Chapter 2

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"Get on your seats you punks !!"

Ms Park shouted going towards her table. Y/n sighed and took out her books ready to study. She switched off her phone and went towards her teacher as her name was called. She submitted her phone in her given slot and went back to her seat.

"Exams are coming so get your acts together."

Ms Park said typing something on her phone. She looked up.

"I heard that ! I am saying again Give me your phones everyone."

Wu-jin and Y/n snickered looking at Dae-su who just stared at them blankly. He went and submitted his phone to Ms Park with an annoyed look on his face earning a playful laugh from the class.

"Onjo this is your phone from last year. Come and take it."

The said girl stood up with a pout on her face and exchanged the phones earning yet another round of laughter from her fellow classmates. With all the laughter and smiles, Ms Park started the class.

"In fact none of us are completely free from prejudice. We all have preconceived ideas about others. Here 'free from' means the lacking in or unincumbered by."

Ms Park taught as Y/n listened to her attentively slightly tired from the long lecture.

"Anyone want to interpret this ?"

Y/n sighed and picked up her bottle to have a sip of some refreshing water to wash away her tiredness. She was about to take a sip but stopped when she heard Ms Park's next words.

"Oh Heesu ! You want to try ?"

"No Miss. May I go to the washroom ?"

Y/n looked at the sickly pale girl with pity. She was her friend yet she is unable to help her in her hard time. Y/n knew that the girl was pregnant and was about to give birth anytime this month so she stood up to accompany her friend and take Heesu to her mother in the infirmary.

"Ms Park, I am going with her."


Y/n took the girl's hand and and supported her out of the classroom.

"Heesu lets just go to the infirmary alright ? My mom is going to handle it. Everything will be okay."

Heesu just nodded as they both continued walking slowly as Y/n comforted the girl occasionally. They finally reached the infirmary as Y/n called out for her mother.

"Mom ! Help Heesu please !"

Mrs Kim, the main doctor at the infirmary ran to the sick girl. She inspected the girl before asking her few questions. She turned around and swiftly got her car keys and told the nurse in the room.

"Ms Ahn, take care of the infirmary while I take her to the hospital. She is not well."

Heesu and Mrs Kim left as Y/n turned around ready to excuse herself from the place but was immediately halted by the hurried steps of her peers. She observed the situation with furrowed eyebrows with multiple questions clouding her brain.

"Mrs Kim we need you !"

"Mom is not here Ms Park. She took Heesu to the hospital as her condition was not good."

"Ms Ahn ! Help us please !"

Y/n ran forward to take a closer look at the girl that laid in the white sheets of the infirmary. She looked a mess and was bleeding without any actual wounds.

Kim Hyeon-Ju thrashed around as she made horrible snarling sound like an animal. She moved her head around rapidly trying to bite anything and everything. She was emitting a putrid smell similar to a corpse. Y/n ran to hold down the uncanny girl who kept on mumbling something.

"Mr Lee gave me a weird shot...."

"What kind of shot Hyeon-Ju ?!"

"He tried to kill me...."

"What ?"

"He.....He tried to kill me.....I will kill them all !!!"

She shouted in agony while twisting and turning scratching Onjo and biting Y/n in her upper arm. Both the girls jumped back in horror as Ms Park looked at them concerned but directed her attention to the sick girl.

"Hold her down ! I will sedate her and clean her wounds ! Ms Park call the ambulance. Y/n and Onjo go and take out the bandage from the cupboard."

The nurse instructed while continuing to find the materials required for Hyeon-Ju's treatment. Y/n went to the cupboard while holding onto her wound while Ms Park went to bring her phone to call for the emergency.

"Y/n-ah You are fine right ?"

"I-sak I am fine just hold onto Hyeon-Ju and don't get bit because this hurts."

Y/n pouted as I-sak just laughed while holding onto the sheets.

"I am too hot ! Too hot !"

Hyeon-Ju moved in a weird way as her bones crunched with more blood escaped her nose and mouth. She stared at Y/n wide-eyed and suddenly started speaking very fast.

"I am hungry.......So hungry.....I want to bite into your raw flesh and eat you till I reach your bones....."

She screamed in agony as Y/n just stared at her wide-eyed still not removing her grip from the girl. The nurse rushed towards the aghast group and immediately sedated Hyeon-Ju but getting bitten on the wrist in the process.

The lady ignored the pain in her wrist and continued to clean the now unconscious girl's wounds.

"Thank You so much all of you. Please move back to your classes."

"No worries Ms Park."

I-sak went back to the class first followed by Suhyeok and Onjo but Y/n stayed back to help the nurse clean up Hyeon-Ju's wounds as the ambulance could arrive anytime. They finished cleaning the wounds.

"Thank You so much Y/nah you are truly an angel. Mrs Kim is so lucky to have a daughter like you."

"No worries mam I am always there to help."

Y/n sweetly smiled at the lady and exited the infirmary going towards her classroom. She was in the corridor when someone came running to her. She stopped in her tracks looking at the panting Cheongsan with worry.

"Y/n.....I-sak told that you got hurt. Are you fine ?"

"I am good, San. Take a deep breath first and calm down nothing happened to me."

"I was so worried. Why are you so helpful and kind ?! You should have came back after dropping Heesu off !"

"I couldn't stand watching them struggle. Sorryyyyy !"

Y/n held onto her ears and pouted cutely. Cheongsan felt heat going up his cheeks as he held onto her hand and pulled her to the classroom.

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