Chapter 6

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Nick's pov

Me and Peter reached at the party, I was coming to a party after a long time like after 2-3 years but every thing was same the red cups the sweaty bodies, the alcohol, beer, loud music, lights, people rubbing against eachother, some people having sex upstairs and what not. Peter was greeted by some of his friends, he didn't leave me alone even when his other friends were calling him to dance with him , he stayed with me we made our way to the kitchen and started drinking whatever they had there I really liked a juice which tasted like vodka... Okay it was vodka I didn't know since when I started drinking alcohol. Oh! ya I remember the first time ever that I tasted alcohol was in 7th  grade when I asked my dad how did the alcohol tasted ? In attempt to make a conversation it didn't last long my dad said would you like to try ? And I tasted it, at first it was very bitter but after 2-3 sips it tasted good. I was again lost in my own world that I didn't notice I was in a party and there was a person with me, I saw Peter holding a big bottle of rum which he had finished.

"Dude you didn't drink all that by yourself right ? I asked in disbelief"

"You're right! I did drink this whole bottle by myself, he said proudly, don't worry I am not a lightweight it will take atleast 6-7 bottles of rum to make me stumble.

Are you sure?

Of course I am, now stop talking and find the people for whom we came here for.

I agreed and waited for Peter to finish his bottle when suddenly someone bumped into me and I bumped to someone and their drink was all over me now the person apologized and went to get another drink, my t shirt was wet. Peter looked at me and started laughing like an idiot.

Oh! what a nice friend you are instead of helping me you are laughing.😤

Peter stopped laughing and said "what can I do to help you right now take off my t shirt and give it to you ha ha ha".

I am seriously feeling cold right now stop joking and do something.

"Okay okay wait",He thought for a while and smirked a little. Ok let's go upstairs and pulled my hand but I didn't move.

Why were you smiling right now?? I asked.

Because I have an idea and I damn sure that you will like that.

What is it?

Stop asking questions and come with me, he dragged me here and there, he was looking for someone and at last he stopped infront of the living room door.

Oh! There he is, he pointed at someone and when I looked there was standing Jack talking to his friend. Peter then looked at my t shirt which was now completely dried up.

Your t shirt is all dried up.

Oh! now I understand this was your 2 in 1 plan, dragging me from here to there so my clothes will be dried and we found Jack also, wow! I am impressed, I said in a sarcastic way.

Shut up! That's not my plan, he looked around and saw a girl.

Hi there! Can I have your drink? Peter asked the girl.

The girl gave him her drink, and Peter splashed the drink on my t shirt and politely gave the girl her glass and smiled at me.

Wtf shit! Are you out of your mind wth are you doing my t shirt was completely dried.

Chill dude it's the part of my plan. And the Peter called Jack.

Hey hey are you stupid he can't see me in this situation no!

Peter asked me to calm down and believe in him.

Jack came to us and said hello, but when he saw me he was about to laugh but didn't.

Umm Nick what happened to you did some did it on purpose?

I was about to say something but Peter cut me off and said" no someone just bumped into him" do you have something that he can change into?

Ya sure I have some clothes upstairs.

Thank god, are you busy right now?

No I am not actually I am quite bored right now cause I don't know were Max is.

Oh! Can you please take care of Nick for me cause he doesn't know any one here and I have some business to take care of.

Sure I can no problem.

Oh thank god, thanks. Peter looked at me and waved me and Jack bye and vanished. I was looking at the floor cause😭😭😭 why he had to do that first he is leaving me alone with Jack and on top of that what is this shit " take care of me" I am not a three- year-old.

Hey! Kid where do you want to hangout untill your uncle comes and picks you up. Jack said jokingly and laughed a little.

I gave him this 😑 look and he said" I am just joking come on let's get you some. clothes follow me.

I nodded and  followed Jack up stairs we came in his room and he started searching for something that I can wear in his closet. While he was searching I wanted to talk to him but nothing came out of my mouth so I remained silent. He first picked a white shirt but that was too big for me so I returned it then he gave me a black t shirt which had something written on it.

I think it will fit you cause I have only wore it once and it is a bit tight for me.

I looked at the shirt and said Ya I think it will fit me I will change in the bathroom.

Ok bathroom's there he pointed at the door besides his closet.

I went in and removed my shirt quickly and wore Jack's t shirt, omg I definitely in a dream I am wearing Jack's clothes I looked in the mirror and saw what was on the t shirt.
It had a sun and some clouds and sunflowers and had a text" you are my sunshine" it was a little girly but I really loved this t shirt since it was Jack's. I was a little nervous when I had to come out of the bathroom but I can't stay here the whole night I took a long breath and came out of the room. Jack was playing some game in his phone and looked up when he heard me, he looked at me and said nothing he was just staring at me, I cleared my throat and said "I will wash and return your t shirt tomorrow."

There's no need you can keep it and it suits you.

Really, thanks.

So do you want to play PS5 here cause I also don't know anyone in the party.

I gave him a confused look because he is super popular at school and he doesn't know anyone?

I know what you are thinking a lot of people know me at school but I don't know everyone.

Oh! Okay let's play what you like.

(Peter's pov)

Nick must be having a good time but I am not I seriously can't find Max anywhere I checked every room I even walked in on someone having you know what. I felt thirsty so I went in the  kitchen to drink something, It was filled with people, when I was pouring water in my glass I saw Max across the table , he was completely wasted and I saw a girl clinging onto him she was trying to kiss him . I walked there and pushed her aside and ( see guys can't hit girls but bottoms can so) I threw her on floor and went to Max I know he is a lightweight and she was gonna take advantage ( as if "her taking advantage of him was gonna bother him" )of that but I didn't let that happen. I saw Max trying to stand from his seat, he didn't even know what was happening around, I said hi and helped him stand properly he looked at me and said.

Oh! Hey when did you come.

Just a while ago and saved you from getting raped by that bitch lying there, I pointed at the girl who was still on the floor (there were people in kitchen making out and playing something but no one bothered to pick her up so why do i ?)

Damn! Really ?

What ? You think I am joking?

No absolutely not, instead I should hug you for saving my life. And after saying that he hugged me.

He hugged me.😳😳😳
Hey guys how are you?  If you liked this chapter then thanks   and if not next time I will try to write something that you will enjoy.Pls vote and comment and take care, BYE.


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