward and splitting the ground around him. "Get away from Kuchan!"

"Izuku!" Akuma's eyes shined in relief as Izuku stood before him protectively.

A strange lady in black stepped closer, staring at Izuku with a peculiar amusement in her expression. "A grim... what an interesting familiar. Maybe, I should show you mine. Ακούω μου εντολή και υπάκουσέ με. Ακούω μου εξουσία και υπηρετήστε με. Ακούω μου δύναμη και είναι μου δούλος. Έλα έξω, Banoduth."

Izuku froze as the wind picked up. He had heard that name before; he knew that name. "No..." Stepping back, Izuku's breath shortened as the air blasted an impossible heat.

The form began to take shape, as intangible and uncomprehending as always. Dark ash fell over its body, foaming a hooded cloak, but it could not hide the faces ripping out from the mass, trying to break free. The faces he knew.

"Well, Akuma, Iziamsu," the lady sang their names, mocking the syllables that made up each word. "Meet, Banoduth!"

Before either could do anything, Banoduth charged forward, all mouth screeching out an unearthly roar. Izuku was frozen in place. He couldn't move. His world became filled with fire, filled with that sound and filled with their forms.

"Izuku!" Appearing from nowhere, Ichi grabbed Izuku, shielding him with her body as she closed her eyes, bracing for the pain, and the bright ring burst out, knocking the figure back. 

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