Chapter 18- And He's Back

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Chapter Eighteen

I jumped up as my body shook, shaking the bed as I sat up. My hand reached over to my chest whilst my heart continued beating at a thousand miles per hour. I ran out of breath scared for my life as my body drowned in a pool of my own sweat. 

“Harry..” I whispered looking to my right in hope to find him next to me. 

I let out a deep sigh wiping off my sweat as I tried to calm down remembering that he wasn't here tonight. My eyes shut closed for a few seconds, my breath slowing down. 

“It was just a dream.”
I hadn’t had a single night mare in years and here I was laying here after seeing Harry get shot. It wasn’t the typical night mares I used to have, The last one I ever had was about having someone chase me, but never the people around me. This one I saw the one person in my life that I loved more then anything get hurt; He was my weakness and this was the worst possible nightmare I could ever have. 

It might have been just a dream but I couldn’t help but to just sit there terrified. It felt so real. I felt the blood against my skin; I felt the warmth and liquid rubbing up against me. I felt the pain like I was actually there in the night mare myself; I felt sharp pains through my whole entire body as I just lay there in agony. And, what hurt most is that I felt the heart break; I felt the pain when I saw Harry laying beside me hurt. It all felt real. I felt the tears that hit my skin; they were warm and fell fast. I remember everything so clearly, The shivers I felt, The feeling I got. It was like I was right there. 

I carefully unlocked the front door to the house, making my way outside. At first the strong wind took my by surprise as my skin shivered under the thin material of my pink pajamas. My arms reached forwards wiping away my tears that fell upon my cheek. I didn’t want my mum to hear me and I thought the best advice she has ever given me after having a nightmare is probably just to get some air which is what I was out here trying to do. 

I needed to calm down and just relax. It was all a stupid dream and I had to stop being so scared about everything all the time; I had to learn to just relax and forget about the dumb things that haunt me even though they don’t mean anything. Harry was most likely asleep back in his apartment right about now whilst I stood out here in the harsh wind worrying about him. 

He was all I thought about as I walked down the street. Was he safe? Was he okay? 

I kicked the rocks on the floor making them bounce, the sound of the kicking causing a few dogs to wake up and start to howl and bark at me through the tough fences and gates. 

“Hi.” A voice spoke. I turned around startled as a large figure hovered over me, The wind in the air blowing his hair sending him familiar, harsh scent right at me. 

I looked down unaware as to what or say or do. I for one thought that for once my life had been going quite well and that I would never run into my old past again but as you can tell, I wasn’t really good at predicting what happens.

“You look like you just saw a ghost.” He chuckled as my mouth dropped slightly. “I might be from your past but I never died, you do now that, right?”

“Enough with your goddamn jokes.” I spat at him. “What do you want from me?” 

“Thats no way to treat an old friend, Ashley.” 

“Stop it. You know I don’t want anything to do with you anymore!” I shouted loudly, my voice echoing in the background. “I’m sick of you showing up like this and just hurting me and the people around me.” 

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