Chapter Seven- I can protect you

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Chapter Seven 

Hearing the stairs creek as I sat down on the brown leather couch in the living room made me jump  a little sending automatic shivers through my body giving me a tingling feeling. The sensation of the shivers running through my body slowly died down as I realized who it was that was creeping up behind me in attempt to scare me like I wasn’t already scared enough after tonight.

“Stop That” I laughed. “You know It’s not funny when you scare me, I get scared easily” 

The event leading me to sit here in Harry’s apartment scared me and I was already terrified enough as it is. Who the hell could have been sitting in those bushes just watching us and whispering things?

“Look, just forget about all that crap, you’re safe here - with me” Harry reminded me sending a sense of relief through my heart knowing I was safe here. Nothing major happened but it was enough to keep me jumpy the whole entire night whenever I heard a stair creek or something blow because of the wind. “Just pretend like nothing ever happened, just forget about it all..” The way Harry sat and wrapped me in his arms made me feel safe, like I was at home. Imagine something like that happening to you, it would freak you out....

“I know, I know. It’s just scary you know? I mean who would ever want to do something like that?” 

“I know... Just try get some rest. Please?” 

All I could do was just gently nod my head as I let it gently rest on the handle of the soft couch against a pillow whilst Harry pulled and reached over the blanket around me wrapping me up and keeping my body warm. I rested there trying to close my eyes and just get some sleep. Harry was right I just had to move on I was safe here. Locked doors, locked windows with him by my side nothing could go wrong here...

Everything that had happened could have been just a dumb prank or something played by one of my girls or maybe even one of Harry’s friends. It did scare me though and no matter how hard I tried thinking about something else it wasn’t working, All I could think about is what was happening over there in the woods. It scared me and right now I honestly wasn’t sure on how I was supposed to react after this... 

Should I just forget about it and just move on like nothing happened? Should I just focus on something else and pretend like nothing ever happened and like that I was terrified and it was all my our heads? 

Or, Should I think about it? Should I be terrified and should I be cautious? Should I be worried and was it something to really worry about and be careful about? 

These were the questions I was asking and needed to answers to as well. I needed to know but I didn't know how to figure it out? 

Was something else going to happened or did we have to go back there and just find out on what was going on? 

It was no secret that I really am a serious chicken shit and this was an experience that got me scared for life! 

I had no idea what to do and usually it was my mum who would help me get through things but now I had Harry, Mum wasn’t here she was gone and he was all I was counting on right now... 

I knew I just had to listen to him when he told me not to worry about all that crap anymore and you know what, maybe he really was right and was saying the right thing that I should do... I was trusting and counting on him right now and I was praying that he was right. 

Just close your eyes Ashley... Nothing happened tonight and nothing was going to happen. You’re safe.....

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