Chapter Twenty Two- I have news.

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Chapter Twenty Two 

I hung the jacket up on the rack towards the left of the door as I walked inside the house, the warmth of the heater that was turned on making me relax and calm down a little bit. I looked down to my stomach, my hand sitting firmly on it, rubbing soft circles upon the surface of my skin. 

“Mum!” I shouted. “I’m home.” 

“In here, Love.” 

I followed the sound of her voice, walking over to the living room where she sat upon the leather couch wrapped in her own blanket. I watched her for a moment as she raised  cup to her lips, sipping on her coffee.  

“Hi, Sweetie.” She called out to me. 

“Hey, mum.” I spoke, sounding a little down. 

“What’s wrong?” She asked me with concern. “I know you to well; Spit it out missy.” 

“It’s nothing I can’t handle..” I assured her. 

“Really?” She raised her eyebrow, looking at me.

“-It’s just that...” I trailed of, unable to finish my sentence. 

How the hell was I meant to say this out loud? I couldn’t bring myself to even talk about this topic this early on in my drama filled life. 

“... Just that what? Come on Ashley, You’re my daughter. What’s going on?” 

“You’re not going to take this well, mum.” I sighed. “I don’t know how you’re going to react to this.” 

“Just tell me Ashley.” 

“I can’t.” 

“Ashley!” My mother spat. “Tell me right that instant, what the hell is going on. Are you okay?” 

“I’m pregnant, mum.” I cried out loudly, my voice echoing to the other wise silent house as my mums mouth dropped forming an ‘o’ shape, her eyes widening in disbelief. “There, I said it, I’m pregnant.” I watched my mothers face for a few moments as silence filled the house. I could tell that she wasn’t ready for this at all. My sudden outburst not something she thought she had to prepare for, for a while. 

“Who’s the dad?” She asked breaking the deep, unwanted silence, her voice barely reaching a whisper level, her trembling body giving away the signs that she wanted to hear to anything but this. 

“Well, whoever it is, he’s gone.” I replied, awkwardly shuffling my feet below me. 

“Baby,” My mum sighed walking over to me slowly. “Just because you and harry broke up doesn’t mean you keep this from him. He has every right of knowing that he had impregnated you and that he’s going to be a father.” 

“I’m not telling him I’m pregnant, mum.” I cried, my tears something of a constant flow. 

“You can’t keep this from him, Ashley. It’s a massive thing.” She argued.  


“-His child is in your stomach, hun. He needs to know this.” 

“What if the baby isn’t Harry’s baby?” I questioned. “What if the fathers gone and I don’t know who he is?” 


“What if I don’t even want to know the father? What if It’s just some random guy I met? What, I’m going to chase him in hope he remembers my name and tell him that I’m having his child?” 

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