Part 23~Seto and Hisashi

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Waiting around outside the hospital, Ichi and Akuma stood alone. Ichi tapped her foot impatiently as Akuma chewed his lip.

"I'll repeat, this is a horrible plan." Iida waved his hands as he walked closer, flanked by Yaoyorozu and Jiro.

Akuma's eyes lit up as he rushed over, hugging Iida. "I wasn't sure if you were coming."

Iida sighed, wrapping his arms around Akuma's waist. "If you're going to do irresponsible stuff, I may as well be there with you."

Akuma laughed, nuzzling into Iida's chest.

"While this is cute and all, where is Izuku? I thought he would be right here beside you, leading the charge." Yaoyorozu's question caused the group to fall silent as Ichi sighed.

"We know he wanted to help, but this is Katsuki and Shoto. If something happened to them, we're unsure if we could stop Izuku from opening the pits of hell in revenge. He is surprisingly scary."

"Besides, we don't know what the villains wanted, but we know they were originally after Izuku and me. I can handle myself, but Izuku almost got caught in the training camp. We can't risk whatever they're planning going ahead regardless of our rescue." Akuma spun around in Iida's grip, crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted.

"He's just worried." Ichi patted Akuma's head, receiving a glare in response. "We think his mum is going to be there."

Yaoyorozu and Jiro shared a confused look. "What?"

"His mum is the psycho witch that tried to kill everyone," Ichi so helpfully provided, a huge grin on her face.

"Let's just go." Akuma huffed, wiggling his way out of Iida's arms as they began to talk away. Iida paused, grabbing Akuma and holding him back as Ichi led Yaoyorozu and Jiro down the path.

"Are you going to be okay?" He tilted his head, worry gleaming in his eyes as Akuma snickered.

"I'm fine."

"I'm here for you, no matter what. You don't have to lie to me." Iida gently took Akuma's hand, running his thumb over it.

"I know. I'm not lying." Akuma leaned in, giving Iida a peck on his cheek before turning away, about to follow the others.

Iida wasn't having that. He pulled Akuma back, gripping his waist. He leaned closer before he hesitated, millimetres from Akuma's mouth. Akuma sighed softly, closing the gap between them.

Snickering, Ichi raised her voice. "Hey, if you're done flirting, we have friends to rescue."

Akuma and Iida pulled back, blushing as the girls laughed. Akuma took Iida's hand, squeezing it as they followed the girls.


When Todoroki woke, his arms were weighed down with concrete, and his body was tied to the concrete block.

The villains didn't even notice, too caught up in their fighting to acknowledge the child they kidnapped.

"I don't understand. Why did you settle for this useless thing rather than taking my son!" Seto stomped her foot on the ground as Hasashi snarled.

"Have you met your son? The plan doesn't work if he just kills us the second he wakes up. And if I remember correctly, you couldn't even handle fighting the kid on coffee. Your quirk failing you in your old age?"

Seto screamed, spinning to glare at Shigaraki. "Are you going to let him talk to me like that?!"

Shigaraki didn't even lift his head. "I couldn't care less."

Todoroki shifted his gaze, landing on Katsuki, who was in a similar situation and looked incredibly bored. Neither could talk, but they shared an equal amount of distaste in their eyes as Seto threw a temper tantrum and Hisashi gaslit her on.

"If you're all quite done, our guests are awake." Kurogiri put down the glass as Seto and Hisashi spun to look over the prisoners.

"Oh, wonderful! That completely makes them equal to our original targets." Seto forced a smile on her face as Hisashi rolled his eyes.

"What does it matter to you? A soul's a soul."

"Excuse me. That's like saying your family's bastards are the same as a peasant kid we got off the street."

"Hey, none of my family's kids are bastards."

"Right, you're one big happy family who has... how many people have run away from you again? Oh, right, I forgot, you ran out of fingers to count on."

Hasashi snarled, the temperature in the room rising. "I'll warn you to think your words carefully, mortal! You are bound by this world's rules. I. Am. Not." Hisashi doubled in size, fire swirling around him.

Seto didn't even blink. "Πάγος." Ice surrounded Hisashi, forcing him to cool off. "What were you saying? Cause I seem to be doing fine."

"Release him, Mage. We don't have time for your bickering." Shiragaki stood up, standing between Seto and Hisashi. "Let's begin."

Seto smirked, walking up to Katsuki's side as she clicked her fingers. "Easy." She placed her fingers against his forehead, speaking the ancient words. "Κανόνες τόσο παλιά όσο χρόνος, κάμπτω στη θέλησή μου και αλλαγή ο δημιουργοί σχέδιο."

As she spoke, Katsuki screamed, fighting against his restraints. Todoroki struggled, trying to get to his friend.

"I wouldn't bother. You can't break out of those." Hisashi laughed as Katsuki's eyes flashed white, black crawling in from the edges before consuming his eyes completely.

"Ο μικρότερο ρωγμή θραύσματα και θρυμματίζεται ο ύφασμα ότι χωρίζει μας κόσμους."

Katsuki began losing the fight, his muscles going limp as his screams dimmed.

"Άκου μου λόγια και φτιάξτε ημών κόσμους συγκρούομαι!" Seto took her hands away as Katsuki's head hung low, almost boneless.

Todoroki screamed, trying to reach Katsuki, trying to see if he was at least alive.

Hisashi didn't look impressed. "That's it? I thought there would be more, at least a sign your spell worked."

Seto snarled. "I'm sorry but is changing the universe not enough for you. If you want proof, that's where your side of the bargain lies. I need to recharge." Seto sat down, slurping on a cocktail Kurogiri gave her.

Hisashi rolled his eyes, imposing in Todoroki's space. "You heard the bitch. Since my son is off ignoring my orders, you're going to fill in his role. Open a portal."

Todoroki shook his head as Hisashi snarled, grabbing his hair and pulling him up.

"Open a portal, you little brat, or I'll kill you, your friend, and everyone you know until hell rises from the blood I spill."

Todoroki shuddered, closing his eyes as he tried to think. There wasn't a way out. He glanced down, motioning to his hands as Hisashi grinned.

"Good boy." He untied Todoroki, crossing his arms over his chest proudly. "Now open the portal."

Everyone leaned in close as Todoroki stood up. He glared through his hair, and in a second, everything was covered in ice.


Κανόνες τόσο παλιά όσο χρόνος, κάμπτω στη θέλησή μου και αλλαγή ο δημιουργοί σχέδιο. Ο μικρότερο ρωγμή θραύσματα και θρυμματίζεται ο ύφασμα ότι χωρίζει μας κόσμους. Άκου μου λόγια και φτιάξτε ημών κόσμους συγκρούομαι!

Rules as old as time, bend to my will and change the creators' design. The smallest crack splinters and shatters the fabric that divides our worlds. Hear my words and make our worlds collide!

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