Chapter 10

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Nick's pov

Today was monday again! I hate mondays cause I have to do all the shit again, going to school was one of the things I hated the most but now that I finally got a friend it's not that bad anymore and because of that stupid english project I get to see Jack more often I am just thinking that when will we do the project??well nevermind cause whenever I am in a group project I am that kid that does nothing and takes the credit I know that's not good but what to do.

I got out of my bathroom and was peacefully drying my hair when I looked at the clock. Shit! I only have 10 min till the bus comes. I leave my hair half wet and go to my closet and pick a jeans and a dark blue t-shirt and go down stairs to see my mom and brother having breakfast. My mom calls me to have breakfast but I say that I am late and ran to the bus stop and thank god I didn't miss the bus it came after 2-3 mins.

I reached to my locker and was checking my time table when someone from behind screamed Boo! Into my ear, I screamed like a girl because of shock I turned behind and saw that it was Peter laughing like an idiot and everybody around me was also laughing , God it was so embarrassing, I started hitting Peter with my book but he never stoped laughing.

Wtf! Why did you do that?😠

I didn't know you will scream like that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just wait you will have to pay for this I said taking my books and stuffing them into my bag .

"Aww! Is our Niki baby angry" Peter said mocking me.

Shut up and don't call me that.

"Aww! You are so cute when you are
angry an- Ahhhh! Peter was about to say something but someone screamed Boo! Behind him and Peter literally jumped 3ft high and screamed Ahhh! and his expression was so funny that it made me laugh. Peter turned around and saw that it was Max and Jack laughing, " Tit for tat" Max said and gave me a high five, I saw Jack laughing and it was one of things that I would die for. Seeing that, first thing in the morning already made my day. We stopped laughing and Peter was too embarrassed to say anything the bell rang and our first class was english.

We were heading to class talking about how Peter jumped, Peter was so silent " Peter don't be sad I will buy you a lollipop afterwards that will make you happy " Max said mocking Peter. "I am not sad I was just thinking about our project when are we going to do that? " Peter said changing the topic he is really good at that. "Oh yes! I totally forgot about that" said Max. "Ya why would you remember that as if you care about your grades" Peter said Max was about to say something when Peter asked Jack about when should we do it and Jack said that we should discuss about that in lunch we all agreed and got to our benches.


We all sat at the same table and talked about where should we do our project. I said that don't we count my house we would never be able to do anything in my house, so we all decided that we will do the project in Peter's house and then we all ate our lunch and talked. Max suggested that we should go somewhere after school we all thought that it was a good idea and it will also help us to get to know each other more. Hanging out with Jack 🥳🥳 was all i thought till the school ended.

Right now we were at the bowling alley and Jack was playing he threw the ball and knocked all the pins but one remained, Max threw the ball and only hit 4 pins and Peter also hit 4 pins, now it was my turn and all i praying that at least I should hit one pin cause in bowling luck is never with me, I threw the ball and closed my eyes and then open and saw that i knocked all of them I was so happy cause whenever I went to bowling I ended up losing, " Nice shot " Jack said Max and Peter agreed, when Jack said that i literally thought that i won an Olympic medal, God I am so dramatic but if your crush said that you would also have felt that way, we all played for some time and then ate and were going home now they dropped me off and when I turned to face my house I remembered that I forgot to tell my mom that i will be late, I entered my house and my mom was watching TV I made my way to my room without making any noise, I changed my clothes and went down stairs.

Hey mom!

What we're you doing in your room all the time?

I was completing my homework.

Oh! Okay, now tell the truth.

No mom i am serious I wa- was doing my homework be- because it's due tomorrow and if I don't submit the teacher will cut my marks.

Oh that's why you are doing your homework instead of wasting your time.

I didn't say anything because she was right I only do my homework when it's due tomorrow.

Do you want anything?

Umm no

Then why are you standing here! get lost! go study.

I made my way back to my room and sat on my bed. Even if I don't study I still manage to get good grades like in subjects like english, geography, French I always get straight As I only get Bs in maths and science that's because I am totally not interested in them my memory power is good so that's why I don't have to study the whole semester, I cover my syllabus a night before my exams. But my mom nothing is never enough for her for example even if I get 79 out of 80 in a test she would be like " where is that one mark? " This has happened a lot of times but every time it hurts a lot when she says that. My mom's words are very harsh that i can't even tell you, I don't even know when was the last time she politely talked with me.

I was lost in my thoughts when Sam came into my room without asking and crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

So where were you today?

What are you talking about?

You think you can fool me like you did to mom.

I will tell but first close the door.

He closed the door and sat on the beanbag which was in my room.

Seems like you have a lot of free time.

Ya my network is not working properly and i was getting bored so thought I should talk to my brother.

😑... I was hanging out with my friends.

😲...Huh? You have friends??

Of course! I have. I shouted. We went out for bowling and what about you ? How's school going?

Nothing much..... You know what Dave's best friend moved out of the town and since then he has been very quite, he doesn't talk to anyone and he seems depressed.

Then why don't you try being friends with him?

Are you kidding me? I mean why would he want to be friends with me?

Why not? There's nothing wrong with you.... No I mean for me there are a lot of things that are wrong with you but in school like you are good in sports, studies everyone likes you.

Sam thought for a minute and said "I think you are right I should try but how?"

I can't help with that.

Then Sam left my room without closing the door. I sat on my bed and started doing my homework cause it is actually due tomorrow.

Hey guys so another chapter and I promise I will definitely spice things up in the next chapter no matter what. Till then have a nice day 😊😊.

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