Chapter Fifteen- The things I do for you

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Chapter Fifteen 

Her long, blonde hair swayed from left to right as she moved around the club, her smile lighting up the entire area whilst her laughs filled the room and were easily heard through a few cheers coming from the back. 

I watched her as she moved towards a booth at the back to join some other girls, every curve of her body highlighted by the tight material of her red dress. I smiled to myself as she flipped her hair over to her left looking so innocent and child like. Her eyes lit up my vision as they sparkled brightly from the illuminating club lights.

I examined her some more whilst I sat down far on the other side of the club on one of the stools; Her golden hair curled finely falling against her chest, her tanned body shining due to the lights. 

Every second I looked at her I felt like I had to catch my breath; There was really just something about her that I found so incredible even though I hadn’t even spoken to her before. I looked around trying to focus on all the other girls that were currently in the club but there was just one that I always returned my gaze to, just one that really did draw me in. 

I rested my hand on the bar counter, my gaze still focused on her, pushing some lose curls of my own to the side and out my face. 

I slowly bit my lip as my feet carried me towards the bar. I stared at her for a few quick seconds and I could easily tell that something around here was really fascinating her and I had a good feeling as to what it was. I slightly smiled to myself due to my great achievement. 

‘She’s all yours,’ I thought to myself. ‘You got her locked down.’ I stalked her across the room, fearful that she would get up and disappear as I sat on the tall, black stools around the large bars, the taste of the strong alcohol burning my throat. 

“Another one?” The barman spoke making me lose my train of thought. 

“Oh Um..” I shook my head. “No thanks man, I think thats enough for tonight.” I chuckled. 

I looked around the club again as I heard the loud screams of several girls just screaming the lyrics to the song as they worked some dirty dancing to the beat. ‘Strip you’ Always a winner. 

There was something about the way she was and the way she moved. I could tell there was something about her in the way she moved her hips, the way her voice screamed the lyrics and giggled... I had no idea who she was but the simple gestures she did turned me on and caused that knot in my stomach to tighten.

I won’t lie.. it was a different girl every night.. I’d walk in the club and just make a move on a hot girl and then.. well, that was basically it. I’d buy her a drink and then I’d ask her if she wanted to get out of this place and the answers were always a yes. 

I stared at her curvy figure from behind as I watched her join in a conversation with her friends. 

“Damn You Harry.” I thought to myself. I didn’t know what was currently happening but there was a feeling inside of me that slowly took me over, slowly made me believe that this girl was something special; She was different - a good different, and I felt like I couldn’t just go up to her and take advantage of her. 

“Got your eye on her?” My friend Nick spoke into my ear with a chuckle startling me. “She’s the hottest one here.” He stated. 

“Yeah!” I laughed, my head looking towards her direction as I examined her figure, eyeing her from head to toe. 

“If you don’t get her, I will.”


“Okay man, Easy.” Nick laughed. 

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