╌ 🍥 ꒱꒱✦ chapter 24

26 4 33

trigger warning: mentions of death //

everything hit like a truck, bus, train and an airplane crashing from the sky. what's happening you may ask as the story blurs quickly like the weekends passing by to the shocked horrors of school.

nora was hit all at once, not by a truck, a bus, a train nor an airplane if you're asking.

her family drama ensues.

"what the fuck do you mean?!" nora screamed relentlessly as her father pushes his hair back with pained eyes.

"she's fucking gone okay?! there's nothing we can do about it!" he yelled back at her, standing over her as nora's first instinct was to leave the room.

"you're telling me that my sister and my mum died in a goddamn car crash?! are you being serious?" she cried out, grabbing onto her hair and feeling her fingers slide through every crevice of hair molecule there was.

her father held his head up high as his jaw clenched. nodding slightly to show nora that whatever came out of her mouth, was indeed true.

nora stormed out the room as her father shouted incoherent words and thrashed their living room about.


nora gripped tightly onto her phone, she wanted to at least feel better and take herself into another world. to feel solace in a time of distress like this.

hopping onto twitter as she paces around the room anxiously, she's scrolling aimlessly until she finds one tweet that had her heart drop. possibly getting herself into cardiac arrest.

the tweet read...

@/anita_101.x : "Lol you guys know Nora? she's fucking GAY and she's dating that girl on instagram. You blind mfs,"

and we all know that twitter is the start of all literal wars. with comments and likes blowing from this fake tweet. nora gripped her phone tightly in anger as she saw multiple replies of surprise.

how did they believe this tweet? it was even blowing up to non-fans of her account and was soon going to become a scandal of hers. on top of that, nora had to deal with the death of her goddamn family members.

it could even be leaked to add more fuel to the fucking fire.

nora started shoving away strands of hair as the crystal tears started building up behind her eyelids. the exhaustion and burn out had finally caught up to her.

the processing of so much information had wired her brain to completely shut down, knocking her out senseless onto the bed. her head laid on the blankets, her body shifted itself on the bed. her phone with the bright tweets, incessantly buzzing in her hand.

but to no avail, she remained unresponsive. her breaths were shallow as the stress was still latched onto her even if she passed out.

tch, tch

the day passed by without another word (it was around 4pm at that time), she awoke at 11pm. her body ached and her head screamed in agony.

nora sat up with her hand clutched her head. her eyes wavered as the dizzying motion of her sight sickened her.

but then of course, her brain suddenly wanted to torture her and crash a wave of information right in her face. thank you, brain.

she felt all the signs of stress and honestly, she could even feel her strands of hair become white because of how much pressure she's been under.

she was going to suffer alone, in the dark pitiful bedroom. she did not want that at all, she wanted to at least be distracted from all the goddamn pain she was feeling.

so she opened up the first app that came to her head and messages her trusted friend, cindy.

"uh i know we haven't talked in a while but, aha
let's try?"

lowkey didn't know how nora would react to family death sorry 😘😯
characters r actually so hard to give life to 😔
also i wrote this at 2am so correct me for mistakes pls mwah

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