╌ 🍥 ꒱꒱✦ chapter 32

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nora squealed, pulling out her phone to take photos of the ice cream, cindy and her.

"oh my god, slay! look at the gorgeous ice cream cindy!" nora's words were jumbled, traversing through the ears of cindy. cindy looked at the ice cream, it looked so delicious.

"why are you taking photos like as if you're a facebook mum?" cindy questioned jokingly, picking up the wooden spoon and flicking her wrist to the side sassily.

"oh my fucking god, shut up," nora dragged the word up really long, exaggerating it. the words were like chains, being dragged.

"hurry up and eat it before it fucking melts," cindy rushed her, nora quickly put her phone down on the table. taking a wooden spoon and twirling it in her fingers.

"brooooo, i haven't had this flavour in so long," nora stabbed the ice cream with force, like the ice cream had murdered her entire family... and her cat. cindy watched the ice bits splatter on the floor.

watching the ice cream sink down in force and squash. cindy cringed slightly, her pout being present and her eyebrows (do i even have to say anything about her eyebrows though) furrowing slightly.

"sorry, i did not mean for that to happen," nora apologised, smiling awkwardly at cindy. cindy laughed it off and said whatever as they dug into their ice cream.

it was a wonderful occasion. even if it was sort of ruined, they never paid too much attention to it. after all, the whole point of it was to hang out together no matter the circumstances. as long as they had each other, it was enough.

their presence was comforting to each other, it was like telling sweet nothings into their ear and being stroked on the head affectionately and their presence radiating that everything is going to turn out well. that's what their aura said to the other person anyway.

"fuck. we almost ate the whole thing already," nora gulping down the ice cream chunk while also holding onto her head prior to the brain freeze. cindy looked down at the bowl in surprise.

"shit, you're right," cindy poked at the bowl on the inside mindlessly, the melted liquid sloshed slightly at the tug.

"mmm man, how am i going to push through life like this," nora suddenly started, her eyes switching between cindy and the ice cream, not sure where to focus on. she ended up looking at the window beside them.

cindy followed suit, looking out the window. she sort of didn't want another vent but this was her friend she was talking about, as much as she was known as the wise one she never really wanted to take too many of people's problems to carry. after all she had her own sexuality and mid crisis' to deal with.

"girl, have you ever heard of therapy?" cindy turned towards nora and focusing on her. nora shook nervously at that.

"that is sort of terrifying, no?"
"well not really, you open up to a stranger who can't really judge you and they help you with your life problems," cindy shrugged.

nora contemplated it. tapping her fingers on the table with thoughts, trying to swim around her thoughts to catch a breather.

"i suppose that would help my fucking mess," nora chuckled drily, her fingers suddenly started going into a rhythm.

the silence had settled in, except for the hum buzz of the air conditioner and the cashiers working efficiently and the musical drumming coming from nora.

"i do have a friend who would willingly take you in for therapy. cost of a friend discount," cindy suggested.

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