Chapter Seventeen- Lost Without You

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Chapter Seventeen

We had finally said it - The words that neither of us had ever said to each other, the three words that meant everything to me and that showed how I felt about Harry. 

I had always thought that those three words were something that you would eventually say at a point in your relationship when your partner meant a lot to you, They were just three words that everyone would phrase and go around saying but with Harry and I it was like the words suddenly had a whole new meaning. A meaning of passion, compassion and care. 

I would always tell myself how much I loved him and how much I cared for him but I guess I was just fearful of the reply that I might have received; I didn’t have the courage. Hearing Harry tell me that he loved me first without me even mentioning anything about love sent this feeling through me that made me feel on top of the world and unleash a power within me. 

I smiled to myself at the thought of last night and how great everything had gone. We told each other how we felt and now we were basically unbreakable and inseparable just like how I had always wanted it to be. 

I fluttered my eyes a few times as the light took me by surprise, the familiar sent of the beautiful person lying next to me being taken in. His arm perfectly wrapped around my waist over the blankets as he softly snored, our bodies intertwined together through the white sheets of the bed as some of his hair on his legs tickled me making me flinch along with a small giggle. 

“Good morning Precious.” A sleepy, deep voice spoke. I smiled, moving closer to him as his firm grip around me tightened, holding me closer. I felt warm as I move closer but I had to be very careful not to the touch as the bruises he received last night - That was the only sad thing that happened.  

“Morning.” I yawned. 

“How did my beautiful girl sleep?” 

“Fantastic knowing that you’re next to me.” I smiled at him as a shy smile crept on to his face. “I love you.” I whispered to him with confidence, my words full of love and meaning. I wasn't afraid to say it anymore, I knew he would say the same thing. Now, I can go around holding his hand and telling him that I love him, There was nothing to be scared of now. 

“I love you too babe, More then anything.” His face came closer to mine as he rolled my body over causing me to giggle out loudly. “I... Fuck-” He shouted being interrupted by the loud sound of my ringing phone that sat beside me on the table. “I wanted my kiss!” 

“Later.” I laughed rolling over. 

I sat down on the edge of the soft bed, wrapping the thin sheets around my body covering myself up smoothly. I grabbed my phone reading the caller ID before answering it.


“Hi, mum.” I exclaimed through the telephone. 

“How’s my baby?” She asked. “I got back home and you weren't here, Is everything okay? I’ve missed you!” 

“Oh, yeah.” I assured her. “I’m fine.” I finished off as I felt a soft tug on the sheet that was currently wrapped around me. I turned my head round to see Harry sitting against the bed sexily as he tugged on the sheets. “I’ve missed you too.” 

“Harry-” I whispered, my hand covering the phone to stop my mum hearing what I was saying. 

“Let go of them.” He cut me off. “I’ve seen you countless times, I didn’t get my kiss, give me a hot view at least.” He teased as he pulled off the duets with one more slight tug as they went flying towards him.

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