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dear diary

i haven't written in a while but in that while a lot happened. jeonghan sat with me and my other friends and let me tell you, my heart raced. at this point, no one knew i liked him. he sat with us during snack as the others were at their usual table next to us. right before the bell rang, i went to the restroom and he left the table. that's how the whole ship started. i felt scared? even though they didn't know it felt like they found out even though they definitely didn't. do i still like him? i think so, but i think they kinda dropped because of this situation. but i definitely still do like him.

now im getting tired so i'll just keep writing next time :D

yeonseo's pov

i woke up hearing my alarm ringing. waking up from my deep slumber, i got up and brushed my teeth. i then took a quick shower and put on my uniform. after doing that my phone started ringing once again.

"him again?" i questioned to myself answering

"yes?" i said to the microphone of the phone while the words "come outside" came out through the speaker.

i checked my window to see him waiting outside the house. we're going this far?

"okay." i ended the call and grabbed my backpack. i went down the stairs and informed the maids and driver that i would be going with my 'friend' today.

i opened the doors and walked to the car. i opened the car door got into the front passenger seat of the car.

"why did you pick me up?" i asked to start a conversation.

"did you forget? we're dating now. people have to see us together." he paused then contined "anyways i also wanted to get breakfast" he finished after pulling over to a cafe called 'darling 1004'. we entered the building and told the cashier what we wanted. i pulled out my card and almost paid until jeonghan's hand moved mines away.

"i'll pay, i'd be a bitch if i let you" i looked at him weirdly and said "like we're even actually dating. you never paid before. you even tried stealing my money and tried begging me for some too!" he retorted back saying "dating or not, i'd still pay" i gave up but was surprised that he got a little mad over that statement. before, he would never pay. i paid for everything unless he bought me a gift from somewhere else but i guess he changed from his past girlfriends. i thanked him as we sat down at a table where we we were served our food.

"mmh this is so good!" i said in delight as jeonghan smiled looking down at his coffee cake and put his fork through it. "i'm glad you like it." he said putting the cake into his mouth. that smile was genuine. it brought back so many more memories. his cute smile that lit up sparks in me. just another reason i remember falling for him long ago.

we finished our meal and got to school. jeonghan grabbed my bag and his as he said "shall we?" and got out of the car. "such a fake gentleman" i mumbled as i followed and we were getting looks everywhere. even more than usual

"they both came together?"

"are they dating?" other things were mumbled between people as if we couldn't hear. "looks like our plan is already working" he whispered into my ear. jeonghan then grabbed my hand and we both entered the school.

i would be lying if i said my heart wasn't skipping beats.

jeonghan's pov

i grabbed her hand we both walked into campus with more people looking at us. even my friends were surprised. we walked over to them and i let go of her hand.

"daebak, yoon jeonghan your incredible it's only the first day" hansol commented as we got there i laughed in return and i asked yeonseo where she had to go. i brought her to her first class as i said bye and went back with my friends to get to my own class.

yeonseo's pov

i entered the classroom with basically everyone staring at me. that's when i realized this fake relationship can go one way or the other. the way we wanted or the complete opposite

i sat down at my usual seat next to the window and some of my classmates including some that also for some reason had something against me came up to me.

"what was that jeon yeonseo! you came with yoon jeonghan?" this girl named youngeun screamed at me.

i replied casually saying "i don't get what's wrong with coming with my friend, yet my boyfriend." after finishing my sentence i smirked at her. "i guess your ex really didn't like you. i hope we don't have any problems."

"you fucking bitch." she slammed her hands on my desk

"i knew you would say that. i'm glad we're on the right track" i grinned at her after saying the last part. the game is so on.

broken love - yoon jeonghan | book 1Where stories live. Discover now