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(this part of the diary is before the previous entries)

During lunch today my friends kept pushing me towards him; and my other friends pushed him towards me. it was literally so hectic. i felt so bad during the times we were at the table. when we got outside they kept pushing me to him and he literally spat on me and made a DANG HEART. that spit fr made it worse 😭 the rest of the day after that was really fun though and thats all really that happened.

update - are these jeans and sweater curse or something


jeonghans pov

i was playing some games with seungcheol hyung and wonwoo since i was pretty bored.

"WONU GET HIM" said a scream from my headphones

"DANG BE PATIENT HYUNG" wonwoo retorted back and soon after headshot him

it was the last person of the match against wonwoo and seungcheol we played for how long and how many games? I was already dead for this last round of the game but those two were still up. seungcheol hyung ended up getting the last guy on the opposing leading us to win again.

"wonwoo-ah whatchu doing?" a voice came out from wonus mic. it sounded feminine and tired; well obviously it was yeonseo "valo? can i join?" she asked him i spoke up saying "why not? wonu-ah add her" why did i say that? i have no idea but why not? it would probably be fun.

"jeonghan hyung told you to get on" wonwoo told his sister.

"I wanna play something else though like maybe fortnite or some." scoups hyung said through the line. I glanced at the time and replied saying "i'm down for anything" we all got on the game and played a few games.

"dang yeonseo you suck" i teased her after she died. "shut up yoon jeonghan" it gave me memories from before we kinda grew apart. when we all used to play games, yeonseo playing whatever we did just to have something to talk about and play with with us.

"YOON JEONGHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" said multiple voices at the same time. i didnt realize that i was getting shot but being the cool amazing gamer i am i killed the guy 😜.

"you're so fucking stupid" i heard her mumble "what did you say?" i asked back

"i said you're stupid"

"you said something else before that"


"you have such a big ego don't you?" i replied shortly

"no what do you mean and why are we back on this conversation?"

"1v1 me then"


our little mini argument got stopped by scoups saying "alright stop it you love birds we get it"

"EW NO" i heard yeonseo shout on her mic echoing on wonwoos. it gave me more flashbacks from before. oh how i missed those times now realizing it. i couldn't hold my smile thinking about it as we kept playing. also to be exact, i missed old vc times. not her as much.

yeonseo's pov

after playing for a while made me remember old times playing with them, seungcheol, jeonghan, shua, all of them. it made me realize how much i used to call them but then stopped joining all of a sudden. the way that they made a gc for themselves but i didn't really mind, but how i missed calling them from time to time- how it gave me so many memories including some questionable ones but none that i ever want to forget. after a while they started calling in it again and i joined sometimes for a while if i was able to.

it was already midnight, and it was a homework free weekend- for me at least. i doubt jeonghan has his work done.

. . .

it's now 4am. we kept playing for a while switching games every now and then, we even played with jeonghans sister and my friend joohyun. like that one time- a very odd time thats for sure. we're now just watching some random stuff and all of us are falling asleep. we all also moved from computers to our phones in bed.

right at that moment, my eyes already drooping and about to close to sleep i get a notification from my phone saying

jeonghan <3
8 ball
i bet im still better than you

now here comes the 8 ball memories washing back into my brain. my terrible luck only when i play with him. the amount of times i woke up from notifications from the one and only.

bet yoon jeonghan

we played the game and i ended up winning

see what did i say 😜😜😜

jeonghan <3
that was practice

im going to sleep

i turned on my focus and went to sleep. no notifications after. just plain quiet forgetting that i didn't leave the call.

broken love - yoon jeonghan | book 1Where stories live. Discover now