Chapter 20

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Cheongsan hugged Y/n as he jumped up and down in excitement. Y/n got ready to face the consequences of her not telling about the hard drive. The chopper was flying above the rooftop while the soilders came down. Y/n pushed the others behind her back and walked over to the main soilder.

"Did you finally realise that you need me more than anything in this world right now ?"

"Shut up girl and just tell us were the information is ?!"

"Calm down sir ! I will tell you but rescue my friends first !"

The soilder looked at her coldly before he backed a bit and talked through his microphone.

"Fine ! Two persons at a time. We are not landing the chopper at any cost."

Y/n went to the others and pushed Junwoo and Jihye towards the officers.

"Them first."

Within 15 minutes the surviving students were in the helicopter. Relief washed over their faces as they smiled in excitement. They were going to have amazing food, reunite with their family and finally wash up after 3 days to being covered in blood and sweat.

"Now Ms Kim, tell us were the information is? We have to find a cure as soon as possible."

"Its in my house in a safe, in a hard drive."

"What is the password of the safe ?"

"It opens with Mr Lee's handprint."

"Is there any other way to open it?"

"Yeah, there is a special key which can be found in Mr Lee's house."

"Thank you for the information and goodbye."

Y/n looked at him confused as she asked him.

"What do you mean by Goodbye ?"

The soilder nodded to the pilot who moved the helicopter towards the Gymnasium. Rain started pouring down heavily and the thunder roared as if expressing the student's feelings.

"W-Why are you moving towards the G-Gymnasium ? What are you going to do ? TELL ME !"

Y/n asked angrily.

"Nothing just getting you back where you belong."

Y/n looked at the soldiers with betrayal in her eyes.

They were leaving them behind yet again.

Y/n cluched onto her head and started crying out in pain. The thunder was something which scared her to the core. She started shivering as warm tears poured down her cheeks like a waterfall.

The helicopter land on the rooftop of the Gymnisum as the survivors were forcefully pushed out with a gun on their heads.

They were again left to die in this zombieland.

Cheongsan quickly held onto Y/n who screamed and shivered in fear. He knew her too well to let her go.

"Angel....look at me and focus on my voice !"

Y/n stared into his deep brown orbs. She scanned his face and observed the water dropping down his wet hair. His doe eyes stared at her in concern.

"You are going to be alright. Everything is going to be fine. The thunder will not hurt you anymore."

Cheongsan hugged Y/n tightly and sat down with his back against the wall of the rooftop of the Gymnasium. He hummed a tone to the panicked girl who layed her head on his chest, hugging him. The humming surprisingly helped Y/n with her panic attacks. The rain pouring down decreased the temperature of her body which didn't go unnoticed by her boyfriend.

"Lets find a shelter from the rain !"

Cheongsan proposed as he rubbed Y/n's hands in an attempt to warm her up a bit.

"But How ?"

Dae-su asked.

"There is a stair that side which leads us to the groundfloor. We can go into the Gymnasium and stay there for a night."

Junwoo explained in a serious tone.

"Hmmm.....we can do that ! I will go first. You all follow me !"

Suhyeok walked over to the stairs and started climbing down without waiting for other's response. They came back down silently and walked to the Gymnasium but as soon as they entered a loud thunder echoed through the quiet room exposing multiple zombies filling the room.

"RUN !!!"

Jihye shouted as she started running towards the supply room dragging her brother with her in the process. The students banged onto the door of the supply room as Cheongsan, Y/n, Suhyeok and Dae-su fought the zombies. But in the comotion they failed to see someone getting bitten. 

I-sak screamed in pain as blood gushed out of the bite mark on her shoulder. The zombie clung onto her with her flesh inbetween his teeth. Onjo's world shatter infront of her eyes as the fear of losing her bestfriend engulfed her making her loose her balance.

"Wujin take Onjo away !!!"

I-sak shouted as she held onto the zombies running towards the devastated girl. Tears brimmed in Onjo's eyes as she realised that I-sak saved her life while risking hers. She wiggled in Wujin's hold and shouted out for her bestfriend.


The zombies bit the girl more when the door to the supply room opened. Everybody ran inside while Wujin and Cheongsan pulled Onjo who refused her bestfriend who was turning on the cold floor of the Gymnasium.

"Leave me ! Let me go !"

Onjo fell onto her knees as she sobbed her heart out making her have breathing problems. Y/n ran to her side and told Junwoo to open the first aid kit and treat anyone who was injured. She sat down next to the broken girl and patted her back softly.

"I-sak saved you Onjo ! She wouldn't want to see you crying, right ? So calm down please."

"W-w-why ?"

"Onjo losing someone can be hurtful but you must understand that if they have sacrificed for you then they want you to be safe and happy. I-sak is a pure soul and she is now resting in heaven away from this zombie mess. My grandma used to say this to me after my younger brother died in a car accident - God takes the ones first whom he loves more than anything in this world. She was God's favourite so he decided to keep her with him. Lets not remember her while crying, remember her while smiling because she loves your cute smile, alright ?"

Onjo calmed down as she hugged Y/n tightly and slept due to mental and physical exhaustion. Soon enough everybody fell asleep as they got themselves ready for what awaited them the next morning.

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