╌ 🍥 ꒱꒱✦ chapter 42

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on the way to the place was much quicker than they had anticipated, probably because no one ever particularly uses this street at around 6pm at night. it was luck for those two.

cindy decided on wearing white jacket that was loosely big on her, a plain black sleeveless top and denim jeans that were high waisted. she wore black converse shoes. the night was breezier than what the forecast had said.

"is this where it is?" cindy looked towards the lit building that definitely stood out amongst the row of shops. it was an open bar and through the windowless windows she could see an abundant of people sitting around on tables and stools.

"yeah, hmmm," thais looked at the bar from sideways, perking when a store worker saw them outside the see through door. the worker walked out of the bar and asked if there was anything wrong or if they were lost.

"oh, i have a gig here?" thais sounded unsure with her own answer, the worker who was wearing a brown apron clasped their own hands together and intertwined them. "oh yes! i heard we have a new performer and i think that's you?"

cindy watched the interaction, hoping that thais was the supposed new performer at this bar. the worker beckoned them both to come into the bar, obediently walking in with an excited smile on their faces.

"so this is our manager," the worker took them near the back of the bar where a "staff only" door stood and a well-dressed man stood before it, he was checking his watch before his eyes flickered towards both the newcomers.

"oh, you're the girl from yesterday," his manner quickly switched as he smiled upon seeing thais, "i'll take you backstage yeah? oh- and who is this lovely lady?" his eyebrow quirked as he saw thais' escort beside her.

"i'm cindy, her driver," she replied, putting her hands in her pockets subconsciously. "nice nice, i never caught your name by the way," he turned his attention back to the performer. "i'm thais," she said, shaking the male's hand which cindy didn't even realise was out.

"great! let's take you backstage, unfortunately your friend can't hang around the back.." he eyed cindy with a sense of warning, cindy did not appreciate the way her heart dropped as she looked to thais. "sorry cindy-"

"nah, it's okay! i'm supporting you from out here," cindy reassured thais who nodded in acknowledgement, she smiled one last time and walked with the manager who was already talking about the arrangement and scheduled times.

cindy aimlessly walked around the crowded bar, music blaring from some random artist on stage as of now to which cindy was barely paying attention. since she was thais' driver, she was restricting herself from alcohol.

even if it mean she really needed it as of right now. the stress climbing through each muscle and adding new tension.

'i should really get a relaxing bath or something,' she stretched her taut muscles, rolling her shoulders back. she sat down on a nearby empty booth, which she somehow luckily found, sinking into the velvety cushions and she wasn't so far off the stage.

her eyes watched the current artist who was singing right now, it was a peculiar pair of two people. one was playing the keyboard and the other was playing the guitar. it was a sweet and slow melody that cindy listened along to very well.

"spread before your eyes is the ivory milky way~" cindy swayed to the music, thinking of a certain brown-haired (she doesn't even know that the person has dyed their hair) with her eyes closed shut.

"blooming gold season, like our summer~" it did feel summery today, the sunlight always tickling her skin with a tingling sensation and hitting her eyelids with that bright red colour.

"no matter where you are, no matter what season,

if we're together, feel like summer~"

cindy stopped listening onwards, her heart clamping together as her arteries had a hard time flowing the blood through. it was really a painful reminder, she didn't want to be an overthinker or assume anything but the thoughts crossed her mind unwillingly.

'i wonder.. if nora and tima are already together. no no, why would i assume they're gay? all from a twitter scandal cindy? you know better than that! but no one can miss the look in their eyes-'

"and next up! we have a new performer and her name is thais~ you might've heard her music around here!" the audience cheered, settling down as thais arrived with her electric guitar and plugging something into it. she methodically strummed a song and cindy smiled fondly, knowing what song it was.

russia state of mind once again.

cindy started repeating some of the lyrics she had remembered. not much but thais hearing it made her feel even more passionate about the song, powerfully rapping as the crowd cheered continuously throughout. cindy reminisced the memories of seeing thais on the kitchen table leaning over and scribbling lyrics over and over until she knew it was perfect.

thais was hardworking and cindy knew that hardworkers will always get what they worked for. cindy would do anything to see thais succeed in the musical career, even if it meant giving up her life for it. she wanted her once-homeless friend to have a smooth stable life throughout.

snuggling into the booth, she intently watched the entire performance, seeing it all the way through. but no song or catchy melody could stop her wandering mind back to the limitless thoughts of nora and tima.


i really like the song that the 2 people were singing, i waz like THIS IS PERFECTTT!!!!! also im on writers block bye </3 i wont be writing 2 per day on weekends

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