Chapter 18

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The devastated teenagers sat around in a circle shocked from all the events which took place just few hours ago. There was a suffocating silence surrounding them. Hyo-ryung decided to break the ice unable to handle it anymore.

" knew everything from the start ?"

She looked towards Y/n who sat in absolute silence.


"Why did you become a part of this craziness ?"

Dae-su asked quietly trying not to offend the dazed girl.

"I was forced to......"

"Who forced you Y/n-ah ?"

Gyeong-su asked his bestfriend.

"Mr Lee Byeong-chan...."

"What ?!"

Wujin exclaimed in surprise.

"That day, the school had ended and I and I-sak were cleaning the Art Room. It took us quiet a lot of time since the room was pretty messed up with all the clay and the drying art sculptures. I went off a little later than usual because Onjo had already taken I-sak with her. I was walking in the corridor when I heard some weird sounds coming from the science lab. I entered the lab and saw Mr Lee injecting something into Jin-su's veins. He saw me and wanted to kill me at that ponit of time only. I begged him to leave me and after much time of crying and convincing he finally decided to let me live but on one condition, If I become his assistant."

"But why you ?"

Joon-young asked.

"So that if ever the virus spreads then there is someone who can help the authorities even if he leaves the world."

Y/n finished and looked at her friends.

"We will die here, right ? No one is coming for us now....."

Onjo sighed in disappointment.

"They will come back for us....."

"Who ?"

Suhyeok asked the blue haired girl.

"The military...."

"Why do you think so ?"

"That laptop which they took did not have any information. All the information is in a drive which is kept in Mr Lee's house in a safe."

"Why didn't you tell them that ?"

I-sak asked curiously.

"I was doubtful that they will take us with them because I knew that Gwi-nam wasn't the only one who was a halfbie. They will have to come back for us eventually."

There was silence on the rooftop once again. Y/n just stared at the burning fire infront of her with tears in her eyes regretting her decision of being a part of this mess and secondly leaving Gwi-nam and coming back.

"I have put you all in danger...."

"Why ?"

Namra spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

"Gwi-nam will come for me. He will not leave us this soon....I know him."

"Its okay Angel....nothing will happen, alright? You, me and all of us will be...fine."

Cheongsan finally spoke something after the dispersal of the military chopper.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SAN !! GWI-NAM WILL COME FOR ME !! HE WILL KILL YOU IF HE HAS TO !! I don't want to lose you.....please."

Y/n shouted and broke down into tears. The guilt of killing innocent civilians was eating her up alive. Cheongsan looked over to Onjo who nodded her head. He then walked over to the crying girl and took her in his arms and went away from the group. He sat down with the fragile girl on his lap and wrapped his arms around her petite figure. He softly whispered in her ear while caressing her hair.

"Angel, Don't blame yourself for all this mess, Mr Lee is responsible for all of this. It hurts me when you cry so stop crying, please. Everybody is so worried about you."



"Why are you doing all of this ? I-I am a k-killer...."

"Shhh....Don't say that ! You are not a killer ! You are an angel."

"I-I should also die ? Shouldn't I ?"

Y/n looked into Cheongsan's eyes. Her teary doe eyes screamed a lot of emotions - Pain, Anger, Guilt, Sadness, and Love. Love for the sweet boy who was holding onto her like she was the most precious thing in this world.

"Stop !! Don't even think about that ! Can't you see that I love you !"

Cheongsan whisper shouted but soon widened his eyes realising the words that left his mouth. Y/n stared at him with a small smile and her red doe eyes.

"I love you too...."

Y/n confessed as Cheongsan's cheeks went a shade of bright red. He stared at Y/n's cute face - her small nose, her big doe eyes, and lastly her plump pink lips. Y/n saw him staring at her lips and giggled. She went forward and slowly connected her lips to his for a sweet and passionate kiss.

Cheongsan's eyes widened as he froze. Y/n bit his lower lip as he came back to reality and kissed her back with immense love and passion. They broke the kiss after a few minutes and connected their forheads.

"I love you so much....!!"

Both of them said together and started laughing hard.

"San....where is my official proposal ?"

"Okay miss Y/n"

Cheongsan chuckled and cleared his throat. He looked into Y/n's brown eyes and said in a cinematic way.

"Miss Kim Y/n, I love you to the moon and back. My heart jumps out of my chest whenever you come close to me and stare into my eyes. So I want to ask you......will you be my girlfriend ?"

"Yes Mr Lee Cheongsan, I will be your girlfriend and I love you too !"

Their sweet moment was broken by a cold voice which sent shivers down Y/n's spine.


Hey Guys !!

How are you all ?

I am really very sorry for such a late update. I am really very busy with my school work as my annual exams are starting on Tuesday so I am tied up till the neck. Wish me luck and thank you so much for waiting till now. 

Take Care 


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