Chapter 5

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Everybody looked back at Min-ji who seemed pretty normal. Y/n slowly stood up and started walking towards her despite all the refutation from the others. She got close to her friend and held her hand up to her face.

"What are you doing Y/n ?"

"Oh nothing...."

"Why didn't I turn ?"

"I don't know but I am trying to figure out. Your hands are warmer now. Stay put because the others are still a bit afraid of you."


Min-ji said in a bored tone and took out a notebook and a pen. She started doodling to pass the time as Y/n sat back in the group.

"Y/n get her out of here ! She is going to kill us all !!"

"Shut up Nayeon ! She is not a zombie."

"But....she might turn anytime !! What are you gonna do in that case ?"

Y/n rubbed her temple getting irritated by the continuous shouting and complaining of the girl infront of her. Noticing this Gyeong-su decided to step in.

"Ladies...Ladies...Calm down !"

"Oh now you are butting in, Shithead !!"

"Shithead ?!?!"

Gyeong-su stood up in anger leaving the door to be guarded by Joon-young alone.

"Call me a shithead, you shithead !!"

Y/n sighed as Gyeong-su pushed Nayeon to the chair. The banging on the door increased as the pink sweatered girl shouted.

"Don't you dare touch me !!"

Suddenly the shouting stopped as the door of the classroom was slid open with a thud sending Joon-young to the ground. The students looked at the door in horror but were relieved to find their teacher, Mr Kang standing at the door.

Dae-su and Wu-jin quickly ran to help Joon-young up who seemed to be dazed by the harsh hit. The panicked Mr Kang calmed himself and started questioning the students.

"Are you all fine ? None of you is bitten right ?"


The students collectively replied hiding the fact that Min-ji who was sitting behind them narrowly escaped her death and maybe the death of others too.

"What about you ?"

"I-I am f-fine !"

"Sir you called help, right ? We will be rescued soon, right ?"

"Yes, Yes Nayeon ! Everybody barricade the door. Stack the tables and chairs properly."

Min-ji looked at Mr Kang suspiciously and sniffed the air. She pulled Y/n who was standing near her and whispered in her ear.

"Y/n.....Mr Kang is dangerous."

"Why ?"

"He is bitten."

"What ?!"

"All humans have a different scent as I have noticed but Mr Kang is giving off the same scent as zombies. Something is not right. Get him out of here."

Y/n looked at Mr Kang carefully and found a bite mark on his arm. She looked back at Min-ji and nodded before stepping forward.

"Mr Kang…Get out."

"What !?"

"I said Get. Out."

"Y/n what are you saying ?!"

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