Chapter 11

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Everybody sat in silence. There was a thick, awkward tension in the room.

"Joon-young didn't your club make a drone ?"

"Yeah we did but it's not complete yet."

"Can we get it ?"

"It's in the science lab."

"But the science lab is full of zombies....!"

Wujin interrupted the conversation between Joon-young and Namra.

"There were no zombies in the supply room."

"I can get it !"

"Cheongsan No !!"

"I will go this time !"

"Junwoo No....?"

"Wait children, I will go and get the things. You all stay back."

"I'll have to go with you Ms Park, I still have to get the other parts of the drone."

Ms Park and Joon-young got ready to get the things needed for the drone. Ms Park started climbing the rope as Joon-young followed her.

After about 15 minutes the two of them were back in the broadcasting room. Joon-young quickly fixed the drone as Junwoo took out a few batteries he found in Y/n's bag.

"Even if everyone is turned we must not despair."

"Sweet saying but what does it mean ?"

"Even if everybody is turned we must not lose hope."

"But we need logic more than hope."

Junwoo said over Namra's statement.

" are correct."

"But Namra not everyone of us is as intelligent and logical as you, Joon-young and Ms Park. We need hope more than logic."

Gyeong-su expressed himself. Joon-young removed his glasses and put on the VR headset. He was ready to fly the drone.

"I think what we need right now is to fly this drone."

Dae-su pointed as Joon-young nodded and switched on the drone. It flew with a buzzing sound.

"Woah....I didn't expect it to be this fast !!!"

Joon-young flew the drone out of the window as everybody gathered around the small tablet like screen to look at the situation outside.

"Oh my god.....everybody is turned."

Hyo-ryung cried as I-sak held onto her tightly. Their hearts were beating at a fast pace. Joon-young flew the drone towards the Principal's office. They looked through the window and saw Y/n and Gwi-nam fighting.

"Holy shit...."

Gyeong-su said as he looked at the screen infront of him in shock.

On the screen

Y/n kicked Gwi-nam in the stomach making him stumble backwards. Gwi-nam ran towards the girl in anger as he tried to stab her with the knife in his hand.

Y/n gave him a punch on the face as a purple bruise formed on his tanned skin. She punched him multiple times making blood drip down his nose and mouth. He wiped his nose and smirked.

"You bitch....I don't care that I love you....I will kill you by my own hands."

"Try me you gopher !"

He ran towards her like an angry bull but was sent to the ground by a strong kick on his crouch. He held onto his area and fell to the ground rolling in pain. Y/n took this as an opportunity sit down and relax for a while.

In broadcasting room

The boys held onto their areas as if they could feel the bully's pain while the girls were rejoicing at the hard kicks and punches that the bully was served with but one thing was ringing in all of their minds continuously.

"You bitch....I don't care that I love you....I will kill you by my own hands."

On the Screen

Gwi-nam got up stumbling as he tried to balance himself. He took his knife from the ground as he went towards Y/n. The relaxed girl stood up from the sofa and kicked him on his chest as she ran to the door.

"Bye asshole ! See you never !"

She ran out with Gwi-nam and the drone following her. The zombies hearing all these noises ran after the two. Y/n looked back as per her instincts and saw the knife flying towards her. She ducked down as the knife fell down. She again heard the angry bull roar.

"Stay right there Y/n or you are dead meat once I catch you."

"You think you can defeat a track runner ? Well then.... good luck moron !"

Y/n picked up the knife and threw it towards Gwi-nam. The sharp edge of the knife hit his eye making him scream in pain. He fell down with the zombies feasting on him.

"I will gouge your eye out Y/n and feed you to the zombies !!!!"

"You need to be alive for that fucker !"

Y/n ran and entered the music room. She closed the curtains before the zombies could see her.

In the broadcasting room

"So she is in the music room and Gwi-nam is dead."


"How will we get to her ?"

"Using that....."

Namra pointed to the CD's that they had stuck to the glass of the recording room.

"And how ?"

Namra sighed as she got a small whiteboard and a marker. She drew a rough sketch of the school and circled their destination, the music room.

"As we know that the zombies are attracted to sound, we can turn on music through the school's PA System."

"Can we turn on the speakers for certain places ?"

"Yes we can ! We can turn on the speakers on the left side of the corridor. We can lure the zombies in the Library, Cafeteria and school ground. Then move through the right staircase and up."

"But will these CD's work ? They are kind of ancient."

"They will work hopefully."

"What are we going to do after that ? Where are we going to go ?"

"The rooftop."

"Why ?"

"Choppers keep flying around. There are a high chances of us being rescued if we are on the rooftop."

Ms Park answer for Namra.

"Suhyeok will be in the front. Ms Park and Cheongsan at the last."

Everybody nodded as they got ready for facing the monsters yet again.

"Hello....1...2...3....mic test."

"Hello Noona, this is Junwoo. We are coming to save you. Okay ? I know what you are going to say but wecannot hear you. Stay put alright ?"

You cannot put yourselves in danger. You will die !

Y/n thought but continued to listen.

"Y/n-ah I know you never listen but please don't be stubborn and stay put. We are coming."

Don't come here.....You will die ! Stay were you are please.

Y/n thought but nevertheless waited for their arrival.

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